Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 9: The legendary mother and daughter sister flowers

ps: Thanks to Ding Zhilan for the 10,000 reward! Congratulations to Luohua, I have one more rudder master... I didn’t say anything, today’s three more oh~~ Thank you Lin Lingxiyu, Southern Jiatong, 3 crystals, you are not fierce and fierce, 24k passerby’s 100 rewards! The bottomless 20 rewards! Really red cheap, one minute, I am a newcomer Xiao Shu Mi's 10 tips!

The Tosaka family, as the first family to secretly control the magic resources and spiritual land of Fuyuki City, its strength is naturally at the top even among the three imperial families! In addition, there is a master Jewel Weng who has completed the second method, so even Einzbern who has once developed an incomplete third method cannot completely suppress it!

Such a well-known family in the magic world, its resources in Fuyuki City are naturally quite impressive... Magic that uses gems as a carrier to cast magic, it can be said that money is strength, even if it is Rin Tosaka in the future Life is so shabby. In fact, the fixed assets in her family are by no means comparable to ordinary families. After all, the value of the gems in her hand is a bit exaggerated, but if an ordinary family gets one, I believe it will be enough. No worries about food and clothing for a lifetime!

It's a pity... Today's Tosaka family, but after all, it is Higurashi Nishiyama!

Especially when looking at the portrait of Tosaka Toshimi holding a portrait, a sad but stubborn face holding on to a strong black-haired little girl... At this moment she was next to a beautiful gentle woman from the taxi, refused With all the help offered by everyone, she worked hard alone to help her into a wheelchair, and then slowly pushed her to the tomb of Tosaka Tokimi. It seemed that she wanted her mother and father to say goodbye!

Tosaka Aoi! ! !

The woman who was insane because of being strangled by Jian Tong Yanye, that is, she was strangling her neck and lacking oxygen...The woman who was always admired by her predecessor...

Pushed by her eldest daughter, with a gentle and kind face, she was still smiling and saying something to the air on the side, as if there was a person standing there... The expression on her face was almost happy Full of satisfaction!

And the lonely little girl next to her... only she was left alone in the real world, she took care of such a mother. But she can only look at her silently, unable to step into this happy picture. She concealed the sadness that no one could understand, and with her young body, she took on the heavy responsibility of the head of the Demon Dao family and endured the pain of being transplanted and engraved.

For girls who are still elementary school students. This is really a cruel fate, but she stubbornly held her head up, as if she had lost her head and was unwilling to show the slightest weakness! .

"It seems that the Tosaka family is really dysfunctional. The husband is dead and the wife is crazy. There is a primary school student left to support such a huge family. Hehe, I heard that the distant relatives of the Tosaka family today It's all here, I'm afraid you are all staring at such a big piece of fat in Fuyuki City, right?"

"Those relatives who are far away? They should not have inheritance rights, right?"

"Inheritance? Do you think such a little girl who doesn't know anything about the **** can keep the Tosaka family's huge family business? By then, a guardian's name will make her even unable to keep her...hehe Hey, that crazy woman looks pretty good, although she is silly, but she is mother and daughter..."

"You are so evil..."

Next, there were segments of obscene but obscene laughter, which contained a smile of gloat!

When Su Yi and Sakura came here. I just heard such a passage... I saw such a scene...

After stepping into the magic cave, Sakura had a slightly relaxed expression on her face for the first time since she stepped into the magic cave. The moment she saw her elder sister who had been thinking about her, and her mother, she felt heavy instantly!



Holding her little hand by Su Yi, she stared blankly at the portrait of her father held by her elder sister in the distance. The corner of her eyes became wet in an instant. Now she still thinks of the despair of being abandoned by her father... Can't help but let go Opening Su Yi's hand, he quickly rushed towards that side!

"Sister!!! Mom!!!"

