Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 28: My king, my king, you make me so troubled


"This is Einzbern's collection for hundreds of years. Avalon was given to me by them before. I also took advantage of that opportunity to know where this place is!"

With a loud bang, the gate, full of magic techniques and enchantments, was completely ignored by Su Yi, and directly blasted open!

And with such a superb performance, Kirishu Eomiya did not show any surprises at all, and yes, he can easily kill the Ahad who had lived for countless years before, not to mention this mere door!

Holding Yi Liya closely behind Su Yi, walked into this collection room that had existed for hundreds of years!

When I saw what was inside, for a while, even Eimiya Kirishu who cared about his daughter couldn't help but take a breath!

It seems that the characteristics of the nobles are at fault, even if it is magic spiritual equipment, in this collection room, it is neatly placed, row by row... a touch of magic is floating around...

Su Yi didn’t recognize the things here, and his face didn’t change much, but Kirisu Uemiya had been a magician for so many years, but he swept it out at a glance. There are many things here that he has heard of daimyo. baby! Take it out, it is worthless!

The Einzbern family, as the strongest of the three founders, is truly extraordinary!

"It's a good harvest!"

Su Yi said indifferently, the indifferent expression on his face seemed to Wei Gong Kei Si, it was so unpredictable, didn't these treasures look at it?

But Su Yi thought to himself. ``し is another aspect... these things? That's just a bonus, what I really want is...

"Weigu, your daughter has been rescued. Then, Avalon, you said before, should you give it to me?"

Yes, Avalon is the most important!

Su Yi just stared at Wei Gong Qisi, it seemed that as long as there was no word in his mouth, he would kill him in minutes!

And Eimiya Keishi looked lovingly at the sleeping daughter in his arms and nodded.

I found a flat corner and put down my daughter. Then a blue light appeared in his palm, and he slowly drew his right hand into his chest...

Layers of aperture ripples emerged. He stretched his hand into his chest, but no blood flowed out, on the contrary...As the ripples gradually flooded, he had already pulled out an exquisite scabbard from his chest!

The scabbard with a golden tone. There are thin blue stripes all over it, and you can see its magnificence and honor at a glance... Is this Avalon? The legendary ideal home away from the world! Even the ultimate guardian of the five magics can be completely isolated!

If Yuheng has absorbed such a powerful treasure that is not inferior to the mysterious sword, I believe its capacity will definitely make a huge leap! Compared with this Avalon, kill Einzbern? Just kidding, it's totally worth fighting a timepiece tower!

An excited smile appeared on Su Yi's face!

And Eimiya Kirisuke handed Avalon to Su Yi's hand and said, "I was very guilty. Although Avalon was very powerful, now that the Holy Grail War has ended, it is actually useless! But seeing these collections of Einzbern’s house, I can feel at ease...I don’t want these things at all, but leave them to you! Just like you said before. I only take Ilia! As long as Ilia..."

"Yeah! If you say yes, you can't but count!"

Su Yi can't wait to take Avalon

In hand!

[Obtain Avalon, the treasure, and get 10% of luck and plunder! The current total luck predation is 10%! 】

Does Avalon also have luck?

Su Yi was slightly stunned, and then he remembered that whether it was a coyote or Altria, it seemed that they had a strong bond with Avalon. I got this baby myself, if I say there is no luck. That's really unreasonable!


A look of regret was unconsciously on his face, and Su Yi's tone was a bit of joy, "Then, the agreement between us has been reached! Ahad is dead now, Einzbern It can be considered to have completely disappeared in this world...You will take your daughter and leave! I won't be with your father and daughter..."

"Alright...then let's go! The Einzbern family has always been mysterious and has almost nothing to do with the outside world. Now that Ahad is dead, I will not come here again. If you are interested, It is possible to transform this place into a magical position of your Tong family!"

Sure enough, Eimiya Keishi misunderstood that Su Yi was in love with the good land of Einzbern’s family with wind and snow. Now that he saw Su Yi’s strength, he was really afraid that Su Yi would suddenly turn their father and daughter on a whim. It was gone, and he hurriedly expressed his position.

"Well, then I won’t give it away. By the way, your daughter seems to be an artificial person too. If you have free time in the future, you might as well come to me for a while. I also have a lot of research on the path of medicine. I have not dabbled in this aspect, but if your daughter has any bad reactions, I believe I still have the ability to help!"

"Thanks a lot then!"

Under Su Yi's watch, Eimiya Kirishu held his daughter, found a car, and drove her away from the Einzbern family!

After sending Wei Gongqie's father and daughter to leave, Su Yi sighed leisurely and returned to the collection room.

Looking at the magic attire that exudes slight fluctuations around, ancient spirits...

A happy smile appeared on his face, Su Yi raised his left hand high, and the ten jade horizontals quickly broke free from the shackles of the **** stone and flew into the sky.

In the collection room, a white pure light shines...There are various faint lights of red, blue, black, and purple in the middle, like a giant whale absorbing water, the light is absorbed by the pure white light, half A few hours later, the originally full collection room has become empty... Except for the rows of empty shelves and the magic books that cannot be absorbed, nothing else is left!

Looking at the jade horizontal in his hand, it was originally six pure white and four dark...but now, the white one is becoming more and more pure and flawless, and the black one also begins to glow with a slight white light, and obviously the space inside has also begun. There is a gap!

Taking out Avalon from his storage bag, Su Yi hesitated slightly. This is the most powerful and practical treasure among all treasures, and if you leave this treasure, you can use it to summon it. The legendary King Arthur, Altria... There is no doubt that the heroic spirit, my king, is definitely one of the best in the heroic spirit...

Su Yi couldn't help but the difficulty arose in his heart. Should he immediately absorb Avalon to greatly increase Yuheng's capacity, or wait until Altriya is summoned before he can absorb Avalon? Although if he could summon Saber Altria, his already dominant self would be even more secure! but……

Anyway, no matter which one, the 10% air transport predation is impossible to cover by visual inspection!

After thinking and thinking, there is still no way to make up your mind!

With a sigh, Su Yi put away Avalon, and then put away all the books, among these things

, Most of them are related to the little holy grail.

So, it's time to leave!

The raging flames ignited, and a red flame swept Su Yi into a stream of light, which instantly broke through the vast wind and snow in the sky and flew toward the extreme east! By plane? Just kidding, now that I have walked for a while, I already know the destination, but Yujian is faster than taking a plane, I don’t know how much!

And below, Eimiya Keiji, who was driving through the wind and snow, saw the flash of red light in the sky, and knew that Su Yi had left Einzbern’s house at this time. It seemed that he was I really have no plan to kill myself...

He let out a sigh of relief. He tilted his head and looked in the direction of the passenger seat, where his treasure was falling asleep deeply...

As if to feel the gaze of the The long white hair covered it, and a pair of beautiful pupils opened slowly...Illiya woke up in a daze and saw the car driving , Staring at her own Eomiya Kiritugu with loving eyes...

"Is it... Dad?" She rubbed her eyes and asked gently.

"Well, yes, Dad is here to take you home!"

A flat sentence made the iron-hearted Weimiya Kirisu burst into tears. He let the tears on his face raging, his eyes seemed to be insufficient, he looked at Ilia greedily, and said seriously: " Ilia, dad takes you home!"

"Yeah~!!! Just know that Dad didn't leave me!!!"

With a cheer, Illiya rushed into the arms of Eimiya Kirito!

The car that was running in the snow suddenly swayed left and right... The father and daughter had already embraced tightly! (To be continued)



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