Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 126: This is the third time our brothers have dealt with each other

?At this time, the three major decent sects headed by the Qingyunmen and the countless smaller-scale righteous sects have invaded the depths of Death Ze. Poisonous insects are everywhere in Death Ze. The miasma is infinite, and there is even a swamp quagmire that cannot be prevented. Even a mosquito carries a very poisonous...Everyone who is a monk possesses unique skills, and can be compared to a person of Extraordinary Dust, but he still suffered and was tossed severely...


After some sects greedy meritorious advances and paid dozens of lives, Xiao Yicai, Faxiang and Li Xun discussed with each other, and then issued an order that before finding the treasure of heaven and earth, everyone must not disperse and move together. Retreat together, so as not to lose your life in vain... As for the treasures of the heavens and the earth, let's have their own skills...


   This command made Baguio in the dark for a while. If the people of the right way really advance and retreat, even if the treasure of heaven and earth appears, I am afraid they will not fight each other, right? This made her withdraw from the plan to let the three decent members consume each other. Isn't it a complete failure?


   And just when the right path carefully invaded Death Ze, Li Xun accidentally encountered a nest of extremely venomous snakes, and had to steer the magic weapon into the sky to escape, but just when he flew up...




   Suddenly screamed. Li Xun, who was in mid-air with a handsome figure, obviously intended to behave in front of Lu Xueqi. Suddenly the light of the magic weapon went out, and the whole person seemed to have become a mortal at a loss, and he fell down in embarrassment. Falling straight into the snake den, the best disciple of the Fenxianggu generation. He would be killed by a group of mortal poisons...


   It’s still the Fa-Meeting Machine fast, the reincarnation pearl is golden and bright. Clean up the viper below...


  咚~~! ! !




   With a scream, Li Xun has already fallen to the ground in embarrassment, grinning, and at the same time, the disciples of Fenxiang Valley who came here all describe the embarrassment, each of them stumbling...


   Xiao Yi only took a few steps forward, and said with concern: "Senior Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"


   Li Xun stood up with a grin. Obviously he fell hard just now... but his pride is probably more injured...


Losing such a big person in front of everyone, his blush almost burned, Li Xun gritted his teeth and said: "I may have been calculated by someone in the demon sect, and the true essence in my body was suddenly out of control, and then fell off. must be careful!"


   The disciples of the Fenxiang Valley next to them all said that they were the same...


   At present, everyone is not suspicious of him. After all, Li Xun's cultivation is almost on the same level as Xiao Yicai, how could it be so embarrassing to make a foreigner...


   After a long period of investigation and exploration, no problems were found...On the contrary, it greatly delayed everyone's journey...


   clutching his **** that was almost broken in half. Li Xun looked at the deepest part of Death Ze... Just now, he felt a terrifying force rising within Death Ze. This power seemed to be related to him, or the burning incense jade spirit in his body. Strength is closely related. His true essence spiritual power was completely out of control at that moment...




   He glanced at his doormates, these people unexpectedly lost control with him... there. What happened?


   gritted his teeth, Li Xun whispered: "Don't let me know who did it. Otherwise, I will lose such an adult. I will never spare you!"




At the same time, in the deepest part of the dead Zee, near the already riddled treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven, a circular formation with a radius of several hundred meters has been unfolded in the sky, the eight evil mysterious fire that has been silent for a thousand years. The magic circle finally revealed its power in the deepest part of the death Ze...




Coiled on the towering old tree, the Black Water Profound Snake roared, and the voice was full of jealousy. At this time, the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array in the sky had not really exerted its power yet, but its power was already quite low. Su, one after another the tongue of fire fell from the circle, on the ground, and on the body of the black water mysterious brought it a burst of pain...


   Body curled wildly, and quickly escaped from the range of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array... The Black Water Mysterious Snake raised the sky / roared, and left with the heart, but was reluctant to bear the spiritual liquid spirit stone in Su Yi's arms...


