Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Dharma, don’t get rid of evil thoughts





ps: Thank you Zibuyu Dongye for the 100 rewards! Today there are still only two shifts...Although the debts still owed are still not paid off, Luohua’s work is special, and he can die when he is free, but when he is busy, black and white are really reversed, and he has to work almost 24 hours a day. More than ten these days will probably be busy...Of course, two shifts will still be guaranteed, and sleep time should also be guaranteed! There will be three shifts intermittently...for full attendance! Long live Demacia! ! !

"Amitabha Buddha! Sending you a thousand miles away must be a guys don't want to send it again."

Outside Dawang Village, Faxiang and Jin~Ping'er are standing side by side. At this time, Jin~Ping'er has a frivolous footsteps, and her body is soft and weak, almost like a real eldest lady in a boudoir... But the spirit is good, it seems No torture...

Facing Xiao Yicai Su Yi and the others, the Dharma Master chanted the Buddha's name.

Xiao Yi looked at Su Yi dissatisfiedly before he said to Faxiang: "Master Faxiang, are you serious...not going back to Tianyin Temple? Are you serious...want to walk with this demon girl?"

Hearing this, Jin~ Ping'er glared at Xiao Yicai angrily, but was struggling to be restrained in his cultivation, and there was no way to teach this guy to scold him!

But Faxiang smiled and said: "I won't go back! The words of Junior Brother Lin have awakened the poor monk. Indeed, the difference between good and evil is not in the door. As long as you focus on goodness, even if you are in the evil way of the demon cult, you can still have no time in your heart. Lianhua, although the benefactor of Jin~Pinger is a demon sect, but he is not a person who does not do all evil. In this case, the poor monk has the responsibility to guide her to the good way... The poor monk only believed that eliminating evil is promoting good , But it is narrow-minded... Now that you see Xintiandi, you will naturally have to travel around the world and teach the world to be good, otherwise the poor monk's epiphany will be wasted?"

Jin ~ Ping'er said dissatisfied: "The big talk is so full. Since I am not a person who does not do anything evil, why do you seal my cultivation base?"

"As long as the poor monk is sure that the donor has removed the evil thoughts in his heart, then he will release the prohibition for the donor!" Faxiang thought for a while. Looking at Su Yi, his eyes were already open. It seems that the death of Junior Brother really does not haunt her, "Junior Brother Lin, the family teacher has been teaching the poor monks, and there will be results only for a reason! Back then, my uncle Puzhi killed more than 200 lives in your Caomiao Village, and then Uncle Pukong Ignoring this will force the teacher to death. This is because... you want revenge, this is the result, the poor monk will no longer stop you from going to Tianyin Temple to avenge. I only hope that you can't do without the heavens in the future. For Yinsi's sake, don't overdo it..."

Su Yi said sternly: "Don't worry! I will never kill innocent people!"

"Thank you so much!"

Faxiang looked at Zhang Xiaofan again. Faced with the look in his eyes, Zhang Xiaofan was suddenly cramped, but his eyes flashed with complicated meaning. Faxiang sighed, and said: "Junior Brother Zhang, after all, Uncle Puzhi had a cause and effect with you. You... don't want to be blinded by hatred!"

When I heard the Fa, I mentioned Pu Zhi, and remembered the kind-looking old monk outside Caomiao Village. Zhang Xiaofan's heart was sour, his eyes were red immediately, and he choked up and said, "I...I already handed over my revenge to Jingyu. I...I...I have given him everything!"

Faxiang immediately understood, he drew a poem deeply, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Junior Brother Zhang, for his magnanimity! Everyone, Faxiang has left..."

Bowing their bows to the crowd, the backs of Dharma Xiang and Jin~Ping'er gradually moved away from everyone’s sight, and Jin~Ping'er's doubts and sneers could still be heard faintly, "Why is that Lin Jingyu going? Is Tianyin Temple looking for revenge? As a disciple of Tianyin Temple, not only did you not hinder you, but let it go. You are too negligent, right?"

"Amitabha Buddha, this is my Tianyin Temple. I'm sorry for him...Sooner or later he should come. Even the poor monk himself thinks he is going to seek revenge, but how can you let the poor monk go against his conscience and stop him? You can only let him go. It's not to kill the wicked indiscriminately, so why worry about the poor monk?"



Seeing Faxiang and Jin~Ping'er's backs gradually disappeared, Xiao Yi couldn't help sighing. After this time, there is no disciple of Tianyin Temple who can go back... epiphany, death... ...I remembered the corpses of Fazheng and others that everyone had found before, they have been asleep forever in this dead zone...

Turning his head and glanced at Su Yi, who was still there, Xiao Yi sighed helplessly. He said loudly, "Everyone, this big event is over, we should also go back to Qingyunmen!"

