Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 115: Baijie? That's the one who has been with me for so many nights

Panting, Shangguan Ce told Su Yi how to enter the first level of the Profound Fire Altar!

Su Yi turned around and asked, "Senior, do you think he lied?"

Xiaobai's lazy voice came, "He is tortured by your life-and-death talisman at this moment, and he has only the desire for death/hope to support him, so he can't lie...I can't think of your age. Although it is light, the methods are harsh and powerful. This Shangguan policy has been in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of years. Regardless of cultivation level, xinxing, means, and resourcefulness, they are all first-class! Even in Fenxiang Valley, it is only slightly inferior to Yun Yilan. Choi, but I don't want to be tortured to such a degree by you today, this talisman of life and death..."

She smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Fine, I won't ask anymore. I'm only fortunate that you are not a member of Fenxiang Valley! Otherwise, the Shangguan old man can't hold it, I may not be able to eat it..."

Knowing that the way to enter the first level of the Profound Fire Altar is indeed true, Su Yi didn't bother to save Guan Ce's life, and directly slapped his forehead with a palm. After a convulsion and distortion, Shang Guan Ce left with a satisfied smile. The world!

Feeling free to kick Shangguance's body aside, Su Yi smiled and said, "Senior, you joked, you are my senior... How could I... Uh, senior, why are you looking at me like this?"

Xiaobai stared at Su Yi, dissatisfied: "Since you first came in, you have been a senior, don't you know that it is rude to call a woman like that? Since you have met Xiao Liu, you should know that I also have a woman. In the form of...Moreover, at the age of the fox clan, I am still very young..."

Su Yi was taken aback and asked, "Then how should I call you?"

Xiao Bai frowned and thought: "I have forgotten the original name! I don't want to remember it again... But since you are a friend of Xiao Liu, it is not a loss to call me Aunt Bai... No way. What is it? Yes, it's older than what the predecessors called! Um... Let's do it. You can just call me Bai Sister! The whole name is pretty good..."

"Cough cough cough..." Su Yi's expression changed when he heard this name. Then he coughed violently! Although I may not be able to call her Xiaobai directly because of my relationship with the six-tailed devil fox, but Sister Bai...Sister Bai...

Looking at Xiaobai's gaze suddenly took on a bit weird, Su Yi asked, if you want to behave like this, do you have to call this name?

He asked tentatively: "Why don't you do this? I'll just call you Xiao Bai... Sister Bai or something... Seriously, I'm very awkward!"

Xiaobai glanced at Su Yi, "What? Why is this name bad?"

Su Yi said with a bitter face: "I know someone named Bai Jie, call you Sister Bai, I always think of her..."

Xiao Bai changed his forelimbs alternately. He lay down again and joked: "Oh? Does that person named Bai Jie have a very unusual meaning to you? It seems that I heard you say her name and the tone is very wrong?"

"Su Yi thought for a while, and said awkwardly: "Well...for the time being, I can be regarded as a person who has accompanied me for a whole youth! "

"So... so so... it's the sweetheart of the past. It's really not appropriate for you to call me that. Forget it, you just call me Xiaobai! Let's talk about different generations..."

"Yeah! Okay! Sister Bai...Ah, oh, Xiaobai. I will first look at the formation of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, and I will save you later! You can wait a while!"

"Go, go!" Xiaobai glanced at Shangguance's body, and was absolutely convinced that Su Yi was indeed here to rescue her... She lay down lazily, "I have stayed here for more than 300 years. I am going to leave suddenly, I feel quite reluctant in my heart, I will miss it for the last time!"

Finished. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep!

And Su Yi turned around again

Come to the first floor of the Profound Fire Altar again! Do not. It should be the second floor!

Looking at the vast space, he couldn't help but admire. Who could have imagined that the Profound Fire Altar he entered would skip the first level and come to the second level? When the person who set up this Xuanhuo altar at the beginning, not only did his cultivation reach the sky, but his wisdom was also extremely shocking! Know the limits of human inertial thinking...

Looking at the extremely faxed eight fierce gods under his feet, Su Yi took a deep breath, a purple-white flame appeared in his hands, and the spiritual power of the burning jade book pressed against the eyes of one of the fierce gods...

boom! ! !

There was a soft sound, Su Yi's fingers felt a scorching heat, and the fierce eyes slowly began to emit heat by themselves...

