Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 98: It's better to throw away this thing

ps: Thanks, Nan Jiatong, Xixingsi Youyouzi's 588 rewards! Zhang Beibei Tan Baobao, Lin Yijun,

, Floating and house, you have no chest, what fierce you are, Daoye is me, the rider of the floating house and disappeared, 100 rewards! Thank you sadfasdgsd, 3 gold points, annoying scenery, empty fate, and dark stay for 10 rewards! Everyone is really awesome. Luohua's book monthly pass is only ranked out of the 20th in the category, and the recommendation is even lower as a shame, but the reward is actually shot in the fourth category... The first three are all great gods. There is no... can I brag to people that I am only a little inferior to the big **** o(n_n)o~


Baili Tusu still looked indifferent and indifferent, but Fuyu who was supporting him beside him couldn't help but yelled, "Your Excellency is also an expert who can compete with the real person Ziyin. You are acting so despicable. Is there really no high human dignity and integrity?"

"Dignity? Ethics? What is that?"

Prince Changqin couldn't help laughing. "Compared to the desperate expression of Han Yunxi I want to see, it is better to behave like this, right? Huh? Han Yunxi, your mother? Why didn't you see her come out? For such a long time, you should have given her Shu Mingdan, right?"

"Shu Mingdan? What is that?" Baili Tusu stared at the prince Changqin, and asked in a cold voice.

The voice of the prince Changqin was a bit of joy. Facing the problem of Baili Tusu, he seemed to be a good teacher. Explained quite in detail: "Naturally, it can turn a human body into a Jiao Ming thing! As for what Jiao Ming is... Heh heh heh, it is a kind of body that devours the dead. Then it transforms into the human form. The shell bug, although the appearance is still the same as in the past. It can even recover a little mobility, but inside... It's a pity that Baili Xiaoxia, although I really want you to take a look at its specific effects and explain the details to you Circumstances, but I really have limited time, so I will tell you first so that you can be mentally prepared."

Baili Tu Su's pupils shrank, "You actually know the effect of taking pills for my mother?"

"That's natural. I know exactly about the problem of Shu Mingdan. Even I have already controlled Fang Lansheng and this fox demon. The reason why I haven't bothered you in is to give you enough time. Give that shuming pill to your mother! How about it, I'm barely reasonable, right?"

Baili Tu Su took a deep breath, his eyes were clear, and his breathing suddenly became hurried, "You called the wrong name, right? Mr. Ouyang, on weekdays. Isn't it all called Xiaolan and Xiang? Bell?"

"What? He... Is he really Ouyang Shaogong?!!!"

Looking at Fang Lansheng's **** and hideous look, Fu Yan glanced at Baili Tu Su in shock, and said in shock: "But Ouyang Shaogong and Lan Sheng, aren't they good brothers who love brothers? Why would he..."

"It's just crazy!" Baili Tu Su whispered.

"Oh? It is indeed a young man of Baili. I was discovered... although from the beginning, I did not intend to hide..."

Prince Changqin...No, Ouyang Shaogong is not surprised at all. Haha laughed again! "How is it? I have worked so hard to find Xianzhi and have exhausted all my hardships. In the end, my mother's body was also destroyed by my own hands... Baili Xiaoxia, I don't know what is in your heart at this time. How do you feel? Hahahaha..."

The laughter was so presumptuous, but unfortunately, the proud and wild laughter only lasted halfway, and was abruptly held back by Baili Tusu's words!

"Sure enough, Senior Yin's warning to me was right! You really are the real murderer who killed my whole family in Wumeng Linggu!!!"


bsp; Baili Tusu didn't seem to be surprised at this time, but he was suddenly relieved. Ouyang Shaogong was the prince Changqin? From the time when Senior Yin told him this news, even if it was only a suspicion, this almost a month or so had given him enough time to accept it!

Hearing Baili Tu Su's words, Ouyang Shaogong's eyes suddenly became gloomy, and there was a nameless fire in his heart. Is it him again? !

Seeing Baili Tu Su took out the familiar pill from his arms, and then smashed it into pieces in front of her face, Ouyang Shaogong's face remained calm and a sense of rejoicing came to her heart!

Fortunately, I didn't take this matter of rinsing the pill as a last resort, otherwise, I would be really dead by Yin Qianzhen!

"So you didn't give Shu Ming Dan to your mother!"

Ouyang Shaogong's voice was unpleasant, "Since you didn't believe me, why did you let me help you refine Shu Ming Dan?"

"I am also half-believing, and I almost gave this pill to my mother just now. If Fu Huan firmly believes that Senior Yin is not a targetless person, I am afraid I would really fall into your trap! As for the moment, Ouyang Shaogong, the teacher once said , If I do not defeat the evil spirit in my body, I cannot defeat you. Now, I have completely subdued the evil spirit in my body. Does it mean that I have the power to defeat you?! Appearing in front of me today, it can be said that you are not wisdom……"

Baili Tusu’s burning suffocation steamed, and the scarlet suffocation slowly overflowed from his body, and he looked like a demon who chose someone and devoured him!

