Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 116: Main **** fault? Doesn’t the CPU burn?

"It seems that you really missed a lot of important things! Come with me, Brother Su Yi, I will take you to the new reincarnation space to take a look!"

Liu Yumo didn't stop until he ran a long way. Still not letting go of Su Yi's hand that was holding him tightly, the two of them walked slowly.

While walking, Liu Yumo introduced to Su Yi, "Brother Su Yi, where you appeared was the entrance and exit of the previous reincarnation world, so it is very lively! But now it has been abandoned, everyone is You enter and exit the plane of reincarnation directly from your own reincarnation space, so people are very rare now, but if you continue to move forward, the previous one is actually very lively, of course... it's just some trading transactions!"

Su Yin nodded his head, and clearly saw that the houses on both sides where most of the reincarnations lived were already emptied at this time... or put on the names of various shops...

Like the eighth pawnshop, the House of All Things, the Hall of Valor, etc...

"What kind of mess is this?"

Su Yi couldn't help but whispered.

Liu Yumo followed Su Yi’s sight, and then chuckled, “Anyway, the houses here can be rectified according to their own minds as long as they charge a small rental fee. There are so two evils. It’s also understandable! Okay, don’t pay attention to this. I will take you to my reincarnation space to take a look... The reincarnation now has only one man, and there is no way to get in without others’ permission!"

With that said, the two walked all the way through the lively crowd, and then went forward...

It's an extremely wide aperture...with a soft light from bottom to top...

Standing next to the aperture, Liu Yumo cleared his throat and said with a serious face: "Su Yi the reincarnation, I formally invite you to be a guest in my reincarnation space!"

Su Yi was stunned, wondering: "Do I need to nod my head for approval?"

"Hehe, I'm just playing handsome!"

Grinning, Liu Yumo pulled Su Yi into the aperture!

There was a flash of light all around in an instant...

In the blink of an eye, the two had already appeared on a platform!

Su Yi looked around, shocked: "This is the space of reincarnation! The real space of reincarnation?"

The two at this time. Already in a cosmic environment full of stars, the huge platform under your feet is like the real reincarnation space that Su Yi once visited! There are just no traces of war! And beside him is the solemn megalithic building. Sacred and inviolable like an altar!

"Well, this is the initial appearance when I first entered. I specially restored it to its previous appearance and let Brother Su Yi take a look. But it seems, Brother Su Yi, you have seen this..."

Liu Yumo looked at Su Yi's eyes with a bit of inquiry. She squinted and said with a smile: "Couldn't this be the design of Brother Su Yi? If so, then I can only say that Brother Su Yi, your vision is really terrible! Let you see me craft!"

As she said, she waved forward... she put on a posture of a magical girl transforming herself, her mouth was plausible, she seemed to be whispering something, Su Yi's ears were clever and he heard clearly, this girl thought... Grapes don’t spit out grape skins, and don’t eat grapes but spit out grape skins..."

Feelings are here!

"Give me...change!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the space under your feet. The vast bluestone floor and megalithic buildings have disappeared like flames, replaced by the chirping birds, surrounded by colorful clusters

The flowers bloom on your side, gathering into a sea of ​​flowers...

A lake of water is like a transparent mirror, not far in front of them...

And across the front of the lake, among the clusters of dazzling green flowers and green trees, an exquisite villa wants to hold a pipa half-hidden...

"Well, it's a fairyland on earth!" Su Yi exclaimed in admiration. "Does everything here change according to your mind?"

"It's not..." Liu Yumo curled his lips and said with disgust on his face: "Although the space of reincarnation is getting more and more convenient, the main **** is really getting stingy. If you want to do this, it will cost I’m lucky, but after it’s done, it can be stored, just like the mobile phone theme skin. I have no less than ten skins up and down, but this is my favorite... You see, this house is the same as ours. The house is exactly the same!"

"But doing it like this. The surrounding environment is much more beautiful than ours in the world!"

Su Yi sighed, and walked forward, but he couldn't help being stunned after not taking a few steps. It was my house, right? Do you think of yourself as a mistress?

Reluctantly shook his head, and with a slight twist, Su Yi had entered the house!

