Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 104: My spell is never under you


  Cpa300_4(); Su Yi may not know that Han Lingsha has rushed to help herself! At this moment, he was secretly pondering in his heart...


   This tornado is quite troublesome!


   just saw the tornado becoming more and more powerful. In order to curb it, he split several sword qi to stop it. Unfortunately, even though the sword qi is extremely powerful, it is like a clay cow into the sea, without any movement...


While flying ahead, looking for no one’s place in his eyes, Su Yi did not forget to glance back at Ouyang Shaogong who was chasing him. Although this guy was so obedient, it was quite unexpected to him. Tornadoes must be resolved quickly!


Glancing at the flickering golden light and bright red of the left button, amidst the violent sound of the wind, a very strong spiritual force was condensed to compress the blade, which was difficult to detect with the naked eye. Only after being careless, even oneself was even slightly affected. hurt!


   nothing! Let's break through your violent wind skin first!


In my heart, Su Yi's Qionghua Spiritual Energy was running at full force, and Wang Shu Jian was swung lightly in his hand. The light blue aura overflowed. Before him, one after another, Wang Shubing purely condensed by sword energy appeared. sword!


One after another, more and more, these countless Wangshu swords slowly revolved around Su Yi, as the Wangshu sword in his hand swiped hard, these countless Wang Shubing exuding crystal blue rays of light The sword has been rushing towards the increasingly powerful tornado behind him! ? Huh huh! ! !


At this moment, if you look from a distance, a small dot in front of you keeps attacking a small blue sword energy, blasting spiritual power towards the huge monster behind you, and the dense thin swords are constantly drawn into the eyes of the wind. . If this site has not been updated, please hit the website #(WWW).(kanshuge).() and go to ()! It's like a barrage game played in childhood!


   Countless look at Shu Bingjian, carrying powerful Qionghua spiritual power. Immediately let the oncoming tornado stop suddenly...


   Then Su Yi flew forward with the magic sword under his feet, turning around to look at Ouyang Shaogong behind him. The **** of the right hand have been placed in front of the chest, silently chanting the mantra...


   Behind the unicorn pattern, there was a sudden burst of blue light. Between the sky and the earth, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the powerful wind and snow had roared out, blowing towards the giant tornado created by Ouyang Shaogong!


  Five Spirits Immortal Art Ice and Snow is the most powerful Wind and Snow Ice Sky, although the wind spell is more suitable, but Su Yi's **** physique can't even send the most basic wind curse. It seems that if you have time in the next day, you still have to find a way to get the Wind Spirit Orb and Fire Spirit Orb of the Five Spirit Orbs!


   thought quietly in his heart, the powerful wind, snow and ice sky, the momentum is no less powerful than the giant tornado created by Ouyang Shaogong!


   Two powerful forces that can be called extremely large quickly hit one place!


   "Go to me!!!"


   entered the state of Bing Xin Jue in an instant. At the same time as he performed the snow and ice sky, underneath Shu Bingwu, countless small ice swords followed the power of the snow and ice sky and shot into the tornado!


   There is the oppression of the wind, snow and ice outside, and the power of Shu Bingwu is expected to raging inside...Two extremely strong and cold forces are combined inside and outside. The tornado was spinning rapidly, the crunchy teeth sounded sour, and the speed of rotation slowly stopped...


   Pieces of ice fragments fell from the tornado. The violent gust of wind was actually frozen!


   The gust of wind immediately disappeared completely, and the mess that swept the sky by it. Suddenly fell off, revealing the true face of Ouyang Shaogong!


"found it!!!"


   With a soft drink. Su Yi has quickly fallen towards the hill below!


   Ouyang Shaogong did not hesitate, and followed closely!


   Just a few dozen breaths of effort. The two of them had flown more than a hundred miles away. At this time, there was no more people around!


Looking at Ouyang Shaogong, who looked like a golden saint warrior in golden light, Su Yi smiled and said: "Shaogong, you said I had brute force at first, but I was just a bull, it is not a threat! It seems to you now that I am a bull, but a little more sophisticated?"


   Ouyang Shaogong's face was gloomy, and it was obvious that Su Yi had just attacked and the subtle manipulation of spiritual power was so frightening that he couldn't help but be shocked! He hummed angrily, put his hands on the strings again, and was about to attack...


