Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 26: I will give you 10 seconds to prepare your last words

Facts have proved that it is not that Einzbern’s defense is too arrogant, but that Einzbern’s defense is...too lax!

Sneaking in from the main entrance, the two walked through countless corridor stairs, but they didn't even see one!

Looking back at Su Yi’s surprised eyes, Keishi Eimiya explained: “I have lived in Einzbern’s house for several years, but to be honest, except for the current Ahad Yubstad Kuhaid Von. .Except for Einzbern, no one has ever seen a second Einzbern! I even suspect that, except for him, the entire Einzbern house, everything else, including my wife Aili Flir and Ilia are actually cyborgs! And cyborgs don’t run around casually. They all perform their duties. In this period of time, they basically have their own work to do!"

"A family with only one person?"

Su Yi frowned. Somehow, he thought of the dirty inkstone among the old insects. Should he say that being old and not dead is a thief? This so-called Gosanjia, including the youngest Tosaka Tokimin, are all monsters who have distorted their humanity for the Holy Grail. They really want to kill them when they hear their names!

Just as he thought about it, Eimiya Kirishu in front whispered: "Here we are! This is Iliya's room!"

With that said, he gently pushed the door and walked into the front room!

And Su Yi also flashed in shortly thereafter!

A very exquisite little bungalow, western-style big bed, European-style sofa...a luxurious atmosphere!

Just inside the house. It was a deserted atmosphere, as if no one had returned for a few days!

"It looks like no one has been here for a long time!"

I stretched out my hand and twisted the table, and a layer of floating dust had fallen on it. It seems that no one has lived here for at least half a month!

Standing in front, Kirisu Eomiya fell silent, and he murmured: "I should have thought about it... I should have thought about it... I failed. They will definitely not let Ilia go. It is absolutely impossible to allow it. She lives in this room again! How would they torture her?! How would they torture my daughter?! Illya...Where are you, Illya?!!!"

It's understandable that Eimiya Kirishu, who has always been known for his cold-bloodedness and calmness, showed signs of madness after discovering his daughter was missing. The idea of ​​supporting him for life has collapsed, and his wife was killed and shattered by himself. His daughter is already his only...If even Ilia is lost...


Su Yi frowned, stretched out his hand to pat on his shoulder, and whispered: "I seem to hear a scream! It's a little girl..."

"Little girl? Is it Ilia?!!! Where is she?"

"You should be quiet first! I can't hear the noise..."

Su Yi listened for a moment, with several generations of ear power. I clearly heard the girl's grieved sobs and screams...

"follow me!!!"

Su Yi directly opened the door and walked out, following the direction he heard!

This time he was changed to lead the way, and with the guidance of the well-knowledge of the place, Kirishu Uemiya, the two soon found an extremely exquisite house! In the castle made of stone, this house is very modern and research institute atmosphere. The walls and doors made of metal seem incompatible with this place...

Now even Kirishu Eomiya heard the painful cry of status from inside, "It's Ilia! It's Ilia!!!"

The middle-aged uncle who had been showing decadence since Su Yi saw him, his temperament instantly became furious. Like an irritated giant bear! He drew a single-shot rifle from his waist and kicked it on the metal door several times in just one second. Every kick was in the same place, and the door made of metal was kicked open!

Then he shouted Ilia and rushed in with a gun! Without hesitation...

And Su Yi's face showed a bit of amazement, that is the unique magic of Kirito Weimiya-is it the inherent tense control?

In an instant, he accelerated his time, using the system of an ordinary person, or a system slightly better than that of ordinary people, to display a speed that even the top martial arts masters could not display...

It seems that it is indeed a type of moon plane! Even the strength is not a superb magician killer here. All have such a unique and amazing method! Naturally, I don’t have to put it in my eyes, but if I hold this magic in a person of similar strength...

Awesome! ! !

I admired. Su Yi walked in behind Eomiya Keiji!

At this time, inside the house, Kirisu Eomiya was confronted with an old man with long beard and white hair. Next to him, there was an operating table. A cute-looking silver-haired little girl was cut open with a scalpel, with bright red blood. Lu Lu shed, as if to reform her body... But even though the body was cut open, the little girl obviously still retains a sober mind. She is looking at Eomiya Kiritsugu with grievances and pain with tears in her eyes. It seems to be filling my eyes anytime...


She cried aggrievedly.

And at her feet, an adult woman who looked 90% similar to her was lying on the operating table with her eyes wide open, apparently dead and could not die again! It seems that after Eimiya Kiritsugu rushed in and found that his daughter was being reformed, he sent the reformer to the original bomb without thinking about it. Although Illya's pain was temporarily relieved, he also missed it. The best chance to kill Ahad!

Seeing the confrontation between the two, it was obvious that Kirishu Weimiya was not confident enough to deal with this old man!

I'm not calm, I should give this old man a shot!

Su Yi snorted and said, "Weigong, if your daughter is not treated, she will lose too much blood and die! Let me stop her bleeding first!"

With that said, he regarded the white-haired old man as nothing, and took out two silver needles from his arms, intending to treat Ilia!

And Ahad frowned when he saw Su Yi, and said unhappily: "A good nephew of the Maqili family? Although my Einzbern family and your Maqili family have been cooperating with each other for many years, now the Holy Grail War It's over. What are you doing here? Did your father let you come?"

"The old bug is half dead! I'm here for the eight hundred years of your Einzbern family's collection!"

Two needles were pierced at random, and the blood that was flowing out had stopped! Then a little bit of warm light spread, and the wound that was cut by the scalpel began to slowly heal...Illiya also murmured a few words to Dad again after the light flashed, and she passed out completely!

"Even though I was planning to sneak in secretly, steal something and then ran up, but now it looks like... secret stealing is impossible, you can only steal it!"

Su Yi looked back at Ahad and said, "The old bug from Jiantong dirty inkstone has been alive for hundreds of years. There are so many ways to save his life. I accidentally let him escape from my hand! You seem to be Have you lived for hundreds of years? I wonder if you can escape from my hands this time when I am prepared?"

"You are arrogant... you are so presumptuous to your elders! Is this the upbringing of the Macchiri family?"

Ahad had a displeased expression on his face.

However, Su Yi laughed loudly and waved to Wei Gong Qisi. He immediately understood, walked behind Su Yi, and began to lift the bandage that bound his daughter.

"It seems that I have to apologize to my old friend! Killing his youngest You must present a generous gift to not be rude!"

Ahad took two steps back, his eyes looking at Su Yi still gloomy, and his voice was low and said, "Come out!"

Whoosh whoosh...

More than a dozen white shadows suddenly rushed out from the surroundings, blocking the door, holding weapons in their hands and looking at Su Yi murderously!

More than a dozen people, their appearances are generally the same, and they are 8/9 points similar to Ilia who is lying on the bed. I believe that if it is compared with the wife Alice Phil, the wife of Kirishu Weimiya, I am afraid the similarity can be achieved. very!

A dozen Alice Phil...

Ahad’s deep but contented voice said: “These are the artificial humans created by my Einzbern family who spent most of their resources. Although they have a short lifespan, they are compared to the living Holy Grail type of Eri. More inclined to fight! Each has a skill no less than an elite magician! Facing so many magicians in such a place, the sage nephew of the Macchili family, I will give you ten breaths of time, prepare your last words!" To be continued)

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