Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 7 Chapter 127: I am the favorite of Sleeping Horse



   "The son!" x2




As soon as they stepped into the house, there was a series of surprise calls, and then there was a small figure fluttering. Although Azhu and the others knew that Su Yi had been away for a long time, after all, it was only twenty years later. For many days, I was really embarrassed to step forward and hug, but Long Er didn't take this into consideration. Walking with two short legs, he stumbled into Su Yi's arms!


   Then he will not let go of Su Yi's clothes!


   "Long Er, do you miss dad?"


   picked up the little girl, poked at her pink cheek, Su Yi asked cheerfully.


   "Yes! Just like Azhu's mother and Abi's mother Yuyan's mother!"


Long Er replied with a milky voice. The lovely answer caused the three girls to blush. Bao Xiwei smiled and said: "It's good to be back! It's good to be back... This time I can stay at home for a long time. Right?"


"Well, I can stay a lot... But this time I went to another world, but I found a good place, where the air is fresh, the scenery is picturesque, and the environment is beautiful. It is really a good place to settle down! I want to wait. The next time I go to the task, I will send you there, and it will be a great benefit to Nian Ci and the others in their cultivation! Seriously, it will be profitable but not harmful! What do you think of my mother?"




   Su Yi nodded, "Hmm! Moving!"


Bao Xiwei hesitated slightly, and asked: "Moving is not a big problem... During this period of time, the things that my mother encountered are really beyond imagination, and I can't give you any advice. Kang'er, what do you think? It’s good, so so. It’s just my mother who wants to ask. Did everyone move out?"


"Of course! In fact, this place may not be as safe as I thought, but it is there. It is absolutely safe! If you all go there, I can rest assured! And the spiritual energy there is extremely strong, and Ryuuji is extremely qualified. Jia, she is also growing up gradually, and I don’t want to delay her! And mother, if you really want to prolong your life and cultivate immortality, I’m afraid you have to go there!"


   It is true that Azhu and the others are better, but Bao Xiwei and Yang Tiexin's qualifications are really not enough. If you can't practice in a place where the sky and earth are beautiful, it will be difficult to achieve!


   Azhu smiled slightly, and took Su Yi's hand, "My son, I can roughly understand what I mean, she wants to ask you, everyone moves away...what about the girl in the distance?"


   "Girl?" Su Yi's face was slightly stunned, and he asked, "Yumo?"


   "Of course, son, you will know why!"


   "I thought I brought her there with her. This child is so lonely and the poor person..." Su Yiwei hesitated slightly, or smiled bitterly: "But now, I'm afraid it won't work!"


   Anyway, Liu Yumo's brother was always killed by himself! She must not be allowed to enter her world. Otherwise, although she is very close to herself now, if she learns the truth in the future, who knows what she will do? This risk must not be taken!


   Su Yi smiled. Did not say this paragraph, but turned the topic around. "Anyway, I'll have a good chat with her. Let's do this for now. Don't tell Yu Mo..."


"Okay, you decide yourself!" Bao Xiqiu smiled. Seeing that Su Yi had nothing else to say, he smiled and said, "It's fine if it's all right! Kang'er, you came back by coincidence. It's noon now. Haven't eaten yet?"


   Su Yi touched his stomach and said with a smile: "I am really hungry, mother, have you made my meal?"


Yu Yan grinned and said, "Sister Abi is cooking during this time. Even when your cousin is away, Sister Abi will subconsciously cook your meal every time! It's been so many days, now you can finally It can be eaten..."


Abi suddenly made a big red face, embarrassed: "It's just... it's just that there is too much rice at home! Nian Ci always carries so many rice back every time, because there are too many, I will do more, not specially. wasteful."


   "Why are you talking to me again?"


   Mu Nianci just took the little dragon girl out of Su Yi's arms, and suddenly heard her name mentioned, she couldn't help but protest.




   Several people couldn't help but smile slightly, Su Yi laughed and said: "Okay, let me taste what has not been seen during this time, what is the improvement of Abi's craftsmanship!"


   laughed loudly in the mouth, and felt very relaxed and freehand in my heart! Sure enough, it’s easy to be with my family... As a lonely person, I can still enjoy the treatment of three generations living in the same house and family happiness. Although I don’t know whether the Lord God is malicious or kind to me, at least this is my own. I need to thank it!


   "Thanks, Lord God!"


   While sitting at the dinner table, Su Yi whispered to the reincarnation watch while everyone else was a little far away!


   [I don't understand what you mean, but since it's a thank you, then I will accept it temporarily! 】


   The voice of the Lord God is still unwavering! Thank you very much for him!


   Su Yi smiled but said nothing!




   A happy lunch is finished! Bao Xiwei and Yang Tiexin went to a nap as usual. For them, Su Yi had been away for more than 20 days. Although they were panicking in their hearts, they had not yet changed their living habits for him. !


Mu Nianci looked at Su Yi several times and stopped talking, but looking at the three girls with crimson faces next to her, she still lowered her head and hugged Long'er, who was entwined with her father, and went out quickly, saying yes. Talk to Liu Yumo... Obviously it's making room for them...


The girls seemed to have a premonition, and there was a bit more shyness on their faces. Ah Zhu's eyes moved left and right, as if looking for a topic, and asked: "My son, this time we leave, we all just think you are leaving. It's been more than twenty days, how long have you been there probably?"