"Conquering evil spirits?! Really absurd! You thought you could defeat me? It is even more absurd! Today, I will use Fang Lan's body to let you know how naive your thoughts are!"

Remotely controlling Fang Lansheng's body, Ouyang Shaogong no longer has the thorough cultivation base at this time, but his opponent is Baili Tusu...With his own abilities, even Fang Lansheng's ability alone can defeat him! ! !

He smiled contemptuously at the forced evil spirit, and the Buddha light in front of him instantly flourished, with a cold snort, Ouyang Shaogong waved his hands, and the Buddha light in front of him slowly surrounded his hands, forcing the attacking evil energy back, the scarlet evil energy and The golden Buddha lights bite each other frantically...Even if it is the first time to use Buddha power, Ouyang Shaogong's skill in operation is far better than Fang Lansheng. Even if he is far less capable than Baili Tusu, he still overflows with him. The evil spirit is evenly divided. Really extraordinary! But what happened next... changed Ouyang Shaogong's expression drastically!


Baili Tu Su suddenly roared. The crimson evil spirit that had drifted and occupied almost half of the Wumeng Linggu, suddenly shrank as if a wind eye was born from it. Isn't the location of Fengyan the scarlet Fen Ji sword body!

In the blink of an eye, all the evil spirits have shrunk to the Fen Jijian!

"Die to me!!!"

The evil spirit was completely restrained and burned, but with a sword, it had the potential to almost destroy the sky and the earth. It smashed the originally solid Buddha light barrier with one blow, and then Baili Tu Su was full of crimson, but But extremely calm eyes. Already within easy reach of Ouyang Shaogong... Ouyang Shaogong had only spoken out for a while, and he was defeated by Baili Tusu!

"How can you improve so much?!!!"

Looking at the Fen Ji that was slashed towards him, Ouyang Shaogong's expression changed for the first time. Baili Tusu's strength is very clear by himself. Although it is not bad, it is only good, except for the body inside. The evil spirit still nodded, the rest...but you!

But now. His strength... more than doubled! Although it is still not enough to compare with myself, it can't be solved with Fang Lansheng's body!


sp; An uncontrollable feeling surged in my heart, and Ouyang Shaogong was furious, "I don't believe you will kill Xiaolan!"

Neither did he look at the cut Fen Ji. Ouyang Shaogong clenched his fists with both hands, and with the golden light shining, he had already taken both fists straight to the middle palace without hesitation. Smashed at Baili Tusu!

Kill it! If you kill Fang Lansheng, you will really please my heart! I don't believe that the evil spirit will not completely swallow you up!

That belongs to Fang Lansheng's face. There was already a sullen and twisted smile!

But Baili Tusu did not hurt the killer. Instead, the sword retreated quickly, with a crisp clang, and Ouyang Shaogong's fists had already hit the fierce Fen Ji!


With a muffled snoring, Fen Ji was restrained with all his evil spirits. The power, especially Fang Lansheng's power, could resist?

His footsteps trembled suddenly, and he couldn't help falling backward!

At the same time, Baili Tusu hit Ouyang Shaogong with a punch without hesitation...

How can Ouyang Shaogong resist this time!

Hit immediately!


But with a mere punch, Ouyang Shaogong couldn't help but screamed. The ghost power inherited from Nuwa, for the remnant souls like Ouyang Shaogong at this time, the power is truly incredible!

With just a punch, Fang Lansheng immediately fell to the ground, unconscious... Ouyang Shaogong's soul was actually beaten out by Baili Tusu!

But Baili Tu Su stunned Fang Lansheng in twos, and didn't stop, even Fen Ji didn't even bother to pick it up, and hurried to Xiangling! I want to do the same and save her...

Sure enough, as Ouyang Shaogong’s soul was forced away from Fang Lansheng’s Xiangling, who was slightly sluggish than Fang Lansheng’s body over there, suddenly moved his eyes, flashed, and the wind blew numerous dust on the ground. Fascinated by Baili Tusu's eyes, he had already avoided Baili Tusu and stood on a high tree!

Baili Tu Su waved his hand, and Fen Ji spontaneously returned to his hand, "The acquaintance will leave Xiangling's body for me, otherwise, I will not blame me for being ruthless under the sword!!!"

"Hahahaha... Shibei should treat each other with admiration for three days, but I really underestimated Baili Xiaoxia, but even in the face of my genocide enemy, I still show mercy everywhere. It seems that these two people are in your heart. The unexpected weight is extremely heavy!"

Ouyang Shaogong looked at Baili Tusu below and smiled and said: "I have confirmed right now that if it were not for the main body, I would be no match for you! But ah... who told you that, as long as they rescued the two of them, Is everything going well?" With a few sneer sneers on his face, he said every word: "Don't you forget, I just said that the soul-attracting technique must be led by the target's relatives before it can be used. ?"

Laughing wildly, coupled with Xiangling's bleeding face, looked like a ghost in the underworld! As if to vent the hatred in her heart for many years, the expression on her face was even more hideous and terrifying! (To be continued...)


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