Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 57: We still don’t know when the blue cloud flower was picked





The number of people is increasing, and gradually, just like yesterday, the sea of ​​clouds is once again occupied by the disciples of Qingyunmen... But this time, the people did not gather in piles like yesterday, but surrounded them. Each of the eight tables is waiting for the competition that they want to watch. Anyway, who is compared with whom, which table is compared, this has already been written on red paper... One of the largest tables has the largest number of people, almost accounting for Half of all the disciples, and most of them are young male disciples... But there is a place for Xiaozhufeng Lu Xueqi to compete!

Lu Xueqi is known as Xiaozhufeng's most outstanding beauty in five hundred years, and she has naturally become famous in this Qingyunmen. Countless people want to see the beauty of this peerless beauty fighting the enemy!

It was a coincidence that the eight stages and sixty-three people competed in four games... But Lu Xueqi was in the same contest with Su Yi, but his plan to watch the cute girls' contest was completely defeated!

I stood under the stage and waited for a long time, seeing that the contest was about to begin, but Lu Xueqi never showed up... Su Yi sighed helplessly, turned and walked towards his ring! No way, my game is about to start...

At this time, there was already a tall figure on the ring that belonged to Su Yi, and his expression was quite gentle. He looked at Su Yi who had come to the stage step by step, and then glanced at the lonely big cat and kitten under the ring. Two of them competed with Lu Xueqi at the same time, but no one came to watch their game... Now they couldn't help but laugh bitterly!

"Junior Brother Lin, I've heard of the name for a long time!" When Su Yi came up, Peng Chang answered gently.

The attitude of the other party was quite good, and Su Yi was naturally very polite. He smiled and said, "Please also ask Senior Brother Peng for advice!"

"I don't dare to teach me. The Dragon Slashing Sword is the supreme weapon of my Qingyunmen. I just want to see it!" Peng Chang smiled confidently. Said: "The Wu Hook Sword in my hand is made of thousand-year-old fire bronze. It is hot and hot. Brother Lin must be careful!"

"Thank you brother for your advice!"

"Junior Brother Lin. Please!"



Although Su Yi said "please", he still had the double swords on his back... he didn't mean to pull them out at all.

And Peng Chang was not angry. Before, he had heard that Uncle Zeng often sighed about the peculiar talent of the man in front of him, and regretted that he had not been able to receive it in the Fenghuifeng...How can he be an arrogant person if he can get the first place in the line!


With a loud shout, as a senior, Peng Chang took the lead in offering the Wu hook sword in his hand. The magical soldier cast in thousand-year-old fire bronze whirled in the air, bursting out flames and thick smoke. Qi transpires up. Then it was submerged in the mist of the sea of ​​clouds... The fire grew stronger and stronger, and gradually condensed into the appearance of a fire dragon. The sound of crackling burning inside was endless, and I didn't know what was burning!

With the growth of the fire dragon, the several disciples who came to investigate Su Yi Xiuwei from the Fenghui Peak and Longshou Peak under the stage couldn't help but change their complexion slightly. This Peng Chang usually does not show the mountains and the water. Not bad, this rush of heat actually caused these people to step back a few steps, avoiding the scorching heat!

Su Yi, who was the first to bear the brunt, stood firm. Standing with his hands in his hands, he faintly looked at the fire dragon with dancing claws in front, although his expression was gentle. There is obvious contempt in his eyes...It's not that he is arrogant, but he is playing with fire...what is the difference between this and playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

Through the fire dragon, seeing the disapproval meaning in Su Yi's eyes, Peng Chang's anger flashed through his heart. As his anger rose, the fire dragon roared silently in the whistling sound, and then carried the boundless might, toward the front of Su. Rush away!

The fire dragon has not yet arrived. An extremely hot billowing airflow has already come, but it is a pity that these airflows are extremely hot. However, it was difficult for Su Yi to have a semi-discriminatory change, facing the fire dragon that Peng Chang fully condensed. He just stretched out a hand...

The fire dragon transformed by spiritual power...the fire dragon that didn't have a physical body! Su Yi was strangling his throat! Seeing the scorching high temperature as nothing, Su Yi suddenly spread a golden flame in his hand. The temperature of this flame did not seem to be so high, at least not as hot as the fire dragon... But Peng Chang suddenly changed his complexion, and he found himself The fire dragon condensed with all its strength is actually burning...

The flame is actually being burned by the flame?

Su Yi held the huge fire dragon in his hand tightly, as if it had contained its lifeline. No matter how hard he struggled, he could hardly escape, and the golden flames in his hand slowly burned, and the scarlet fire dragon was gradually eroded, just like Peng Chang discovered That way, the golden flame... is burning this dragon!

The golden flames evolving from the incense jade book cultivated on the basis of the Nine Underworld Yin and Yang Art, how can the temperature of an ordinary disciple of Peng Chang be compared, but in an instant, all the fire dragons have turned into golden... Completely eroded a clean!

