Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 82: What's wrong with this swollen name full of sight?

ps: Thank you for the first time in your life, just for the first time, for the first time, book friends 150803130314928, book friends 151012205727379, you have 100 rewards! Thank you for the bottomless 20 tips! Guyu Nebula, 151008211402984, Daqin Ruishi, Repentance, Remembrance, All things in the world are born from being a born from nothing, Huaguo? 10 rewards of the month bf! Luohua solemnly begs for subscription, subscription determines how far and how long a book can go...This thing is really good...Is it a slack period recently? I always feel that I can't boost my energy, so that the power of Luohua codewords Be stronger!


   "Then I announce that I will fight back against Ouyang Shaogong, start!!!"


   On Zhonghuang Mountain, on the snowy ground with heavy snow, Su Yi announced. ◎,


   In front of him, Han Lingsha and Feng Qingxue were embarrassed!


   And Su Yi, if you look closely, you will find that his face at this time is clearly dissatisfied!


   Actually... This time Su Yi didn't plan to bring Han Lingsha and Feng Qingxue together! Although I have been fully prepared, I am confident that I won't be stumped in Ouyang Shaogong's hands, but after all, facing such an enemy, I can't be too careful!


   But who knows Han Lingsha just said, "If I hadn't hurt Ouyang Shaogong and saved you at the beginning, you can't figure out where you are now! Now you are making a statement with me as a lifesaver?"


   This is so reasonable, Su Yi is completely speechless!


   I had no choice but to take the two girls out of Youdu together, anyway, now I have a lot of strength. In addition, although Lingsha's current strength is quite different from that of himself and Ouyang Shaogong, he still has the body of the candle dragon's breath. I believe that if you take care of yourself, the safety of two people is absolutely not a problem!


   "So. Brother, where shall we go?"


   Leaving Zhonghuang Mountain, Su Yi was still sullen and rushing, Feng Qingxue couldn't help but curiously asked.


   Su Yi smiled, "Go to Qinglong Town and wait for Baili to slaughter Su!"


   is the best opportunity right now! What Ouyang Shaogong likes to see most is the scene of Baili Tu Su being possessed by evil spirits, crazy! What if he knew that Baili Tusu would never be troubled by evil spirits again? When the so-called seal and Baili Tusu had been integrated, even the city of Tianyong, which was the most adept at releasing the seal, was unable to unlock that seal. Ouyang Shaogong will never get his life and soul again, even if Baili Tusu dies, the soul will still stay in his body, you can only watch... Besides watching, you can't do anything...


   At that time, Shao Gong... What kind of funny expression would you have?


   Su Yi sneered, thinking that this is my first great gift to you! Ouyang Shaogong, you have to follow me up!


   intends to commit a serious crime! Where does Su Yi still have the slightest sympathy for Ouyang Shaogong? If you do not play until you collapse, I will give you the last name from Su Yi. Renamed Ouyang Yi! ! !


Thinking, Su Yi turned around and smiled at the two girls and repeated, "Let’s go to Qinglong Town, Tu Su and the others should be back soon? I suddenly turned my face with Ouyang Shaogong. I didn’t have time to say goodbye to them. It’s for worrying about us, it's important to report your safety first!"


   Very reasonable argument. But Su Yi's gentle smiling face caused the two girls to have a cold fight. Han Lingsha couldn't help muttering, Master, how does your smile feel so evil...


   Su Yi smiled but said nothing...




   Zhonghuang Mountain is not close to Qinglong Town. The reality is not in the game, just a click of the mouse, and you will be there! Su Yi's sword art was really faster than the so-called flying technique, but even so, it was still three days after he arrived in Qinglong Town!


   "You wait first, I'll ask Tu Su if they are back!"


   Su Yi said hello to the two girls and walked to a tavern in Qinglong Town!


   It was not a meal at this time. The pub was quite deserted. Except for the shopkeeper who was drowsy at the counter, only one woman with a pretty good appearance was drinking there...


   Su Yi stepped forward and said, "This girl has invited me. I want to ask you about one thing next, I wonder if I can?"


   The woman saw Su Yi, put down the wine glass in her hand, smiled and said, "It is polite and flowery! Dare to ask the son what he wants to ask?"