Withdrawing his fingers, Su Yi input spiritual power into the eyes of the other seven fierce gods one by one. With seven soft sounds, the eyes of the previous eight fierce gods all glowed with blazing flames, as if they had come alive!

And as the eyes of the last fierce **** glowed with flames, the Profound Fire Altar suddenly trembled slightly...

There was a sound of mechanism turning...

The stone platform surrounded by eight fierce gods, the ground slowly opened up, revealing a narrow entrance! A long and narrow step directly leads to the bottom without bottoming out, and there is a faint red glow in it, as if this step leads to a hot hell!

"Sure enough, he didn't lie!"

Su Yi chuckled and stepped on the steps!

Just a few steps, an extremely hot breath rushed towards him. This breath was so hot that even Su Yi had a faint feeling that he couldn't bear it... You must know that with him burning the fragrant jade book to the eighth sun realm at this moment The heavy cultivation base, coupled with the assistance of the Nine Underworld Yin and Yang Art, his skill may be slightly inferior to Yun Yilan at the moment, but in terms of flame resistance alone, the two are actually similar... It seems that the temperature here is really appalling!

I couldn't help but release the sacred stone, and the coolness instantly flooded my body. The scorching heat just now could hardly penetrate my body. At this time, Su Yi had time to observe the environment below...

This Xuanhuo altar building is extremely interesting! The third floor is wider than the fourth floor! The second floor is wider than the third... and now that he entered the first floor, Su Yi was surprised to find that the first floor is wide enough to make anyone amazed!

I saw myself standing in the middle of the steps at this moment, in the middle of the air... and in all directions, I couldn't see the edge at a glance in any direction, only the rugged rocks, the rocks were red, and below, the turbulent molten molten rushed back and forth. , Like a red ocean, the ladder I was standing on went straight into the depth of the molten lava... I don’t know what kind of material the ladder was made of, I don’t know how many years it has been inserted in the depth of the molten lava, and there is not even a trace of melting. Mark of……

"Unexpectedly, the first layer of the Profound Fire Altar is actually an underground lava! I just don't know where the Eight Fierce Profound Fire Array is located?"

Muttering to himself, Su Yi took out Xuan Huo Jian from his arms, as if he had noticed that he had returned to his hometown... Xuan Huo Jian was actually slightly hot!

My heart suddenly brightened, remembering the situation of searching for the Bailu Divine Stone with Ice Soul, Su Yi tried to fly the Divine Stone and flew in one direction. As expected, Xuanhuojian was getting colder and colder...

Su Yi turned the direction without hesitation, and the temperature immediately picked up!

"Hey... there is a door!"

Su Yi flew up in this boundless sea of ​​molten flames, and checked left and right while flying. It was not that there was no ground in this sea of ​​molten flames, but there were only some pointed stones with pointed ends exposed. One person settled...In this way, the Eight Fiends mysterious fire formation should not be carved on the ground


So I don't know where it is carved again?

Flying all the way, the temperature of Xuanhuojian got higher and higher! In the end, it was already hot to the touch...and at this time, Su Yi also slowly stopped! A look of shock appeared on his face...

Looking at the magical creation in front of him... Su Yi finally understood that what Xiaobai said could not be taken away with the mysterious fire formation of the eight evils!

I saw ahead, where the molten lava converged, like a returnee from the sea, countless small lava rivers poured in here, forming a huge molten vortex... the temperature here is so ~ It is three points better than other places!

What is even more shocking is that above the molten ocean, above that without any support, a huge circle with a full 100-meter radius stands out of thin air, with countless lines of fire roaming dragons and snakes, drawing A mysterious line after another unfathomable!

This is like a formation! But at the very center of this formation, there was an obvious vacancy. Su Yi took a deep breath. He could see clearly... Isn't the missing appearance exactly the appearance of Xuanhuojian? !

So far, Su Yi can be sure that the eight/nine is not separated from the ten. This is a circular formation that stands in the air without reaching the world or the ground. There is no real thing. It seems that the formation is purely composed of flames. It is himself. The eight fierce mysterious fire formations that want to get it fast!

It's just... how can this be taken away?

Looking at the array above, the arcs are intertwined, forming a dizzying mystery map. Every line of fire seems to contain the truth of heaven and earth! Inside, it turned out to be faint...

Su Yi scratched his head in distress... (to be continued...)


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