Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Disciple Sun Linglong meets Master?

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   "When did the hand come out?!"

   Liu Yumo was taken aback, but he couldn't imagine that Brother Su Yi was so powerful...

do not care……

   The tiger continues to use the pinch style, pinching Su Yi's face!

   Grabbing Liu Yumo's hands, Su Yi pulled her out of the ice with a slight effort, and said: "Okay, the discussion is over!"

   frowned and looked at his shaved clothes, a new dress appeared in his hand between the wave of his hand, he had moved quickly to change into the new dress!

   "I won't fight so soon? We've just started..." Liu Yumo asked Su Yi curiously.

   "What else? Although I didn't try my best, but one move could hurt me. If you hadn't stopped suddenly, I am afraid I would have at least some wounds?"

   "Hey hey, how am I willing to put a wound on Brother Su Yi! Of course I stopped quickly!"

   "So..." Su Yi looked at Liu Yumo in admiration, "Your current absolute strength may be worse than your brother, but as far as combat experience is concerned, it's not bad anymore!"

Listening to Su Yi’s praise, Liu Yumo said with a pitiful little breast, “That is! I am a genius more talented than my brother! But Brother Su Yi, listening to your tone, you seem to be with me Did your brother fight?"

   Su Yi Wei Wei; Startled, shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "It is indeed a fight. He has a completely different style from you. It feels like a single word..."


Liu Yumo took Su Yi's words and hummed: "I knew he would make this kind of common-sense mistake. Nothing can be broken but fast is not broken. He really believed the theory of this kind of martial arts novel... Actually Yushifeng, the most important thing is not fast. But the rhythm! Keep your own rhythm, bring the enemy into your own rhythm to interrupt his rhythm. The real power of the wind, brother, he has not unearthed... …"

As he said, Liu Yumo's face showed a little gloom, "Brother, he must be anxious to enhance his strength to find a way to treat my heart disease and legs, so he chose this most superficial use. Way! Because if you want to truly master your own rhythm, it’s too time-consuming. Brother, he doesn’t have much time to waste!"

   When Liu Yumo mentioned his brother, Su Yi's heart felt guilty. Touching Liu Yumo's petite Zhen head, he said: "Okay, the dead are dead, we have to look forward! Don't be sad... I want to come to see you like you are now, he should be I am very happy that my efforts are finally in vain, right?"

"Well, that is! But thanks to you, Brother Su Yi!" Liu Yumo leaned forward and looked at Su Yi, and asked seriously: "Brother Su Yi, you shouldn't be my brother's teammate, right? When we met once, he wouldn’t be so defensive against you... and in fact, he used to spend his luck before returning to the world with his memory and instructed me to stay away from you. I’m afraid... are you friends? ?"

   Su Yi was silent, with a wry smile on his face.

After a long time, he replied: "We are actually...friends of life and death! I trust him very much before he died. He gave me very pertinent advice! It helped me a lot...and he trusted me very much. , The blood crystal containing all of his own power, he can give it to me without hesitation...This is our relationship!"

   "A life and death friend?"

   Liu Yumo's always lively face revealed a bit of tranquility. She said: "I see, you are... a friend of life and death!"

   Close your eyes. Taking a deep breath, Liu Yumo's face. Suddenly he changed the tranquility he had just now, and he became laughing and joking again, "Let's go, Brother Su Yi, since we don't fight anymore, let's go eat! I'm so hungry!"

   said, pulling Su Yi and walking forward!

   This girl...

   Su Yi's heart was slightly raised, but suddenly it fell heavily, and a sense of powerlessness rose to his mind. Is it so serious to ask such a question? It made me so surprised, horrified, okay...


At the moment everyone had a very lively breakfast. Of course, Liu Mengli looked ashamed and offered Bao Xiwei a cup of tea in the middle. It seemed that he was just a younger generation respecting the elders, but he knew exactly what Bao Xiwei meant. Instead, he took out the red envelopes that he had prepared in his arms very seriously, and asked Su Yi to go to Shouyang with Mengli at noon...

