??? PS: Thank you for the reward for getting a long and long name! 24K passerby's reward! A reward from Wuyou Township! Thank you Nan Jiatong, Xiao Qi for the 囧, Tai Xuan, Lin Yijun, you are not so fierce, what fierce, Yakumo Wutong for 100 rewards! Thank you for your long reward! Prisoner's bottomless reward! sadfasdgsd, fate is empty, no one is leisurely, and a heart-warming reward!


   Su Yi didn’t know that at this time, the secret that he had worked so hard to keep alive had been completely leaked by the woman who hadn’t paid attention to it...


He only regarded this little girl as frustrated for the failure of the mission. After all, the smarter the person, the more perfect he is. Anyway, he has now handed over the scroll of return to her hands, plus the red that can heal all injuries. Xueliu Zhudan, I believe that with the wisdom of this little girl, as long as he doesn't deliberately die in the future, then it is absolutely no problem!


   Next, all the business has been done! I can finally increase my strength without any worries!


Xueqi knew everything, and didn’t express any opinions... Although she didn’t express any opinions, but she didn’t get angry and pulled out Tianya to give herself a **** and leave. She was already laughing. ! For this, I have to thank Baguio...


Thinking of the Baguio who was trying to get his Crystal Palace lady's idea recently, Su Yi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. I have to say that smart women are also stupid... In my own situation, it is not necessary for everyone to live together, and there will be enough. The time does not leave anyone indifferent...


  Since they are not together, in this case, does the status of this so-called eldest woman... make sense?


  ...But it's better than the fire in the harem!


   Su Yi wondered, now he should be able to take Baguio back to the Magic Palace to meet everyone. At least, she and Lingsha have a very good relationship, and I will be very happy if I want to meet!


  The harem is finally stable temporarily! And there will be no more problems with visual inspection...


   There is also A Nuan, this girl suddenly transformed. In fact, it can be regarded as a big help... to be able to forcibly rescue herself from Black Feather, it seems that with the blood of Nuwa, she is not only able to transform freely, but also has a great strength. leap!


   The Lord God has also returned... and temporarily turned the enemy into a friend. It doesn't seem appropriate to say that, but it does mean it!


   Thinking, Su Yi put his sight on the Lord God!


   The main **** who has been acting very strange since he came back, but now he has returned to his previous normal state, and he will not speak unless he asks questions...


   "Lord God. Are you there?"


  【I am here, are you okay? 】


   Su Yi said earnestly: "The next world... Find me a plane that can make a huge leap in my strength!"


   After a slight silence, the Lord God asked: [Are you still entangled with the person you met in Antarctica? Didn't I already tell you that it is impossible for him to get out of it? You don’t have to regard him as your imaginary enemy...]


"But in fact, I don’t even have the qualifications to stand in front of him now? Just a drop of diluted blood can make me completely lose the ability to resist. If it weren’t for Ah Nian’s rescue, I would really die. Black Feather's hands!"


   Su Yi took a deep breath, remembering the scene at the time. I still have the feeling of lingering fear! He continued: "I don't know how to do it. Anyway, since I saw that person, there has always been an ominous sign in my heart, an indescribable sense of crisis! I always feel that I must strengthen my strength as soon as possible, otherwise I am afraid that something bad will happen! This premonition is very real, it is definitely not as simple as an illusion... So I must speed up my pace!"




   Su Yi seemed to hear the slight sigh of the Lord God!


   [Well, I will arrange a plane for you that can make your strength leap quickly! You can rest assured! There is still a lot of time in the future, so you can accompany Xueqi and the others more...]


   "Do you still have to say? Next, it's all my vacation time!"


   Su Yi smiled softly. In the blink of an eye, people had already escaped from this world and appeared in the illusory underworld!


   In the purpose, there are several beautiful faces full of joy and smile!


   Although I have been away for a long time. But for them, they were still playing around with themselves more than ten minutes ago... They didn't even have time to disperse!


