Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Old bug must die

ps: Thanks to the 898 reward of 3 points crystal, thank the book friend 141004142030719, the 588 reward of Bie Yu, the 300 reward of Lichen, and the army of you, what is fierce. The sun, I am a newcomer, Xiaoshu, Mi Yuan, Qu Shikong, and the third place in the top 10 reward categories...~Like one~~

Kakaka's icing sound rang, and with the blow of the sacred stone, the body of the dirty inkstone that was caught off guard was immediately frozen.

"Yan Ye, what are you doing? You have done such a brutal attack on your father..."

The dirty inkstone of Jiantong, who was frozen except for his head, was not surprised by the ice that had frozen him. With a pair of gloomy ghost-like eyes, he stared at Su Yi firmly, and said: "Are you planning to disobey me?"

"Not to disobey you, but to kill you"

Su Yi stared coldly at the dirty inkstone of Jiantong who was frozen by himself, the murderous intent in his heart was as strong as a wave. Facing such an old bug that even abandoned human heart and human nature, he really felt that even if he breathed with him The air in the same place feels sick

Kill him immediately kill him

Even if you know that you are seriously injured at this moment, it is not the best time to kill this old bug, but your injury is extremely serious, and you don’t know how long it will take to recover. You can’t let the innocent little girl Sakura continue to suffer from him. Torture?

Anyway, there is a sacred stone. With the power of the sacred stone, I believe it is not difficult to kill this old bug.

The **** stone who has never let myself down, will definitely not let myself down this time

Seeing the dirty inkstone of Jiantong who was looking at him without fear, Su Yi took a deep breath and said, "Go to hell, old bug"

The left hand was slightly clenched into a fist...A little white light shot out from the wrist...

White light shone on the ice cubes, and the white ice cubes that had frozen the dirty inkstone of Jietong, as if excited by the white light, suddenly emitted an extremely dazzling brilliance. What followed was Jian Tong's dirty inkstone, who couldn't calm down anymore and cried out, "Ah~~~What the **** is this?"

How could the extremely sacred radiance of the sacred stone be able to bear the body of the old bug, which relies on the aggregation of filthy bugs. However, for an instant, it was clearly frozen, but the body of Jiantong’s dirty inkstone had been burned into charcoal by light and heat... If it was an ordinary person, it would probably not be able to survive directly.

really. Jian Tong's dirty inkstone only let out a desperate cry, and then his head drooped, without making a sound. It seems that he was completely killed by the radiance of the **** stone...

Others don’t know, but this old bug who has lived for more than five hundred years, I’m afraid there are too many ways to save his life. Even if the sacred stone has natural restraint on him, Su Yi doesn’t think it can be done with just one shot. Kill it

Without hesitation, after turning the body of Jiantong dirty inkstone into coke, the brilliance of the **** stone. The next moment has been swayed to Sakura's body, who is looking at this side with a sluggish gaze, and seems to be unable to accept what happened between the sparks and flints. That's why she didn't wait for her to leave before proceeding.

Seeing that strange Uncle Yan Ye shone the light that killed his grandfather onto her body, Sakura couldn't help but let out a low voice, and waved her hand to block her face.


Another scream came from Kozakura's body, but this sound was no different from the sound of the dirty inkstone...

But Sakura herself obviously didn't suffer any harm.

Shocked, she put down her hands covering her eyes, and Sakura stared blankly at her heart, where...Even through the clothes, she could clearly see inside. A group of scarlet worm-like creatures stirred and struggled in their chest...



With a low muffled cry, Sakura has fallen to the ground feebly

"You really are not dead"

Su Yi snorted, already holding five silver needles between the fingers of his right hand. Fei put the needles in front of him through the clothes like a flash of lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the five slender silver needles have sunk deep in front of Sakura’s chest, the needles trembling slightly... and then he did not hesitate, God Petrified into a small scalpel. In the next moment, Sakura's chest was cut open without hesitation...