But the next moment, he suddenly changed his complexion and hurriedly retreated behind him... At the place where he just stood, a cloud of white flames ignited and quickly disappeared without a trace. If the retreat took a while, it would be straightforward. I would be hurt by this powerful flame just by looking at the color!


   "Don't think that only you can use magic tricks! My fairy magic is never under you!"


Su Yi snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky. In the sky, the temperature that was originally lowered by the wind, snow and ice rose in an instant, and an extremely hot and dry breath emerged. In the sky, a series of meteors and fire rain. , Like an exterminating meteorite, fell towards Ouyang Shaogong!


   "Pick me this meteor shower!"


With the addition of the star cloud map, the fire system immortal technique that has reached the state of burning the world is so powerful that even Ouyang Shaogong has to change slightly, the spiritual power in his hands is flowing, and his hands quickly play a song. The lingering rhyme of the mountain, countless tones surround him, the golden brilliance...


   Okay... This time I look like a Super Saiyan again!


   Su Yi's heart spit out, but he said: "Go!!!"


   The meteors are coming more urgently, and the golden color on Ouyang Shaogong's body covers a range of tens of meters around him, even where Su Yi is standing!


   Boom boom boom! ! !


  The golden brilliance suddenly rushed straight to the sky, shaking the mountain, and the rock was cracking, and the fire system fairy meteor shower, which had been resisted by Ouyang Shaogong!


   "Sure enough! But what about my trick?!"


The magic sword was put away, Su Yi holding on to Shu Xi and the double sword in both hands, a wicked charm spread freely, Su Yi had rushed to Ouyang Shaogong, the double swords were used together, and he was already ruthlessly towards Ouyang Shaogong cut the past!


   half extremely hot and half extremely cold...


The warmth and the cold were intertwined. Before the two swords arrived, Ouyang Shaogong could not help but fought a cold war. He was shocked at how this guy felt that his strength was even more amazing than Baili Tusu. At the same time, his face The murder is more intense...


   He stared at Su Yi fiercely... He didn't even resist! It's just that the tail finger twitches slightly on the strings...


  铮! !


   A soft sound, also resounding in Su Yi's heart...


Above the head, several golden dragons hovered, and above the dragon, a seemingly void and real invisible coercion quickly dropped. Although there was nothing in sight, Su Yi could clearly detect that there was Something terrible has landed!


   "Is this the calming tone?!"


Su Yi snorted coldly and waved his hand. On the top of his head, the white brilliance was immediately released... The sacred stone has been opened, like a thin piece of rice paper, spreading on Su Yi's head, the next moment, there is an obvious The heavy pressure has been uploaded from the Divine Stone, but unfortunately, how can one break through the Divine Stone power?


   "Go to **** Ouyang Shaogong!!!"


Blocking Ouyang Shaogong’s attack, Su Yi didn’t hesitate anymore. The two swords in his hand were red evil and blue ice entangled with each other. Wang Shuxi and Ben were a pair. If they were used alone, they would be slightly inferior to the magic sword. Together, they are definitely above the magic sword!


   One ice and one fire, the two forces have no hesitation, rushing towards Ouyang Shaogong!


   "Damn it!!!"


The hit that must be hit didn't even stop the opponent's Ouyang Shaogong snorted coldly, and suddenly a golden ball of light appeared in front of him, which had blocked Su Yi's two spirits forcibly. Power attack!


   "Give me ~ broken!!!"


   Su Yi yelled, the spiritual power in his body suddenly skyrocketed, and the power of the ice and fire spiritual power was even more astonishing. A crisp sound had already broken through the defense laid by Ouyang Shaogong...


After breaking through the golden defense, Ouyang Shaogong's body was finally revealed. At this time, seeing the double swords attack, it was too late to avoid him, but he was really not afraid of danger. As soon as Jiuxiaohuan Peiqin received, his wings were framed without hesitation. In front of you...


  呯! ! !


   Looking at Shu Xihe, he has already slashed on that pair of wings!


   is half an inch deep, and can't make any further progress! (To be continued...)


  Ps: Third! ! !

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