Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 121: Cang Shihu's last wish is finally fulfilled

  Ps: Today, because I took the car to leave home and return to work, I had to spend a few hours in the car... So only two chapters... Tomorrow, let’s start paying off the debt slowly...


Dawang Village, a lonely village near Size, has even fewer people than Caomiao Village at the foot of Qingyun Mountain. This place is remote and dangerous to death. Swamp poisonous insects can be seen everywhere. Lost their lives, but I don’t know why. Those villagers who have the ability to move to a safer place to live comfortably, but still cling to their one-acre three-quarters of land and don’t want to move. Even though the days are hard, they are still content. ...


However, this situation has greatly improved during this period... In the past month or so, more and more cultivators have appeared here, constantly wandering around the Dawang Village, occasionally because of encounters Strange insects and poisonous weeds came back with a wound. The villagers of Dawang Village were very economically savvy. They brought out a series of medicines, food and clothing, etc., at a very high price... However, the cultivators naturally didn’t care about this, but made all the people in this village a small fortune...


And these cultivators were good at the beginning, everyone was in harmony, but when the signs of the birth of the foreign treasures became bigger and bigger, more and more people of the magic sect began to appear here... Jiao has faintly raised his head since a few years ago, but he has never dared to fight positively with the right way. But now, it seems that the pain from ten years ago has now recovered? Outside this Dawang Village, several extremely tragic battles broke out! The result was quite unexpected. Even though he suffered heavy casualties, it turned out that the demon sect had beaten the right way to the ground...


   The world was shocked for a while... Could it be that after several years of recuperation? The Demon Cult has really fully recovered its vitality?


   At present, Daoxuan Zhenren, who has been ignorant of the world for many years, issued the Haoran Order of Righteousness, the three main sects of Righteous Dao. Many righteous fellows must send their elites to Dawang Village to punish the Demon Sect. The Demon Cult must never be allowed to obtain this world and earth treasure again, otherwise, with its great strength, wouldn't the sacrifices made by the right way ten years ago have been put into the water?


The Haoran Order of Righteous Qi is a token that has only recently emerged... It was given by the numerous large and small sects of the Righteous Way after the Qingyunmen killed the third of the four major sects of the Demon Sect in one fell swoop. The implied meaning is Haoran righteousness, the world will last forever! As soon as this order was issued, the world's righteous path all obeyed the order, even if it was Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley, who were capable of keeping pace with Qingyunmen. I didn't dare to ignore the many co-branded things... Hao Ran's righteousness order came out, even if it was Xu and Wei snake, this person must be there...


  From this point of view, even if there is no exterminating Demon Cult... But Cang Shihu's last wish was indeed fulfilled! Qingyunmen has truly become a leader of the right way now!


   Hao Ran's righteousness order, the righteous people who are rushing to death are even more of a cow. This is the boss who has issued an order for us to grab the treasure... The sign of the birth of the strange treasure is so earth-shattering. It can be seen that that is definitely an extraordinary magic weapon. If you are lucky and someone else snatches it into your hands, Daoxuan Zhenren's heart is so broad and broad. How could he force you to hand it over?


Under the false public benefit, the people in the righteous way filled the entire Dawang village in an instant...Of course, the order of the real Taoxuan can not be forgotten. First, I will convince the people in the right way. It is a pity that there are all the people in the right way. When it's all there. The Demon Cult, which had been extremely rampant before, had its head up, suddenly all of them disappeared. No trace...but it makes the people in the right way feel a sense of loss with a punch in the empty space...


   But that’s okay, just focus on the upcoming strange treasure...


   Everyone in the right way is gearing up. Full of fighting spirit...




At this moment, in the depths of death, countless people in black clothes with embroidered skulls are kneeling respectfully there. In front of them all, a girl in green is playing with the cute little bell in her hand. , The crisp sound of jingle bells...


   After a long time, Baguio's sweet voice sounded, "Ping'er, the three main sects of the right way, have they all arrived?"


"Yes! Miss..." Yi Tingting, a beautiful curly woman standing next to Baguio respectfully, said: "Miss has a brilliant plan, but with a little trick, the three main sects of the righteous way have already arrived here today, but ...... The elder of the Sect Master ordered to act secretly, but you, Miss you, have attracted everyone here with great fanfare. Isn't this just contrary to the command of the Sect Master?"


"Huh! What do you know... I naturally have my intentions..." Baguio smiled confidently on her face, "Now there are three main sects of the right way, Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple, and Fenxiang Valley! Only these three sects are the greatest enemy of our sacred religion! But Fenxiang Valley is far away in southern Xinjiang, and has always had little contact with the Zhongtu sects, and there is no friendship at all... But Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple..."