   Seeing that she came back suddenly, Feng Qingxue pursed her chin strangely, and asked curiously, "Didn't you say that you have something to do, brother? Why did you come back so soon?"


   "Silly Qingxue, it's a while to you, to your elder brother. It's been a few days, maybe!"


Liu Mengli covered her mouth and chuckled, her every move was very charming. Not long after she broke her body, she was truly beautiful and thrilling at this time... Su Yi was stared at by her beautiful tender face for a while... …


   Seeing Su Yi's dumbfounded look, the smile on Liu Mengli's face was even more obvious, but Xiu's face couldn't help but blush, and gently turned her head away! If there are only two people, and her lover shows such obsessive gazes at herself, she will naturally be overjoyed, and maybe even flatter her... After all, Liu Mengli is never a twitchy person for her beloved... …


   can now... everyone is here.


   Looking at Feng Qingxue's ignorant gaze next to him, the weird smiles at the corners of Azhu Abi's lips...Even if Liu Mengli admits that she dares to love and hate, even if she actively asks for pleasure, she is still slightly shy at this time.


   And Su Yi, with a happy smile on his face! Looking at the pretty faces of a few girls, the secret message in my heart is really good... There are still nearly two years of time, no matter how strong the desire/hope for cultivation, how hot the desire for strength, but this period of rest Time, put it on them.


   "Next, I will be with you... OK?"


   Su Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to the girls.


And facing Su Yi’s hand, the girls on the opposite side of Yingying Yanyan, but you look at me, I look at you, all blushing, but none of them stepped forward to hold them, suddenly letting go. Su Yi is embarrassed with one hand. It seems that the harem is as stable as Mount Tai, but the girl is shy and unbearable. It seems that the dream of being together/sleeping is really just a luxury!


She laughed twice and was about to withdraw her hand, but Feng Qingxue had already grabbed Su Yi's hand with a smile on her face, and said happily: "Okay, okay, big brother, you said you want to accompany me to browse this fantasy underworld. The famous mountains and rivers of the Qionghua School, and the original home that you mentioned, eldest brother...I want to take a look!"


   Su Yi was so moved that she stretched out her other hand, and held Feng Qingxue's hand tightly in her palm, "Good Qingxue, rest assured, my eldest brother will love you forever!"


"Yeah!!!" Feng Qingxue hummed happily, and then weirdly looked back at the few girls who looked at her with envy and envious eyes, these sisters who treated her sincerely and kindly in the past. , Why are you looking so strange now? And just now, the eldest brother stretched out his hand and they didn't hold it... Why did I hold it? Their eyes seemed to be quite envious...


   I neither pull nor pull you, I pull you still envy... It's strange!


   Feng Qingxue murmured a few words, and then took Su Yi to coquettishly talk about his happy life in the Underworld during this time!


Seeing the ignorant but cute Qingxue~www.readwn.com~ feel her tight grip in her hand, and the beautiful fragrance of the beautiful body beside her, Su Yi's mouth shows a warm and happy smile, her eyes are in a few directions The person's face was swept, and the firm look on his face flashed!


   These girls... are their own sources of happiness! From being alone until now surrounded by the crowd, I may be a little greedy, but I didn't give it my sincerity, no matter who it is, as long as you dare to take away all of this, I will never think I will give up! ! !


   In his mind, the figure with the head hanging down unexpectedly flashed past! The figure that was pressing in the deepest part of his heart, the breath that pressed himself almost unable to breathe...


   must become stronger as soon as possible, at the fastest speed, otherwise, he will definitely take everything from him! Destroy everything about yourself...


Obviously, he has received the promise of the main god, knowing how indestructible the seal there is. It is clear that he has been sealed for so long without any movement. It can be seen that the main **** is not a lie... Obviously there are so many obvious things, but Su Yi's heart of crisis feels A wave is as strong as a wave, as if there is no response, something terrible will happen!


   Right now... only believe in the Lord God! (To be continued.)

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