Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 93: I think you two are much better than him

ps: The third thing is, just after the repair, I quickly sent it out to shock everyone... Hehe...


   In fact, the reason Su Yi temporarily made such an agreement with Ouyang Shaogong is that the so-called revenge is only the second one. In fact, there is another extremely secret reason!


   Ouyang Shaogong is too dangerous, too insidious, and too dangerous. In his hands, he has an unknown number of methods that can create a no-man’s land plague zone! It's impossible to be unprepared!


   But if you kill him directly? But it's wrong...


   Once this guy has a long life. In his many years of life, I don't know how many life-saving means. Although I am confident of my own strength, I really don't have the full confidence to kill him safely!


  Secondly...I was yawned by him, but to be honest, it was a blessing in disguise. Not only did I marry Lingsha, but also got a really intimate sister. If you say hate, there is really not much! Not as good as others...


But a thousand shouldn't be absolutely wrong, Ouyang Shaogong shouldn't involve Feng Qingxue... That girl is innocent and pure, like a snow lotus blooming on the Tianshan Mountains, how innocent, but he dare... if not ruthless Going back in revenge, and stabbing the opponent with a thousand knives in his heart, how can he eliminate the hatred in his heart?


In order to make a temporary intention, I simply made a gambling agreement with him for this game, so that he can restrain his hands and feet, so that he does not have much free time to engage in business, and concentrate on running for Xunfang. The poor man of Ming, and the second sister of the Fang family who had a happy life. Wouldn't they all be innocent...Since they have the ability, they will simply be good people and save them!


   Come on... Naturally, it is for Ouyang Shaogong to experience it. This hope seems to be at your fingertips, but the despair and pain far away from the horizon! Anyway, Su Yi didn't even plan to tell him in the end. In fact, Xunfang had already taken Xueyan Pill and had restored his previous life span! But there is no such thing as poisoning at all!


   You will be completely knocked down by me in ignorance! Ouyang Shaogong... This is the fate of offending my beloved sister! ! !


   looked at the pretty girl who was waiting boringly in front of him, and then saw herself returning, waving at herself by the creek, Su Yi's face. Showed a warm smile!


   "Brother, Sasha. You are finally back..."


   Feng Qingxue, who had been waiting for a long time by the lake at the foot of Hengshan Mountain, saw the two of them and rushed to Su Yi happily, laughing happily!


   "Well, I'm back!"


   looked at Feng Qingxue with a smile on his face. This girl seems to be particularly satisfied, is she just so happy to see herself?


   Su Yi couldn't help but put a sunny smile on his face!


   "Come on, walk with me!"


   Looking at the rising sun in the sky, the soft sunlight sheds on the mountains, the green trees and red flowers, the flowing water and the breeze... This is also a beautiful place!


   Su Yi suddenly became interested and held a girl with both hands. The three of them strolled along the gurgling stream, feeling the unfettered atmosphere and their expressions. Have gradually relaxed...


The two girls are both extroverted and lively people... Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Su Yi is not worthy of attention at the moment, and they threw away his hands, ran in the fields and started to play, picking up one from time to time. Pour water on each other. The cheerful laughter reverberates in the mountains and plains, endlessly!


   and heard this laughter. There was also a satisfying smile on Su Yi's face...having all the time and having fun, instead of entangled in scheming everywhere, calculating this and the other, how can it be to have a happy heart with family and love and live easily?


Ben was still thinking, and immediately went to join Baili Tu Su, and then watched Ouyang Shaogong's efforts, but desperately realized that Baili Tu Su had already gotten rid of the trouble of evil spirits, wanted to see how desperate his expression was at that time interesting……


   But thinking about it now, it's really boring! No matter how good his expression is, how can he be as beautiful as the cheerful smiles of the two beautiful girls in front of him who are in full bloom in March?


   I didn’t watch it! No need to see it!


   Anyway, he mistakenly thought that Xunfang's life was in his own hands, and he would definitely throw rats in the face of Baili Tusu, so he would go to fight the fire by himself!


