Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 48: I have offended people from the inside out




The wooden door was suddenly opened...

A cold wind followed the figure into the quiet room, and the temperature of the house, which was still quite warm just now, dropped instantly...

Although the monks are not invaded by the cold and heat, after all, no one likes the cold wind in his house. Cangsong frowned and pressed the paper on his wooden table that was blown by the wind, and then turned his head and looked outside the door!

At this moment, Su Yi shook the Fengchen on his body and stepped in.

Cang Song couldn't help but froze for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: "Jingyu, didn't you say you want to avoid the limelight at Tongtian Peak? How come back after more than half a year of work? There is still a long way to go from the Seven Meridians. Time! Is it because you don’t get along with them?"

"That's not... It's just that there is no way. If you are in a hurry, find the master!"

Su Yi said casually, then sat down beside him, made a cup of tea and drank...

This time I went to Tongtian Peak and I really made a lot of pots and pots... Not only did I gain an extra harvest of the masterful sword art of Slashing Ghosts, but my original purpose was to tell Cang Song Wanjianichi's existence, but I don’t know why, that guy. As if suddenly figured it out, he took the initiative to invite Cang Song over to chat... It saved his boss's effort!

Excessive completion of the task, there is wood...

"Oh? Are you looking for a teacher in an urgent matter?" Cang Song looked at Su Yi with a playful smile, and seemed to be a little bit ridiculous.

Find me? What are you looking for?

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he took the matter to his heart, and said directly: "This is the master. My disciples have been practicing swordsmanship at the ancestral temple behind the Tongtian Peak for a while. Laziness for a moment..."

Cang Song nodded in approval and said, "Well, your Taoism has indeed been greatly enhanced! It seems that you have not been lazy in the past six months!"

"The point is not here, Master...Don't interrupt me!"

Cang Song shook his head funny. He didn't get angry, and said, "Well, well, go ahead. Just don't interrupt you as the teacher."

"That's good..." Su Yi was about to continue speaking, but couldn't help being slightly startled. Then he asked embarrassedly: "I... Where did I say Master?"

Cang Song smiled and said, "You said that you have been practicing painstakingly during this period of time, and you have not slackened at all..."

"Yeah, yes, that's the end of it, but~~!!!" Su Yi said in a heavy tone, but, "But I have an adventure for the disciple... I met in the Qingyunmen Houshan Shrine. An old man, a very powerful senior, feels as if he is more powerful than you, Master! More importantly... he knows you, Master, and he asked me to bring you a message. Say that there is an old deceased in the Houshan Shrine, let Go and chat with him more when you have time!"

"Oh? An old friend?" Seeing that Su Yi's face was not like a joke, Cang Song also put away his funny expression, he said with a serious face: "Strength is stronger than me? Shocking Yu, you have achieved a small amount of Taoism now. You can't read it wrong, right? In the entire Qingyun Gate, except for Senior Brother Daoxuan, no one is stronger than me! Even Fatty Tian, ​​at best, is incomparable with me as a teacher!"

Sure enough, you also called him Fatty Tian in private! Master, we really have a common language!

Su Yi gave a compliment from the bottom of his heart, and then said with a serious face: "But it is an indisputable fact that he knows you! And he is very good to me. When he saw that I was using the Dragon Slashing Sword, he seemed to miss it very much, and even specially He taught me a very powerful sword technique!"

"What sword tactic did he teach you? Isn't it the true tactic of the Divine Sword Yulei?" Cang Song heard the Dragon Slashing Sword. His complexion instantly turned gloomy, he seemed to have a premonition, and his hands on the table slowly clenched fists.

"That's not!" Su Yi denied Cangsong's question, and then slowly said in his already extremely serious look: "He taught me, it seems that we have long lost the four true methods of Qingyun Mountain. One of the sword tactics...slashing ghosts!