Controlling the formation far away...Looking at Xiaohuan, who was still unconscious in his arms, Su Yi felt distressed. He gritted his teeth, turned his hand and took out the Xuanhuojian. In a blink of an eye, Xuanhuojian had already flown to eight. At the center of the Xuanxuanhuo magic circle, as the eyes of the Xuanhuo Jian merged into the formation, the feeling of the entire eight-fights Xuanhuo magic circle changed instantly...If it was just a sleeping lion whispering unintentionally The majesty and prestige, then, now, the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array has turned into a peerless fierce dragon that has opened its eyes and is about to choose people to eat!


Flew over the trunk of the towering ancient tree, and carefully placed the small ring in a safe corner. Then Su Yi's eyes were infinitely murderous. He flew into the air, standing in the air, standing in the air of the mysterious fire of the Eight Fiends. Above, he pinched the tactics with both hands, chanting the mysterious mantra in his mouth... This is the mantra from the other side of the thin slices of Xuan Huo Jian... Soon after he discovered the Burning Fragrant Jade Book, he had a whim, but he was burning the fragrant jade. The mysterious spell was discovered on the other side of the book. At that time, I didn’t know what it was for. He didn’t feel relieved at the time, but he didn’t realize that it turned out to be the formula for the activation of the Eight Evil Profound Fire Array. ...


With the recitation of the incantation, the flames of the eight evil spirits mysterious fire formation that had been integrated with the profound fire mirror became more and more turbulent, bursts of flames tumbling, and the sky was also reflected in the red color... and below the formation, the square circle The miasma of a hundred miles has been evaporated, the endless trees have withered on the spot, and countless poisonous insects and snakes have been evaporated to dryness, and they have become corpses like decorations...


   Within a hundred miles, there is scorched earth everywhere... This is the true power of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array!


  No...With Su Yi's current strength, Xuan Huojian's true power cannot be fully exerted at all! But even so, it is quite amazing...


As Su Yi’s two-handed tactics combined, in the tumbling waves of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, a fire dragon not inferior in size to the Black Water Profound Snake poked its head out of the Array, and on its forehead, mysterious The Fire Order is impressively embedded...


Su Yi finally finished reciting the mantra. He took a deep breath and calmed down the primal energy in his lower body. The two-handed technique pointed at the fire dragon, and two white flames flew towards the fire dragon, just falling on it. The if the finishing touch, the fire dragon suddenly...lived! ! !




With a loud roar, I finally got the chance to come out. The fire dragon looked very excited, and his body was full of flames. The entire dragon had already rolled out from the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, seeing the black water in front of him that was not inferior to his own. Xuan Snake, with a sense of belligerence in his eyes, it rushed towards the Black Water Xuan Snake in a long roar from the sky!


   The unknown is truly terrible! The Eight Fiends Mysterious Fire Formation used to be unparalleled, but no attack appeared. Hei Shui Mystic Snake was worried. Now that the fire dragon appeared, it was relieved, facing a body that was not weaker than itself and was burning with blazing flames. The fire dragon, it did not have any color of fear, but roared and greeted the fire dragon that rushed down against the roar...


In an instant, the towering tree shook several times in the collision of the two peerless beasts, as if overwhelmed and about to collapse at any time... But the black water mysterious snake and the fire dragon have already bitten together fiercely, snake scales Splashes, sparks flying...




   There was a loud noise, and the sharp claws of the fire dragon left three scars several meters deep on the body of the black water mysterious suddenly blood surged, and the wound was scorched...




   The black water mysterious snake bit on the fire dragon's body with one bite, swallowing countless flames... The fire dragon's expression also instantly wilted...


And at the moment when the fire dragon was injured, the eight-evil mysterious fire formation in the sky seemed to have felt the fire dragon that had evolved from its own body was injured, and immediately spontaneously dropped a cloud of flame meteors from above, and fell on the fire dragon. On the wound that the Shui Xuan snake bit was missing, the wound was immediately filled up... The fire dragon regained its energy!


   The two giant beasts were evenly matched, and the earth was shaken under the force of the battle, and the aftermath almost destroyed everything within a hundred miles...


The Black Water Profound Snake is worthy of being an ancient alien beast. Even if it faces the fire dragon summoned by the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, it does not lose the wind... With the snake body against the dragon body, under the inherent disadvantage, it can still fight with it. This level... This level of toughness, Su Yi, couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue! (To be continued...)


  PS: No, I really have no inspiration today...Cavin card is bursting...Two changes first, three changes tomorrow...


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