   "Hey, you two..."


Thinking about this, Su Yi immediately showed a cheerful smile on his face. He greeted him loudly and attracted the attention of the two girls, "I said you two, shall we go to Peach Blossom Valley to stay together? Heaven? The weather now is a good time for peach blossoms to bloom. I think the scenery there should be more beautiful than here, right?"


   "Go back to Taohua Valley? But what about Shaogong and Baili Tusu?"


   Han Lingsha raised her eyebrows. Just now, she was full of calculations and wanted to plot against Ouyang Shaogong. Why at this critical moment, she suddenly said this...


"It's just that I want to play with you happily for a few days! We can build two houses there, and then stay for a few days. In our leisure time, we can go fishing and admire the flowers. Wouldn't it be better than playing with Ouyang Shaogong? What's more, now that all the tricks have been released, it doesn’t make much sense for me to supervise it. I am not Ouyang Shaogong’s pervert, I have to see those distorted and painful expressions to be satisfied. Compared with that, I want to be with you. A few days later, my birthday!"


   Su Yi looked at the two girls and smiled gently.


Anyway, at Baili Tusu, I have asked him to be careful. There is no evidence. It is rather unsightly to say more swearing about Ouyang Shaogong. I have done everything I can, if you are still stupid. Give Shu Ming Dan to Han Xiuning, no wonder I didn't report it!


  Thinking about it this way, Su Yi felt that now, he really seems to have nothing to do with himself!


"Okay, okay... there is the place where I found my eldest brother! I wanted to go back and have a look a long time ago!" Feng Qingxue didn't know the conspiracy and tricks, she was sheltered from this simple girl, secretly dealing with Ouyang Regarding Shao Gong, Su Yi only discussed with Lingsha! Now that this girl heard the elder brother's suggestion, she naturally raised her hands in favor!


   "Then...then go back!"


   Seeing Su Yi's eyes suddenly become extremely gentle, Han Lingsha, who is already an old husband and wife, blushed subconsciously, and naturally did not have any opinion, and he readily agreed to Su Yi's proposal!


   At the moment, the three of them no longer stay in Hengshan, but set off directly to Wuling Mountain Stream!


  Wuling Mountain Stream is not far from Hengshan Mountain, and a few people were too lazy to Yujian, but directly searched for a carriage at the foot of Hengshan Mountain, and the three slowly rushed to Hengshan Mountain! Along the way, you can also see the beautiful surroundings. There is no pollution on the plane, the air is fresh, lush and leafy everywhere, and the scenery is quite elegant...If the poet walking here is a poet, I am afraid to see these beautiful scenery. There must be countless inspirations along the way, along the way, compose hundreds of poems!


Not only in the middle of the road, but the three people discussed in a lively tone, where to build a house and how to divert water around it. It is best to draw a small river around the house, so that water is convenient. The scenery is also more pleasing to the This is a place like a sacred place to hide from the world. If you don't make it leisurely, how can you be worthy of the name of Peach Blossom Valley!


   Mingming is only a temporary residence, but Qingxue and Lingsha both show the momentum as if they are going to live permanently. No matter the size, the prototype of the house that needs to be built is out!


   While looking at the sketches drawn by the two on the drawings, Su Yi slowly dripped a drop of cold sweat on his face. This is a big project! What about these girls really planning to make Peach Blossom Valley a Peach Blossom Valley?


But fortunately, Su Yi looked at Han Lingsha who was eagerly discussing something with Feng Qingxue, the expression on her face suddenly softened, and she was in the ruined temple some time ago... She was really wronged by this girl. Now that she has something she likes, don't say a few houses are just palaces, and I have to get them out for you!


   Thinking like this, Su Yi also joined the discussion team!


   "I have a better opinion... how about we just build a two-story building?!"


   twittering along the way, at this moment, in the center of the three people's brains, there is no place for Ouyang Shaogong! (To be continued)

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