Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 22: I swear I want Avalon not for my king

After a meal, Su Yi just got up and left! Rejecting Lin's arrogant retention, and after three days of agreeing to pick her up with Ying, he drove home with A Nuan who seemed to have fallen asleep in his sleeve!

I/Yi has nothing to say. If there is anything to say, it is that A Nuan seems to be very exhausted in a battle with the hero king. From the Tosaka family, he has been sleepy and kept the snake asleep, remembering what she said for a long time. The words that fell asleep with myself...

Su Yi thought that she was now a snake body anyway, so she didn't send her back to her own room, but put her directly next to her pillow!

When she woke up the next day, this girl still kept a groggy and drowsy appearance. It was Su Yi who called out several times before she changed back into a body lazily!


What is the fragrance of a young **** her body?

After Ah Nuan put on the capable ol clothes and went out to work, Su Yi sat on the side of the bed and wondered if she fell asleep in the middle of the night and then became Is the body entangled in yourself?

As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't help but secretly laugh that he was thinking too much. A Nuan's child was temperamental and out of heart... I'm afraid that he didn't even think of whether men and women would give or accept each other. It is estimated that he had changed into a human form in unconscious sleep. maybe……

Smiling and shook his head, but Su Yi's mood became unconsciously cheerful!

After getting up, changing clothes, washing, and tossing in the kitchen for a while, he brought out a bowl of steaming braised beef noodles with two poached eggs on it, and slapped his lips with satisfaction. Su Yi happily enjoyed the food!

While arrogant and eating, a pair of chopsticks were inserted in the ground, and two chopsticks each inserted a round and round poached egg that Su Yi was going to enjoy for the last time. Come, ah, oh, bit one of the poached eggs out of a half circle, A Nuan While chewing, pouting dissatisfaction: "You are really lazy. Give me all your work, and then sleep on your own, and don't give me a portion of instant noodles... Damn it! Master, can you just Do you only cook instant noodles? We have eaten instant noodles several times..."

"Then... how about I fry you a poached egg?"

Hesitated for a while. Su Yi suggested.

"Uh... let's go get Sakura back tomorrow!" A Nuan hesitated for a while, and then said.

"Okay, I have no problem!"

Seeing the empty bowl of instant noodles in front of him, Su Yi was also very worried!

"Then it will be such a happy decision!"

The two looked at each other, and then Su Yi easily overturned his so-called promise to pick up Sakura in three days!

After confirming this. Su Yicai finally asked about business! "A Nuan, what happened to the things I asked you to investigate for me during this period of time? I came back early. It seems that I have indeed discovered something?"

"In fact, there are real discoveries!"

Seeing that Su Yi asked about the business, A Nuan took three bites of two poached eggs to eat with nothing left, then put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "Our people have been investigating these days, but it seems that the master, you have all the poached eggs in advance. The black mud has been put away, and it has indeed changed the plot! At least the place that should have become the house of Eomiya now, but now it is just a warehouse... Eomiya Kiritugu is not there at all! I don’t know where he hid, too I don’t know if he adopted Eimiya Shirou like the original!"

Su Yi pondered for a while. Rhetorically asked, "Can't find him at all?"

"That guy, as the weirdest magician, seems to be very good at hiding his whereabouts. I sent all of us.

Going out, still can't find his shadow! "

"Well, it seems we don't want to find this guy anymore!"

Su Yi sighed, it seems that he and Avalon have missed him? Although he might not be able to get Avalon even if he wins Weimiya Kiritsugu, there is actually a glimmer of hope in his heart...maybe the guy who doesn't make money can take the initiative to hand over Avalon?

Su Yi wanted Avalon, naturally, not to use it to summon King Arthur. His real purpose for Avalon was...

Avalon, an ideal home far away from everything... as it exists in this world. And the concept of spiritual treasures that are beyond the five magics, if they are absorbed by oneself with jade, I believe that the space of jade can be greatly increased, and maybe even all the evils of this world can be directly eliminated. Maybe Sheng goes in, right?

Although originally intended to absorb the deviating sword. But who knew that with the disappearance of the King of Heroes, the Sword of Departure also followed the King of Heroes, and also turned into a light spot to dissipate... It seems that as he said, the Sword of Departure is a treasure that only the King of Heroes can use! Others are not even qualified to touch!

Since the idea of ​​hitting the deviant sword is not a success, then Avalon can always?

Su Yi thought beautifully. As the level of Avalon is not inferior to the Departure Sword, and even a higher practical level, Avalon does not have the ability to recognize the master of the Departure Sword! In the original work, whether it was Eimiya Kirishu or Eimiya Coyote, Avalon saved countless lives!

Although it is too wasteful to directly absorb such a treasure that can be called absolute defense, but for Su Yi who has the **** stone in his hand, Avalon's role is not so indispensable, not to mention Avalon's fatal shortcomings. , Must have Altria's magic power to be effective, and also cut off Su Yi's idea of ​​using Avalon!

I can’t go everywhere with my bound king, right? It would be too much for the loss...

Can it only be missed?

Su Yi put his hands on the table and pressed his chin in serious contemplation. If there is no Avalon, how can he quickly expand the space within Yuheng? Just jade? At the beginning, the Lord God took all the jade from several worlds for himself to consume, but unfortunately it was still not enough. Even if he consumes all the jade in the Moon World, can he really store the evil of this world in its entirety?

Thinking of this, Su Yi said solemnly: "A Nuan, you must find Keiji Eomiya at all costs. This is the most worry-free and labor-saving way! If you can't find it in Japan, you can find it abroad and don't worry too much about funding. For those of us who have only lived here for ten years, money is a waste of things!"

"Okay, don't worry, it's on me!"

A Nuan naturally knew Su Yi’s thoughts, and she replied seriously: "I will definitely help you **** Avalon back. Even if we don’t know how to take out the conceptual weapon from the human body, I don’t believe in life and death. Gong Qishi can really hold it without saying!"

"Let's do this first... I will continue to practice in retreat. Since the evil of this world, I have experienced thousands of miles today. Ten years later, I am afraid that my strength can really make a qualitative leap!"

There was a bright smile on his face. Su Yi smiled and looked at A Nuan and said softly, "As for other things, I'm afraid you will do it for me!"

A Nuan was about to answer, but suddenly there was a soft ding dong outside the door.

Does someone ring the doorbell?

Su Yi and A Nuan were stunned for a moment, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the strange color in each other's eyes!

Who will visit when it's time for dinner?

The Jiatong family is already comparable to the Dead Man’s Cave.

Those puppets are even more afraid to see this house, they usually walk around...

Although many people learned about the death of Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone and wanted to sneak in to steal the magic materials of Jian Tong’s family, but these guys were all soaked in formalin. Say... and the invader who rang the doorbell?

"I'll open the door."

Anuan said, got up to open the door.

When she walked to the entrance and looked out through the cat's eyes, A Nuan suddenly shook her body. She looked back at Su Yi, her expression suddenly became very weird, and she sighed, "Master, master, your luck is really good. It's beyond words! Guess who is outside?"

"Who else can it be Eimiya Kiritsugu?"

Su Yi went back to the kitchen to wash and rinse with the bowl, and said casually.

"You really guessed it... Uemiya Kiritugu is outside the door now!"

A Nuan showed a big smile, "I took the initiative to deliver it to the door! Master, you have done what you want, or let's go buy lottery tickets this afternoon!" (To be continued.)


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