When these words came out, everyone was silent for a while. Lu Xueqi took a deep look at Su Yi, then turned and walked to Wen Min... Su Yi clearly understood her meaning-come back early!

But Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help taking a step forward and said to Su Yi: "Jingyu, you come back to Qingyun Mountain with us!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Lin, didn't you say you want to take back the first seat of Dragon Head Peak?" Zeng Shushu grabbed Su Yi's shoulders, and also persuaded: "If you go back, I will try my best to help you!"

Wen Min covered his mouth and chuckled, "Junior Brother Lin, don’t you know that our teacher is an old man, but her temperament has changed drastically recently, and she is so talkative. A few days ago, Master Tian came to beg for Song Daren’s idiot. Without hope, who knew that her old man had agreed to it in one fell swoop... Hey, I don't know when her old man will return to the previous appearance, so Junior Brother Lin, don't you hurry back to Longshou Peak? Cang Song The uncle is gone, you can ask the uncle in charge to help you...ah, sorry..."

Wen Min found out that he seemed to have mentioned a name that shouldn't be mentioned, and the words that had originally implied a joke, but also instantly became heavy...

The atmosphere became serious now!

Suddenly, the disciples of Long Shoufeng, who had been following everyone, suddenly appeared more and more, ran to Su Yi, knelt down with a puff, and choked up: "Mr. Lin! said you must be the master. After taking revenge, I returned to Dragon Head Peak...You can't speak for nothing!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Lin!" The three Dragon Shoufeng disciples who came to Death Ze this time all stepped forward and knelt down in front of Su Yi. "The master used his plan to save the three major sects of the Demon Sect. But he...Master, he...he died so miserably!"

People who originally hated themselves are now kneeling to themselves for Cangsong? Su Yi smiled, mixed the three of them, and said to Xiao Yicai: "Brother, you have also seen it. If I return to Longshou Peak now, I am afraid that the Longshou Summit will not be able to accommodate me at all? They all put their expectations on On my body!"

"Well, since you don't want to go back, then just do it with you..." Xiao Yi gave a bitter smile, knowing that the other party would not hesitate to break the door for ten years and would not return. I am afraid that I can't persuade him to go back...

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to go back now... But the old man, the master, has a word for me to give you."

"Oh? The head teacher?" Su Yi was taken aback, and asked, "What?"

Xiao Yicai said: "Master told me that if I meet you by chance at the foot of the mountain, let me tell you that, in the past few years, in the ancestral hall at the back of the Tongtian Peak, an old person has wanted to see you for a long time... This is how he followed What I said, as for which deceased was, he didn't tell me clearly..."

Wan Jianyi wants to see me?

Thinking of the old man who taught himself **** ghosts and gods, Su Yi's heart surged, and he said with a serious face: "Okay! When I'm getting up and running, I'll go back immediately! Oh by the way... Xiaohuan..."

He pulled out the small ring that had been hidden behind him, "Brother Xiao, this is the big disciple I collected when I was traveling abroad. Now it is the cultivation base of the eighth floor of Yuqing Realm. Brother Xiao, go back to Tongtian. Feng, remember to report to the head teacher! Come to Xiaohuan, and I have seen you all, especially your Uncle Xiao, whether you can be a legal status in Qingyunmen, it depends on your Uncle Xiao’s wish I'm not willing to help you!"

Xiaohuan obediently bowed to everyone, "I have seen all the uncles and uncles! I have seen uncle Xiao!"

"Um... good boy! In just a few years of work, has the eighth floor of Yuqingjing been completed? This qualification is really good!" Wenmin looked at Xiaohuan's cute and pretty suddenly Motherhood spreads...

"Junior Brother Lin, you are really going to trouble me..." Xiao Huan glanced at Xiaohuan with a wry smile, and Xiao Yi said helplessly: "Well, the old man, Master, always looks at you with admiration. I think he shouldn't care too much about you spreading other people's exercises privately. The matter! After all... this girl is indeed quite amazing!"

At this point, it's time for parting...

Everyone took a few steps away wittily, and Wen Min also pulled away the small ring that wanted to be an electric light bulb... leaving space to Lu Xueqi and Su Yi.

The two stared at each other...

Holding Tianya tightly in her hand, Lu Xueqi was silent for a long time and asked, "Next, you should go to Tianyin Temple, right?"


"Remember to be careful."


"Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Seeing Lu Xueqi's beautiful face, Su Yi thought for a while, and said softly: "It was originally there, but looking at you now, it's gone..."

"Really? I have nothing to say..."

The two were silent...but the figures were getting closer, and finally, they hugged tightly together...

In the sunset, the shadow is stretched very long... (to be continued)








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