   "Well... it's probably more than seven years... Compared to last time, it's not even half of it!"


   Su Yi answered A Zhu’s question, and then glanced over the faces of the three girls, with a smirk on their lips, as if they were making a bad idea. That bad expression made the three girls even more shy...


   "Why don't Yuyan stay with the son..."


   Abi said shyly. Looking at Wang Yuyan sitting there with her head down, she is the youngest! Although the sisters are very shy. But I'm afraid it is still in my mind, right?


"Who is it, don't push it, let it go... Let's go together, I was anxious to come back just now, but I didn't even take a shower when I changed back to the clothes of the world! There is a large bath upstairs, just to make up for it. Hey, no one wants to run today!"


   Su Yi laughed loudly, grabbed Wang Yuyan, and then pulled Azhu and Abi towards the stairs! The three girls bowed their heads. Glancing at each other, clearly saw the shyness in each other's eyes! But I don’t know why it was Su Yi’s too much energy, none of the three of them got rid of... they were taken to the second floor by Su Yi half-pull!


What happened after    is naturally not enough to think that outsiders are respectable! In order to prevent the mother from being harmonious, don’t think about it...


   There is only one line of poem that can be used to describe...that is Furong Zaozhuangchun? Xiao Nuan, since then the king will not be early!




   After a long time, the sky is already dark...


   Su Yi lay on the bed contentedly, just feeling very comfortable all over! Seeing the three girls lying on the bed like a mermaid without bones, they went crazy for several hours. It really squeezed their last bit of strength...At this moment, they have fallen into a deep sleep with exhaustion! Bao Xiwei was really considerate of his son, and he didn't even call himself to eat dinner...




   Su Yi smiled, gently helped the three girls to cover the quilt, and then put on their clothes. Go out!


   Outside, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiwei were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Su Yi looked sideways. Good guy, "Jiang Yang"! No wonder Comrade Yang clenched his fist and saw his blood spurting. Looks like he can't wait to rush forward with a gun! And Mu Nianci was on the side, sitting on the floor with Long Er playing with blocks. Two girls, one big and one little, giggled and laughed...


   What a family happiness!


Seeing Su Yi coming out, Mu Nian Ci Qiao blushed, and quickly turned away, grabbing the building blocks in her hand and began to help Long Er tired, but she was absent-minded, did not stack up, Long Er has already built the old high. The building block tower collapsed directly with a rumble!


   Long'er flattened his mouth, as if he wanted to cry... But when he saw Su Yi, the tears that had already flowed out of his eyes, he went back! Just softly said: "Auntie help me re-base!"


   "Kang'er, you are out now, and supper is left in the pot for you! Where are Azhu and others?"


   Su Yi smiled and said, "Azhu and the others are still resting... Mother, I will introduce someone to you!"


   "Oh? Who is it?"


   Su Yi smiled and took out the magic sword, a blue figure slowly appeared beside the magic sword while the purple spirit was flowing! Solanum Kwai respectfully made a blessing, and said: "The master calls Xiaokui, what is your order? Huh? Where is this place?"


"This is my home! Xiaokui, they are all my family members! In the next more than a year, I won't be able to use you much, so don't go back to Magic Sword. Stay at ease for a few days. Day!"


Su Yi smiled and said, and then smiled at the few people who stared at the nightshade that suddenly appeared: "This is Xiaokui! It's a sword spirit I met by chance! A person has been alone in the sword for hundreds of years. , I don’t have any use for this sword right now, so let’s give her a long vacation first, mother, I will trouble you and Abiduo to cook meals alone!"


   "No trouble, no trouble..."


Bao Xiwei smiled kindly, obviously considering the nightshade as her daughter-in-law, she stepped forward and took the hand of the bewildered nightshade, and smiled: "Oh, this kid is so handsome. ...A person is sealed in a sword? My mother doesn't understand, but if it is true, it is really pitiful, poor child... Kang'er, you are also true, why don't you let this child out sooner? ?"




   Dragon Kwai had never been close to a stranger for hundreds of years. At this moment, Bao Xiwei held his hands with a pity, and suddenly he didn't know how to let it go... Shouted timidly!


   Su Yirou said: "Xiaokui, you have been suffering for a long time, before I help you find your brother, please live here with peace of mind! Experience the life that a normal girl's house should live!"


   "I...I...Thank you, Master..."


   The corners of the nightshade's eyes are slightly moist!


   Mu Nianci walked over with Long'er in his arms, smiled friendly at her, and asked, "Are you called Xiaokui? Are you looking for your brother? Are you separated from your brother?"




Solanum is shy with his head and replied in a low voice. It seems that he feels that he is not polite, so he raised his head and explained seriously: "My name is Solanum! I have been looking for me indeed! My brother Long Yang! The master said he can help me find my brother, so I am following him recently!"


   Looking at the Solanum, who seemed to be clumsy for fear of the other party's misunderstanding of his rudeness, Su Yi smiled! He has only respect for this girl who has been waiting for his brother for hundreds of years. If he can make her live better, he naturally doesn't mind putting the magic sword down temporarily!


   "Oh Yi...oh Yi..."


In his arms, a very slight voice sounded, and then there was a pain in his chest. Su Yi snorted and said in a low voice: "Idiot courage, be honest, don't hit me! I'll take you to your master soon !" (To be continued...)


  Ps: Falling flowers ask for a monthly pass. It’s best to get a reward and a subscription recommendation...



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