The cry of crying shocked everyone who came to the funeral. Including Rin, and even Yanfeng Kiri, were all sluggish for a moment when they saw Sakura. Obviously, I couldn't think of how this poor little girl who should have been under the claws of the dirty inkstone escaped?

Only Aoi. The moment I saw Kozakura, a happy smile appeared on her face, "Is it Kozakura? Look at you, it's not careful, why the collar is crooked? Come here and let mom give you the whole thing. !"


Crying. Kozakura jumped into Tosaka Aoi's arms and couldn't help crying.

"Silly boy, why are you crying... Come, mom will wipe your tears!"

With a loving smile, she rubbed her fingers gently at the corner of Sakura's eyes, helping her to wipe away the tears.


Seeing the person she has been eager to meet again, Rin's mouth was slightly pursed. She opened her mouth and wanted to say that you also came to see your father for the last time? But as soon as she uttered her name, her voice couldn't help but choked up, and hurriedly closed her mouth, but with the free hand, she forcefully hugged Sakura in her arms, as if to comfort her, her lips were slightly red from the bite... …

Looking at the family of three hugging each other, one with a warm smile on his face, one with a tearful nose and crying, and one with a depressed face...

Beside them, the tall and thin figure can be clearly seen in Su Yi's long-aware eyes, the distorted and happy eyes!

Su Yi's heart was inexplicably upset!

Especially when she saw the gentle-faced woman sitting in the wheelchair, a lush green figure floated past her mind, and her heart was throbbing instantly.

It seems to have seen years of time...In my impression, it seems that this lush green figure has given myself redemption and given myself hope of life...

But now, that figure is under full malice.

There was a tyrannical meaning in my heart, an impulse to tear the priest into pieces, and the chill instantly overflowed!

There was a few malicious people talking in a low voice next to them, and they suddenly fought a cold war, as if they were on the side of some ancient beast, with goose bumps all over their bodies. Although they don’t know why, they are instinctively. Suspiciously, he looked around, stopped the speculation that was full of malicious intent, unconsciously hid to the side, and didn't dare to say anything more...

After the tyrannical impulse passed, Su Yi's mood was inexplicably lowered. Looking at the orphan and the widow, he smiled bitterly in his heart. Is the memory of Yan Ye affecting me?

Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked forward!

"It's you!!!"

"It's Jian Tong Yan Ye! Jian Tong's family!"

"You still have the face to come here?"

In an instant, several relatives and friends of the Tosaka family who clearly belonged to the dark world had already put on a guarded look, Jian Tong Yanye, but the murderer who killed Tosaka Toshimi in the face! Although Tosaka Tosaka has occupied the head of the Tosaka family for many years and has long been a thorn in the eyes of these people, but the more indignation at this time, the more naturally it will be when he asks for Tosaka Rin's custody later. It's a matter of course!


p; At this time, the four of the protagonists also saw Su Yi walking from a distance...

"Is it Yan Ye? Are you here for the funeral too? Come here, I haven't seen you for a long time, but Rin and Ying have been waiting for you to give them gifts!"

Tosaka Aoi said with a smile, she can't remember everything that happened in the Holy Grail War!

Rin's face showed a wary She subconsciously guarded Sakura behind her, and Jian Tong's family was the enemy who took away her sister...especially after learning that it was Jian Tong Yanye After killing her father, the scum she had long since disappeared from her uncle Yan Ye's intimacy was gone.

Ying, who was guarded behind her, said in a low voice, "Uncle Yan Ye brought me here and let me see my father for the last time. He is a good man..."

"But Sakura, he killed Dad, he is our enemy!"

Rin turned his head angrily and said to Sakura who was looking timid.

"But he protected me... and he personally told me that he didn't kill Dad."

Sakura is obviously unmoved, or she has experienced the hellish scene, maybe she is still not as mature and strong as her sister, but she sees people's hearts more clearly than she does, who is better and who is worse, she is Can feel it!

At this time, Su Yi had already stepped in a leisurely pace and walked towards the three of them! (To be continued.)


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