The decoration of the house is no different from that of a living home... No, if there are, there are two more striking houses! The door is full of decorations, and you can see that it is the boudoir of two girls!

"Well, it's my room with my sister! You know that we were teaming up recently. It's too lonely to be alone in a reincarnation space, so she moved in. Just authorize it. The space is free to enter and exit each other's reincarnation space, but it is quite convenient...Brother Su Yi, come, let me authorize you, in the future as long as you want, you can also enter and exit at will... Well, of course, including my room! Hehe..."

Smiling and joking, Liu Yumo pulled Su Yi's wrist on the reincarnation watch, stretched out his hand and tapped it slightly. Sure enough, there was already a small spot on the reincarnation watch... Directly connect the coordinates of Liu Yumo's reincarnation space!

"Huh? It's weird... Why doesn't your reincarnation watch shine, Brother Su Yi?"

After the authorization was completed, Liu Yumo discovered the problem and wondered: "When I set up for Miss Sister, another prompt was displayed on the top! Is it because your version is different from ours? "

She stretched out her soft white wrist and joined Su Yi's wrist together, so that the two reincarnation watches were next to each other...

The appearance is not much different, but one is pitch-black and there is no movement, while the other one is exuding a slight fluorescence... You can see the difference at a glance!

"Is there something wrong with your watch, brother?"

"This is the first time this has happened to me! I have not been any different from you before... I think it should be because of the version upgrade. Did the main **** continue to fix bugs?"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing. This girl's description was so apt, but she always felt a sense of joy in it!

"Lord God... busy?"

Liu Yumo looked at Su Yi with a bit of envy, and she envied her: "It's great brother, your main god, turned out to be the main body of the big ball of light! It's really gm!"

"Main body? What do you mean, Yu Mo?"

"Our main **** is the same as can check what you want to inquire, even if it is a version upgrade, it has not been affected at all, but brother, your main **** is affected. It is obvious that your main **** is different... Is this also the difference between gm and reincarnation?"

Liu Yumo touched his chin

I got up, "I used to think that the main **** is a program, just like an Internet cafe. Each of us is a person who surfs the Internet and can inquire about anything inside, but there is only one main god! But according to your brother, now it seems , I’m afraid the main **** is more than just a program...this is good news...but brother, your main god, hasn’t this happened before?"

"of course!"

Su Yi nodded affirmatively!

"Such a personality...Is it true that your main god, brother, is actually the host of all main gods? No, if it is the main engine, it doesn't make sense... but suddenly disappears... It's not that the main god's cpu will fail? But if it's not a malfunction..."

However, after a few words of effort, Luo Yumo actually fell into contemplation, as if he knew something rather confusing news!

The little girl circled around Su Yi, and she couldn't help chanting, "If it's a malfunction, it really doesn't explain it, but if it's not a malfunction..."

After talking for a long time...

Liu Yumo's expression tightened, his steps stopped, his eyes quickly turned to Su Yi, and he was shocked: "Brother Su Yi, you might have to be more careful! Your Lord God, if it wasn't a malfunction, then I'm afraid it is... I'm afraid I have my own wisdom!"

"What...? Have your own wisdom? What's the answer?"

Su Yi's heart suddenly The look at Liu Yumo was already a bit shocked! It is naturally impossible to fail... so is it...

"Because there must be a link between the main gods, otherwise we cannot exchange data with each other! And the main **** of my brother is definitely the superior main **** compared to us! But now my brother's superior main **** is on strike, but my lower main **** It's still running... isn't this the best proof? If it's just a program, it must be extremely delicate, and it will affect the whole body. Once the upper level fails, my main **** and everyone's main **** will definitely fail together! This is not proof that the main **** is not a program...or, my brother's main **** is not a program..."

"And if it's not a program, then it must be life! But since it is a life, maybe it has no emotion before, so it can behave like a program, but the program will not be out of condition, so although it is just my inference, I think , Brother, your main god, I am afraid it is fundamentally different from our main god!"

Liu Yumo held Su Yi's hand tightly, and said seriously: "So brother, your main god, must have left! I am afraid it has wisdom, and if the main **** really has feelings, then Su Brother Yi, in the future... don't trust the Lord God too much!" (To be continued.)


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