Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 107: Really in one language?

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   Mindful of the content of the five books of the heavenly book, after a long time, Su Yi finally sighed with satisfaction!

   Five books of heaven! The supreme Taiji Xuanqing Dao of Qingyunmen was born out of it. Although it is now difficult to distinguish the true one from each other, they complement each other and complement each other. This benefit is absolutely impossible for any other book of heaven. Comparable...

   Su Yi can be sure that even the first volume of the heavenly book, as the general outline of the heavenly book, is definitely not as helpful to the cultivation of Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao as the five-volume book! With its help, I am afraid that my Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao cultivation speed can advance ten times faster than ordinary people, and there is no worry of unstable foundation! The supreme Taiqing Realm, which is beyond sight to others, is almost reachable for my current self!

   If you go to Tianyin Temple in the future to **** the four volumes of the Book of Heaven, you will be more sure!

   clenched his fists, Su Yi's eyes flashed with killing intent!

If it is said that Su Yi was still planning to try to deceive the four volumes of the Book of Heaven with Heping Ping, after the battle of Yuqing Palace, he really lost his affection for these monks... Although Puhong is indeed a generation of eminent monks, although It is true that the Dharma image is extremely modest and kind...but...

   "Pu Kong...I won't kill you! I am indignant after all!!!"

He gritted his teeth and said, thinking of Cangsong who had already passed away, Su Yi felt another nameless fire in his heart... But at this time the hostility of Zhuxian Ancient Sword had been temporarily suppressed by Shenshi and Xuanhuojian. The situation is lost!

   Now that he is sober, Su Yi just recalled that he was in Liubo Mountain before. I am afraid that Cang Shi has already prepared to die to thank the world... His words at that time included some words on the Qingyun Tongtian Peak. Some strange behaviors, in fact, reveal a farewell message both inside and outside. It's just that I am too self-righteous, thinking that I have changed the plot, and no matter how bad it is, I can make Cang Shihu's situation a little better... but I have neglected that in his heart, the Qingyun Gate is actually the most important! For Qingyunmen, even if he died, he would be willing to die...


   sighed, turned the Zhuxian sword in his hand, Su Yi frowned slightly. He sighed: "Old Shui, you should go back to Qingyun Mountain! By the way, take this Zhuxian Sword back! Master died for Qingyun! If I took the Zhuxian Sword, wouldn't his effort be completely destroyed? What's more, this Immortal Jade Sword is far from being able to control me... staying around is harmful and useless!"

   Shui Qilin straightened up, turned his head, swallowed the Zhuxian Sword into his stomach, then stared at Su Yi, bit his sleeve and tugged slightly, motioning him to climb on his back...

Su Yi smiled bitterly, "No way, Lao Shui. For the time being, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back... Let's not say that if I go back, Master Dao Xuan will definitely prevent me from avenging my Master. After all, Qingyun Gate and Tianyin Temple The war will only let Fenxiang Valley pick up the bargain for nothing... just a bloodthirsty bead. Can I still give them the Fire Lin sword?"

   rubbed the huge head of Shui Qilin, it obediently lowered its head and let out a comfortable snort. Su Yi said with a smile: "I'll go to find a place to quietly understand the five books of the heavenly books! After all, my opponents in the future will be stronger than each, based on my current strength. It is really too weak...well, Zhu Xianjian Leaving Qingyun Gate for too long. I'm afraid Master Dao Xuan and the others will be in a mess... You go back quickly! I'm confident enough to protect myself... Don't worry too much!"


   got up, yelled at Su Yi a few times, a reluctance flashed in Shui Qilin's eyes, but it also knew the meaning of the Zhuxian Sword to Qingyunmen! Without staying too much, auspicious clouds appeared under its feet, and it had already turned and flew towards Qingyun Mountain!

At this time, Qingyunmen, as Su Yi said, was really messed up. It was learned that Zhu Xianjian was taken by Shui Qilin and slipped with Su Yi. At present, the seven main seats and even the offerings were all messed up into a pot of porridge. One by one was anxious like ants on a hot pot, but Daoxuan gave an order after knelt down in front of Sanqing Daozu a few times. He didn't dare to say that the sword of Zhu Xian was lost. He only said that he should be recovered. Lingzun, as for Su Yi who had taken Shui Qilin away, he even more cruelly said that if there is any obstacle, life and death will matter!

But it was nothing more than that all at once... After that, he took Cangsong's body to Qingyun Houshan, and he did not allow anyone to approach him, and then he remained silent until now, leaving behind a lot of age in vain. The old guys who are more than a few thousand years old are in a hurry here...

After waiting for a long time, I still didn’t see Daoxuan come back to preside over the overall situation, and finally a gray-haired elder stood up, "No! The Zhuxian sword must not be thrown into the hands of our generation! Otherwise, after death, what face is there to see the ancestors? Zong! Senior Brother Daoxuan is now heartbroken about Senior Brother Cangsong's death, so we forget the priority, but let's not forget! I will go down the mountain! Kill the Lin Jingyu who is in collusion with the Demon Sect, and bring Lingzun and Zhu Xianjian. bring back!"