  The meaning of the words is naturally clear! Immediately, Liu Mengli, who has always been like a young lady, made a big red face, but the happy smile on that blush face was almost uncontrollable.

   Su Yi also showed a very happy smile on his face, this time he is the biggest gainer! For nothing, I got a beautiful girl who was like a flower and a jade, and she was still noble like a princess. Of course, Mengli was indeed a princess...

   Looking at the harmonious scene of the harem around him, the smile in his heart also quickly rushed to the corner of his mouth!

A very harmonious breakfast... Liu Yumo, who had been squeezing Su Yi's side, immediately left him, and ran to Bao Xiwei to show his courtesy. It seems that he was just given by Bao Xiwei’s reasonableness. Shocked, this girl is planning to take the mother-in-law route?

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The girl’s nagging skills are really top-notch. Since I came back to the present, I have been with the girls here, but I haven’t been to Zhuxian to see Baguio and Xueqi, especially Bi Yao, this girl knows that she is going to take risks, so she has to go back and let her calm down!

Anyway, it’s noon to go back to Shouyang. If you convert it, it doesn’t matter if you leave for a few days. Su Yi whispered something to Liu Mengli. In the playful eyes of everyone, Liu Mengli blushed, shy but appraised Nodded, and straightened Su Yi's collar...

   Say goodbye to everyone one by one and get a few kisses...

   Su Yi embarked on the road to the plane of Zhu Xian!

In the next moment, the purple-toned fantasy world in front of me has changed to the lush Dragon Head Peak. The pine trees stand tall and the evergreen pine trees make the Dragon Head Peak still full even in the cold winter. It's vitality!

   Stepping on the white snow, Su Yi just stood firmly...

Behind   , there was a shout of surprise, "Master brother, are you back?!"

   Behind her, Xiaohuan with a double sword on her back looked at her in surprise, shouting loudly, she couldn't help but rushed over!

   "Hey, hey, slow down... The little girl is really, but it's only been more than a month..."

   talking about the time for Xiaohuan, Su Yi sighed, I haven't seen you in ten years!

   "Come on, let the master brother see if you have lost weight!"

Putting down the leaping ring, Su Yi looked at the ring, then nodded in satisfaction, "Well, with the dragon sword on his back, UU reading is more stylish than the first dragon head peak! Your cultivation level has also improved quite quickly. It seems that although my master is not very dedicated, your talent is still outstanding..."

   Xiaohuan smiled and said: "Because I have been studying with Master Cangsong and Uncle Wanshi every day during this period. If progress is slow, doesn't it seem that they are not good at teaching people!"

   The witty words made Su Yi couldn't help but laugh! "Well, well, it seems that this dragon head peak will be the first seat, and he will soon be able to become a regular one!"

   "Hurry up and get me right! I can't wait to learn from my master brother, so I quickly passed the position of the first seat of Longshoufeng to my apprentice, and let him be the head of this generation!"

   "Your apprentice?"

   Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said in a strange way: "Don't you think Xiaohuan has also accepted an apprentice? You are at a young age..."

   Xiaohuan had a beautiful nose, and said: "Brother Master, when you accepted me as a disciple, you seemed to be younger than I am now..."

   "Ahahaha...what should I say about this question..."

   Su Yi suddenly smiled bitterly, thinking how can I explain to you the fact that my age is even older than your grandfather?

   "Oh, watching me patronizing and talking to my master brother, I forgot that I brought my apprentice to practice the exercises. It just so happens, Linglong, come and visit your master!"

   said, Xiaohuan suddenly thought of something, and pulled out the petite red figure who was only eleven or twelve years old behind him!

   The timid figure looked at the stunned Su Yi with timid eyes, and said timidly: "Tui Sun Linglong, pay homage to Master!" (to be continued...)

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