   Su Yi was slightly startled, blinking his eyes, and suddenly felt that the name was so familiar... it seemed like he had heard of it somewhere...


   But he didn't bother with this, but seriously asked if Xiang Tianxiao and others had returned!


   "Are you looking for Big Brother?!"


Ruhua hasn't answered yet, a rough voice has already sounded behind him, a cool man dressed up has walked in, smiling at Su Yiwei, and then dissatisfied with Ruhua: "Why are you running here to drink again? It's easy to find..."


   smiled like a flower and said: "I just waited for you to wait impatiently! Are you tired from working hard?!" She stood up and asked the rough-looking man to warm up.


   "Naturally, I have nothing to do. I am used to it. This little brother, do you want to find Brother Xiang? I know him. I used to work in his shipyard."


   "Then I don't know where he is now?"


   The king groaned vigorously, and said, "Which East China Sea did he go to? Anyway, it's quite far away. He hasn't returned for a few months. It may take some time to come back visually!"


   haven't come back yet? So it's not too late to come by yourself...


   Su Yi suddenly felt astonished, it seems that Baili Tu Su and others are still rippling above the East China Sea...


Putting away the confusion in my mind about the two names Wang Dali and Ruhua, which are full of sense of sight, Su Yi smiled and thanked the two, and then came out and said to Feng Qingxue and Han Lingsha: "It seems that Tu Su and the others have not yet Come back, but if what I expected is not bad, I'm afraid it will only be a few days later, let's find an inn to live in first.


   The two women have no objection.


   The three people searched for the only inn in Qinglong Town, and stayed down steadily, preparing to wait for Baili Tusu and others to return! Anyway, if a few people just got off the boat, it would take at least a few days to fully understand the difference between the sea and the land... I and the others are here to wait and see, but they are not afraid that they will get lost.




  While waiting, there are two beautiful ladies by your side. The three of them talk and laugh every day, laughing and laughing, naturally they will not be bored... In the blink of an eye, three days of effort passed!


Early in the morning of the third day, Su Yi had just gotten up and was standing at the window in the guest room on the second floor, looking out at the boundless and boundless sea of ​​blue waves. He has grown on land since he was a child. It is still quite fresh to the sea, even if It's been three days and I still haven't seen enough...


   But today, from a distance, I faintly see a few men and women who are quite distinctive in costumes compared to ordinary villagers, setting foot on land from a rather weird ship!


   "Have you come back? It's pretty can find Xianzhi in just over two months. The efficiency is quite high!"


   Leaning against the window, Su Yi exclaimed with a smile.


   Behind, Han Lingsha came over, stood beside Su Yi, and asked: "Then little master, don't you hurry to find them? What if they leave directly?"


"No, I want to see, my mother will be resurrected soon... Will he worry that his companions are exhausted at this time and need a rest? It can be regarded as a small test for him... …"


   Look at Baili Tusu, is it still that Baili Tusu who doesn't care about anything except himself? To what extent have you paid attention to your companions?


   With an expectant smile, Su Yi's gaze fell on the few people who were standing on the shore talking!


  His eyes were like a torch, and he naturally saw clearly that in the short journey of more than two months, several people had lost a lot of weight, especially Fuyu. It seems that the life of good clothes and food since childhood has made her extremely uncomfortable with the days of wandering on the sea!


   I can’t hear what they are talking about, but I can see clearly that several people seem to be arguing... Baili Tusu opened his hands and seemed to be saying something to several people...


   arguing for a long Then a few people came towards the inn!


   The smile on Su Yi's face is even brighter!


  Even if his mother is about to be resurrected...Although he thinks it is, but he can try to let his companions rest for a while, this kid has matured a lot...


The figures of a few people are getting closer and closer. They have not seen each other for more than two months. Great changes have taken place in the two men and two women. If we say that we walked together in the past and they were both far and near, then now, there is nothing Doubt, look at the eyes of the four people looking at each other, as well as the natural, undefended look on their faces... They are really tightly united!


  At this time, the sights of the four of them are not bad, and they have clearly seen that on the second floor of the inn, in the wide open window, a pair of very outstanding people are looking at them with a smile...




   Fuyi was overjoyed and shouted his uncle, already rushing towards this side! (To be continued...) u

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