"How to bring it?" Shuiyue said in a shady way: "The Zhuxian Sword was not taken away by Lin Jingyu deliberately, but it was the Spirit Venerable. It knew that it was carrying the Zhuxian Sword, but still resolutely took that kid with him. Go to the mountain! It can be seen that in its eyes, the importance of Lin Jingyu is still above the Zhuxianjian! Do you dare to kill him? Lingzun's thousand-year cultivation base is not a joke..."

   Hearing Shui Yue's words of pouring cold water, the elder suddenly felt like a sap knocked on his head, and sat down sullenly! He didn't expect what would happen if Shui Qilin shot himself? After all, that is the Spirit Venerable of Qingyunmen! Who knew it would follow a young man?

   sighed helplessly, Shui Yue was about to talk to Lu Xueqi behind him and let him go to negotiate with Lin Jingyu, after all, he probably didn't know that Zhu Xianjian had been taken down the mountain unknowingly! If Xueqi and him are moved with affection and reason, it is not difficult for him to persuade Lingzun...

   Just thinking of letting Xueqi go to see that kid, I feel upset...

   That's it, Zhu Xian is more important...

   Shuiyue whispered: "Xueqi, you..."

   Lu Xueqi lowered her head slightly, preparing to listen to Shuiyue's words...

   But as soon as this sentence was uttered a few words, there was a surprise shout outside the door, "Lingzun is back!!!"


Dozens of people in the Yuqing Hall screamed at the same time, and in the next moment countless magic weapons lighted up, and everyone had already crossed the hall, but a dark shadow flashed over their heads from the head...Shui Qilin had directly passed everyone, Fly in the direction of Magic Moon Cave Mansion!

   "Master, bless you~!!!"

   The eager elder couldn't help but screamed, but he cried with excitement...

   And Tian Buyi, Zeng Shuchang and the others also took a sigh of relief. Lingzun went to Huanyue Cave Mansion and naturally went to place the ancient sword of Zhuxian... This time the ancient sword of Zhuxian was lost and recovered, it is really a great blessing for Qingyunmen!

  None of them can imagine how serious the price of losing the ancient sword of Zhu Xian would be...

   "Quick! Go and tell Brother Daoxuan!"

   Shuiyue smiled slightly, and said, "I'll go! It just so happens that I have something to ask the head brother!"

"Alright! All these things are over, I should go back, too. So many things have happened in Turnaround, I have to consider how to tell my apprentice! Alas..." said with a sad face, Tian Buyi said. Saying hello to everyone, Yu Jian flew towards Dazhu Peak!

   And the others were already exhausted after a great battle. Now that the ancient sword of Zhuxian was found, the tight nerves suddenly relaxed. Everyone suddenly felt that every bone in their bodies was clamoring...

   At the moment, they separated and went back to rest!

   Not to mention the joy that Qingyun Gate was lost and regained at this time, Su Yi finally managed to find a very secret cave after a lot of hard work...

   "Well, let's integrate the five books of the heavenly book with the Taoist Xuanqing Dao of Tai Chi now!"

   At this time, there is not much Nine Underworld True Qi in the body. If you convert all of them into Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Burning Fragrant Jade Book, I believe you can definitely make a substantial leap in your strength...

   And the five books of the heavenly book, isn’t it a suitable opportunity...

   A trace of fighting spirit flashed through Su Yi's eyes! ! !


   Spring goes to autumn, time goes by...

   In a blink of an It is already a year later...

   "Hey...this Xiongtai, I watch your Yintang go dark, and luck is bad, I'm afraid you will have a catastrophe!"

   Zhou Yixian stopped a rich and rich fat man with luxurious clothes, and his classic words were the exit...

The airy appearance of the fairy wind and bones easily bluffed the fat man, and hurriedly pulled Zhouyixian to ask about the rescue method...but Zhouyixian made a full gesture, and took out his purse in a few words. !

Seeing the luxurious purse with golden threads, there must be a lot of money in it... Zhou Yixian swallowed secretly, and was about to speak, but behind him came a playful laugh, "Senior, again You are deceiving these ordinary people, you really didn't pursue it!"

   "What is cheating!!!"

   Monday, the fairy turned around and scolded! Xiaohuan cheered in surprise, "Brother!!!"

Su Yi, dressed in white, stood there with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to Xiaohuan who rushed towards him, and said with a smile: "Xiaohuan, in the future, my brother will accompany you to travel the world with you and give someone a fortune teller for a living ?"

   "Really?" Xiaohuan cheered happily.

   "Of course it is true! Brother can still lie to you..."


At this time, Zhou Yixian couldn't even care about the fool who was fooled by him, and muttered to himself in shock: "Oh! This little girl is really right! I really made her right! Daoxuan! Did you really put this kid down?" (To be continued...)

  Ps: Today’s second update... Falling flowers ask for subscription and collection... R1292

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