But it's very strange. Under the action of the silver needle, even if it was smashed, there was still no blood flowing out... as if the scalpel cut was just a dead man's bones.

In front of Sakura’s shocked and horrified eyes, in front of her low, painful cry, Su Yi’s right hand had already grasped her heart... Amid the tearing sound of flesh and blood, he was already twisting a long thin strip. The little bug withdrew his hand.

Looking at the blood-stained little bug, Su Yi showed a cold smile on his face, "Hiding in the heart of the little girl, old bug, you guys are unexpectedly romantic."

"You are not Yan Ye, you can never be Yan Ye, who are you?"

The little insect's body writhed crazily and wanted to break free of control, but Su Yi's **** were like iron tongs, forbidden to death, but where did he break free? Jian Tong's dirty inkstone sounded from the insect, and he roared: "You can't be Yan Ye, who are you?"

With a wave of his hand, the dazzling brilliance of the **** stone suddenly softened, a little rain and dew fell down, and the water spirit power of the water spirit beads slowly nourished the wound on Sakura’s chest, and the cut open wound was quickly visible to the naked eye. restore……

"I am... the one who will kill you"

Said indifferently, Su Yi's fingers pressed slightly, and there was a soft puff, a mass of mucus splashed directly from between Su Yi's fingers, and the dirty inkstone was like a really tiny insect, completely crushed by Su Yi.

Everything is like electric flint, but in the blink of an eye, from destroying Jiantong’s dirty inkstone body to taking out the engraved insect hidden in Jiantongying’s heart, Su Yi has easily lived this for more than five hundred years, and the worms have long been rotten. The mixed dirty inkstone is completely destroyed

The worms in the training field have long been wiped out, and now even the engraved worms in Sakura’s body have been taken out, want to come... Are you dead? After all, it is a sacred stone. Although he is not a hero, Su Yi is absolutely certain that the power of the sacred stone will never be inferior to any powerful treasure.

Thinking confidently, looking at her sakura lying on the ground blankly, staring blankly at her own Sakura... But in such a short period of time, the wound cut by the **** stone has completely healed, even the scar Did not leave a bit

It was really right to learn medicine from Shaogong in the previous life. Otherwise, even if I knew that the old bug was hidden in Sakura’s heart, I didn’t have the ability to take it out, right?

Su Yi squatted down and smiled and said, "How about Sakura? I said that I was the one who saved you. Now that old bug that tortured you has been completely destroyed by me, and you are free."


Stupidly repeating Su Yi's words, Sakura's eyes still looked like an unbelievable look...Who can imagine that the person who caused her despair and pain and destroyed all her hopes could be killed so easily died? She has a feeling as if she is dreaming

"Is it... a dream?" she murmured.

"It's not a dream..." Su Yi's face floated above her, showing a kind smile at her.

That hideous face belonging to Jian Tong Yan Ye, at this time, in Xiao Sakura’s eyes, it also had a bit of Yan Ye's taste.


"Yan Ye...Uncle...You really saved me?"

After asking Kozakura realized that her chest was chilly, she couldn't help her face flushing, she couldn't help screaming, and hurriedly put the dress that was cut by the **** stone on her chest. before……

Little Lori is still shy...just a little older...

Su Yi couldn't help laughing secretly, saying that I am at your age, but I still wear open pants and play with girls

It seems that the dirty inkstone of Jiantong has died, and Sakura has a more or less human breath.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Get up quickly and help me to a quiet room... My injury is very serious, and it has been very hard to persist until now. I need to heal my injury quickly."

Jian Tong Yanye’s body had already been destroyed in the Fourth Holy Grail War. If it hadn’t been for the power of the water spirit of the sacred stone to keep moisturizing, I was afraid that Su Yi would die again the next moment he woke up.

And even if there is a sacred stone, first collect some of the evils of this world, and then forcefully kill the old bugs... Su Yi feels that if he doesn't hurry up for a while, I'm afraid there is only one Red Snow Flowing Pearl Pill left. , You can't keep it to be continued.


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