Su Yi squeezed the palm of his hand forcefully, and the tongue of flames suddenly splashed, and the fire dragon immediately disappeared. Only one sword was still in his hand. Isn't it the Wu hook sword that Peng Chang is proud of!

I thought I would be able to see Zhanlong’s edge at least, but I couldn’t expect it to be a trick, but his proud move was easily cracked by the opponent, and even the magic weapon was taken away. Peng Chang was stunned for a while... even the disciples in the audience. They all had an unbelievable look, and they won the right method with one move. The Seven Channels Huiwu has been held for twenty years, but this is the first time I heard it!

Oops, Brother Qi is in danger!

The face of the Dragon Shoufeng disciple under the arena changed slightly, and he hurriedly turned and ran towards Qi Hao, who was also competing in another arena!

Su Yi smiled, held Wu Goujian in his hands, handed it back to Peng Chang, and said with a smile: "Brother Peng, you have accepted!"

Peng Chang couldn't help but grinned helplessly. He stretched out his hand to take Wu Goujian, and said with a wry smile: "Junior Brother Lin is far superior to me in Taoism, but I want to thank Junior Brother Lin for his kindness!" He is a sensible person. Knowing that the game was not over at this time, if Su Yi shot him off the ring, it would not be considered a violation...

The elder Qingyunmen in charge of the referee stroked his white beard and couldn't help but laughed with relief. This was the game he wanted to watch! The disciples are harmonious, the outcome is second...

He shouted: "Okay! This battle is the victory of Longshoufeng Lin Jingyu!"

The elder's voice just fell, but the biggest trunk ring suddenly erupted with a loud exclamation, and the winner was also divided over there... The speed was not slower than Su Yi by half a point!

It's just...Why did this exclamation sound a bit angry?

Su Yi couldn't help but stunned slightly, then hugged Peng Chang with a fist, then turned and ran towards the Qinhao ring! That was where Lu Xueqi competed. For this girl, he had to admit that she had planted a unique seed in her heart!

And Peng Chang couldn't help but was stunned, and then followed Su Yi's footsteps to the Qianhao ring!

Wherever I went, I saw that many of Long Shoufeng's disciples were all here, and the one who competed with Lu Xueqi was a disciple named Fang Chao from the line of Long Shoufeng! And he is lying on the ground at the moment, knowing his life or death, and a sacred sword that is broken in two is placed on the ground, the light is scattered, and there is a dead thing... Obviously under the sky, this magic weapon has already lost its spirituality... Become Fantie!

On the arena, Lu Xueqi was charming and standing with a sword! Blu-ray is booming above Tianya! The cold expression is better than the usual three points!

Su Yi was slightly startled, remembering that in the original work, Lu Xueqi didn't get out of the sheath until the end of Tianya. How come her Tianya got out of the sheath in the first game now? And Fang Chao clearly suffered a very serious injury! This is different from the performance of Lu Xueqi in the original book... Could it be because of her own butterfly effect?

I glanced at Lu Xueqi on the stage, trying to tell from her look what she was thinking... But Lu Xueqi immediately turned her face away, and didn't even look at Su Yi, as if she was trying to escape him. There were dense clouds directly under her feet and flew to Shuiyue on the stand!

Looking at Lu Xueqi who was flying away blankly, Su Yi was at a loss for a moment, but suddenly there was an angry shout next to him: "Junior Brother Lin, you are too much!"



Su Yi turned his head and looked, only to see Qi Hao squatting there to examine Fang Chao's injury, and then staring at himself with an angry expression... Does it have something to do with me again?

He sighed helplessly, Su Yi sighed, and said, "Senior Brother Qi, what does this have to do with me?"

"On the entire Longshou Peak, no one knows that you and Junior Sister Lu have always been close, and the relationship is extraordinary... It is clear that you are dissatisfied with our rejection of you, so you instructed Junior Sister Lu to take this heavy hand. ?"

As soon as Qi Hao's voice fell, hundreds of disciples around him all looked at Su Yi with a bit of murderous in their eyes, not only because of Fang Chao's More of that sentence. You have a close relationship with Junior Sister Lu, and the relationship is extraordinary... Could it be that the delicate flowers that we have only appeared once in hundreds of years in Qingyunmen were picked so quietly?

Su Yi sneered twice. In the face of such slander, he didn't bother to worry about Cang Shi's face. He sneered: "Qi Hao, don't slander me here. It is clearly Fang Chao coveting the beauty of Junior Sister Lu, what did he say? It’s true that it’s too much to make her unhappy, right? It’s really a nest of snakes and rats, all of them are a lot of age, so they are going to harass some young and beautiful girls, and they are not afraid of being scolded by the old cow. grass……"


The killing intent in Qi Hao's eyes flashed by, obviously these words touched his sadness... He angrily said: "I don't care about you like this! If you don't care about fellowship like this, then we will compete. See you on the court!"

"Huh, that's what I meant!"

Qi Hao led a group of disciples from Longshoufeng Wu Lala and left... but Su Yi glanced at Lu Xueqi's direction worriedly... I always felt that her condition was not right... (to be continued)

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