She paused slightly, and an inexplicable ripple flashed in her eyes, "Also, Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple are in harmony with each other because of the events ten years ago. should be said that the relationship has already fallen to the freezing point. It’s good enough for the clans to get together and not intrigue... Do you still expect them to work hard together? It just happens that our purpose is not this upcoming strange treasure... Just throw it out to let their dog bite the dog, we only We need to wait for them to take away the treasure, and then we can implement our plan safely! At that time, we will not damage a soldier or a general, but will greatly damage the right way. This is a great credit... Daddy he will not blame me... …"


   "Aren't we here for a strange treasure?" The girl named Ping'er was taken aback, and couldn't help asking, "What kind of treasure is that worthy of our fanfare?"


   Baguio's eyes glared, and he was quite a bit of a superior vibe, "Huh? Is this something you should ask?"


   Ping'er hurriedly lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "The subordinate knows the mistake! Please forgive me, Miss!"


   "Things you shouldn't ask... don't ask!" Baguio snorted coldly, and looked away from Death Ze. There, the three sects of the right way had all gathered together!


   And the bottle with low eyebrows and narrowed eyes, but secretly put his eyes on the golden bell in Baguio's hand, and the eyes were unconsciously hot...


   "I have seen Master Faxiang! I have seen Brother Li!"


Ten years have passed, but Xiao Yicai is still as handsome and handsome as before, and his appearance has not changed a little. He smiled and greeted his colleagues... and behind him, there were more than ten people including Lu Xueqi, Zhang Xiaofan, Zeng, Tian Linger, etc. Everyone is standing there, but everyone’s faces are very ugly, especially Zhang Xiaofan, who has a complicated face, thinking about the old monk who treated him so well...the killing intent and sadness are entangled in my heart. , Even unconsciously, the red flame fairy sword behind it began to hum... and the disciples from Dragon Head Peak had already put their hands on the fairy sword...


   Xu is that the eyes of the people at the Qingyun Gate are too terrifying, then where is it to look at the fellow ally... It is clearly to look at the enemy to be slaughtered! Even if Fenxiang Valley had just been in a disaster, when he and others were forced to come here when the wastes were waiting for prosperity, Li Xun was still in a very bad mood, and Li Xun politely said hello to the Qingyunmen. After all, although I am not afraid, if the Qingyun Sect draws his sword and cuts it over just because of impoliteness, then the infighting between the two tycoons of the right way is too funny...Fenxiang Valley is now suffering from internal and external troubles, but it is really not offending Qingyunmen When...


   The other party was very rude, so I had to be polite... Li Xun thought bitterly.


And as the Dharma face being watched by this gaze, he smiled bitterly. While gathering the dissatisfaction of the brothers of Tianyin Temple behind him, he made that greeting to Xiao Yi, just looking at Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes. It means complicated and unpredictable...


   And noticing the look in the Dhamma’s eyes, Zhang Xiaofan’s mood became even more complicated, especially when he faintly discovered the true Dharma of the other party’s body that is of the same origin and homogeneity as himself...


   Jingyu... what should I do?


   Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head, his heart was full of depression...


Xiao Yicai, Faxiang and Li Xun exchanged greetings with each other for a while, and Xiao Yicai just concluded: "Anyway! Let's put the past festivals aside for the time being. Today, we are here to die for the purpose of preventing the people of the Demon Cult from gaining this world treasure. ...For this purpose, the three factions of ours must work together, and there must be no infighting action!"


   Faxiang and Li Xun were immediately clear, Xiao Yi didn't say that the strange treasure would be distributed afterwards. It seems that the other party is sure to win this strange treasure!


   But... why am I afraid?


Li Xun secretly touched the Jiuyang Ruler in his sleeve, and he was immediately full of confidence... Now Fenxiang Valley has just lost the Eight Evil Profound Fire Array and the master and uncle. If I can bring the strange treasure back, I will definitely let the master and his old man. Very pleased!


  The image of Dharma has a bitter smile on his face...Puhong has been ignoring world affairs for many years, like today's Yinsi, isn't it the Pukong Master who made trouble on Qingyunmen back then? This time I came to Death Ze, except for my own authentic Tianyin Temple's next host to come and experience, all other Pukong's direct disciples!


   This is nothing more than that, but the disciples he sent are all impulsive, aggressive, aggressive and violent... Obviously they don't plan to rebuild with Qingyunmen...


Thinking of Master Pu Kong’s constant preaching of Cangsong’s crimes over the years, but repeatedly covering up his own Master Puzhi’s affairs, the Faxiang couldn’t help sighing in his heart. This’s still a pure Buddha. ? Are you still a Buddhist disciple?


   It doesn’t matter, when I/be the host in the future, I must have a conversation with Master Pukong... The Faxiang thought helplessly... Otherwise...


   Faxiang thought of Su Yi who had left Qingyunmen back then. He always felt a bad premonition, as if...offending him was the biggest mistake of Tianyin Temple in hundreds of years! (To be continued...)



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