The wooden chair that Cang Song had been following him for decades fell apart in an instant, and he stood up suddenly, without seeing any movements, he had already crossed the table and stood in front of Su Yi. Holding Su Yi's shoulders tightly with both hands, there was a bit of eager shock in his voice. And the glimmer of light that can be seen in the abyss of despair! That ray of life...

Cang Song's lips trembled as if worried that the glimmer of life would disappear. He seemed to dare not ask, but he seemed to want to ask again... After a long time, he finally asked, "Jingyu...Do you know the name of that person?"

"I don't know! I only know that he has been cleaning next to the ancestral hall of Houshan Patriarch for hundreds of years..."

"Hundreds of years……"

Cangsong's face suddenly turned pale, he couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, and his always calm face was also a bit sad, he whispered to himself: "Hundreds of years... ……Just right……"

"Ah? What did you say, Master?"

"Nothing! Jingyu, I have to go out in a hurry, so don't follow me..." Cang Song suddenly became anxious, and he strode out of the room door in a hurry. He just walked out a few steps before looking back After taking a look at Su Yi, he sighed, "Jing Yu, in the six months since you left, a disciple named Lu Xueqi from Xiao Zhufeng has come to you twice..."

Having said that, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and sighed: "That girl looks very fresh and refined. I wanted to make a joke with you about this, but I'm really not in the mood right now. In your free time, you might as well visit Xiaozhufeng! That Lu Xueqi is not as good as you, but she is not far away. Shuiyue must be very fond of her, and you must remember not to offend others!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't even wait to walk out of the yard, so he flew out with the Yujian, and the direction was the location of Tongtian Peak...

However, Su Yi sighed slightly after Cang Song's figure disappeared completely. He had done everything he could, and he was worthy of Cang Shihu's true teachings. If he is still persistent in the future If you want to betray Qingyun, then you can't imagine... After all, with your current strength, there are really few things you can do!

Fortunately, even if he betrayed in the future, his life is worry-free! This is not more or less a comfort! I am his apprentice and not his nanny, and there is no need to intervene in the way people will go in the future... But... Lu Xueqi? What is he coming to me for? The strength came in and cut me out?

"Master, that Junior Sister Lu has come to see Junior Brother Lin again..."

Su Yizheng was full of melancholy questions, but a disciple suddenly broke in outside the door. He couldn't help being taken aback when he saw that Cangsong was not there, and seeing the scattered chairs in the room was taken aback, and then he saw that he was standing at the door. Su Yi in the distance, a face suddenly became cold...At this time Cang Song was not there, he naturally did not have to pretend, but directly said unceremoniously: "Junior Brother Lin, right? Someone is looking for you outside! Really, every I want to pass the pass the next time, but I hide myself and see no one... I don’t know what I'm sorry to do!"

He was very aggrieved! However, he looked quite envious, jealous and hated during the conversation... Obviously he was very dissatisfied that such a beautiful junior came to him!

However, Su Yi didn't care about this person's attitude at all... Or since the news that he and Qi Hao were fighting for the first place on the Dragon Head Peak spread out Many disciples who had a lot of opinions on him. They are even more rude to him, even worse...

It seems that as Cang Shihu said, Qi Hao is indeed very marketable among the low-level disciples!

But I don’t care about your opinions at all...a group of trash who can only be jealous, they don’t even have the qualifications to let me watch!

Su Yi snorted softly, then walked out without seeing the disciple.

And this disciple realized that he was ignored by Su Yi, and his expression suddenly became gloomy! But thinking of this guy’s rumors of his ability to pursue Patriarch Qingye, after all he dared not step forward to teach him!

And even though Su Yi was arrogantly facing this guy, when he walked past the senior and turned his back to him, he couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness on his face!

Master Yo, Master, you let me not offend this sister Lu, who is loved by Xiaozhufeng’s first water moon... But what you don’t know is that I had offended others as early as a few years ago... The feet, from the inside to the outside, are completely offended, but there is nothing wrong with it! (To be continued)








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