Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 9 Chapter 33: I came to this world just to gild?

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In the days that followed, Su Yi absorbed the black mud to practice exercises every day, and when his mind was unstable, he would calm down and stay in the medical room earnestly to study and think about how to save the artificial people.

It seems that the kind thoughts in my heart are also a weapon against the evils of this world. When Su Yi was thinking about saving others, Yuheng's black mud, which was so tempted by being sucked, could be calmed down as if suppressed...

& [; It’s just painful to pay a lot of effort, but not the slightest progress!

Compared with Su Yi’s lack of progress, A Nuan quickly achieved gratifying results... The Einzbern family’s collection of hundreds of years of research and research was actually carried out by A Nuan in just a few months. In the time, I have thoroughly eaten it, and when I saw Yuheng again, the golden brilliance given by Avalon was already restrained. Su Yi could clearly perceive that some extremely magical change had taken place within Yuheng. It's just that it's still silent at the moment, it seems that something is needed to wake up!

The so-called little holy grail, A Nuan has really transformed it by herself! She...really succeeded! You should know that Su Yi's original idea was to wait a few years. After Rin inherited the magic knowledge of the Tosaka family a little, she asked her to help herself make a little holy grail. After all, they were both the founding royal family. For the technology of the Little Holy Grail, it should also be able to communicate with each other. Did you know something?

But I didn't expect that Ah Nuan was so good that he could do what the founders of the three families could only do together! genius? This is beyond the scope of genius, right?

Watching A Nuan who succeeded in making the little holy grail. Su Yi often thought in his heart, could this girl actually be the real protagonist? From an acquired but slightly distinctive little snake, it has grown to where it is now... The speed of progress is not inferior to yourself!

Her rapid progress was due to her repeated adventures and plunders; but A Nuan, relying on her many adventures and insights, forcibly followed her footsteps! I am afraid that among her many girls, she is the one closest to her!


And after everything was done, A Nuan was not idle either. Instead, they went outside to get busy. The many 21st century technology products given by Su Yi when he first entered the lunar plane, after months of precipitation, finally began to have great benefits... …A few days ago, Su Yi gave Sakura an Apple 4s made by Jiatong Industry, but she couldn’t put it down, and offered her a hug to express her gratitude!

And as the technology was cracked and they actively sold some of them, Jian Tong's assets began to snowball like a rapid increase!

If it weren't for Su Yi and A Nuan, both of whom had no interest in finance, they chose to directly withdraw all the money for their own personal affairs. With so much start-up capital under money begets money, I believe a financial empire will soon stand on top of the world!

Unfortunately, after Su Yi became the head of the magic family, he exchanged information with the magic family nearby. Already learned that Shinku Tono from the Tono family had just adopted an adopted child not long ago...

Only then did he know that when he came to this type of moon plane, he was actually here to get a cheating device... I am afraid that he will immediately flash people after getting the evil of this world. After all, if calculated according to time, I am afraid that after the Holy Grail War is over. It won't be long, Zhu Yue's daughter. Bai Ji Elquet will leave the Millennium City. At that time, another story will begin. According to the words of the Lord God in the Fairy Four, facing himself to explain Xian Si and Xian San, it means that Su

The luck value that Su Yi looted from the Holy Grail War will flow to Tono Zhiki's body!

At that time, I am afraid that Su Yi will lose the ability to even return to the Lunar Plane...

Even if you successfully obtain the Moon Plane, there will only be a majority of months! But it’s no wonder, after all, there are a lot of high-ranking and strong people in the Moon Plane. With Su Yi’s current strength, if you want to easily conquer this world, I am afraid that the level is not enough?

He did not conceal the news from A Nuan, and after A Nuan learned of this, he even took out all the money from the Jia Tong family, and was busy helping himself to buy the scarce jade, including some more. Good magic dress...

Since the purpose is the evil of this world, the importance of Yuheng is self-evident...Although Avalon has been absorbed, the space of Yuheng is not too much...There is always no more preparation. wrong!

Since the Lunar Plane cannot belong to oneself in the future, then there is no need to think too much about things that will affect ten years later! How about impact balance?

As a result, A Nuan dispatched all the subordinates of Jian Tong's family and embarked on a journey of abduction!

After everything was arranged properly, she was relieved slightly after seeing everything on the right path!

"So these days, I can finally have a good rest!"

A Nuan with a cheerful smile said proudly in front of Su Yi, "I have done all the work at hand. After that, there will probably be nothing for me. The rest are days where I can play happily, so happy. What about you, master? How is your job? Don’t you want to help that Ilia? I heard a few days ago that the big house that was bought by Kirisu Eomiya during the Fourth World War now has a pair of fathers. The girl has moved in! I'm afraid they will come to you soon! But that's right..."

With a smile on her face, Ah Nuan sighed: "No matter how Madaha's father saw his daughter who hasn't grown at all for a few months, I'm afraid he can realize that there is something wrong with his daughter. I just came now, I also admire him!

"Hmph, it's not that I am boasting, my work is naturally no progress at all!"

Su Yi said decadent words in a proud tone, "I want to absorb all the evil of this world in Yuheng, but unfortunately, such a large amount, after several months of hard work, I see I haven’t worked for several years, I’m afraid it’s impossible to complete it! And for the treatment of a dozen human beings... Hmph, after a few months of work, I haven’t even figured out the doors... , But I will treat people to beasts, and treat other humanoids who are completely different from humans except for their appearance. My profession is really wrong!"

As soon as the proud gesture was taken, he said helplessly: "So... in the past few months, apart from absorbing some of the evil of this world, I have made no progress at all... I originally wanted to see if I could be a stone of the mountain. I can take jade and take advantage of these artificial people to further my medical skills. Alas, what a pity!"

"Really? It's so miserable..." A Nuan looked at Su Yi from the corner of his eye, and then dusted his clothes, "Then master, or I will help you! After all, you are not very knowledgeable about the magic way. Understand, many things are normal without a clue, can I help you?"

"You help me? Will you?" Su Yi looked at A Nuan with suspicion. At this time, this girl looked like a wandering look, as if...

"Huh, you think you haven't regained your memory for more than 20 am I doing? Shouldn't you just hang on your arm as a snake? I was early I just left, and then I went to secretly learn the magic knowledge theory of those famous magicians... More than 20 years of precipitation, in terms of my qualifications, knowledge alone, I believe it is enough to exceed 99% of all current Magician! Otherwise, how could you think I could take Einzbern’s

Who made the little holy grail by integrating knowledge? "

A Nuan snorted unhappily, and muttered lowly with dissatisfaction: "Damn it, who is it for all these years of hard work? Suspect me...if I want to be with you more...huh, I won't help. How about you!"


Su Yi was overjoyed immediately, grabbed A Nuan's hand, and said happily: "It's too much, why don't you know the knowledge of the magic way? Is it fun to watch me here alone and touch the elephant blindly? Help me help me... Hurry up, my recent medical skills seem to have reached a bottleneck, and I need new knowledge to fill it up!"

"Uh...well, for your honesty and sincerity, I will reluctantly help you!" Looking at the hands held together by the individual, A Nuan's face was flushed with joy, pretending to be wronged. Replied. (To be continued...)


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