Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 206 I Want This Virtual Online Game World (19)


Ye Chen had an unbearable headache, which was so painful that he forced to quit the game and rolled around holding his head in the still dilapidated home.

He didn't know what happened. The only thing he was sure of was that the pain was similar to the pain he felt in the hospital more than half a year ago.

But he only felt pain for a while, and then he regained his composure again.

Lying on the bed and getting quiet, Ye Chen began to think about whether it was because he was experimented on in his previous life, which left him with some hidden dangers and brought them to this life.

But there was no way to confirm this kind of thing. No matter which aspect of the matter was different from ordinary people, he couldn't let anyone know.

In the place of inheritance in the virtual world, Ye Ling was sitting on the altar, holding a bead in his hand.

In the transparent bead, a small white wolf roared inside, but there was no way to break free.

"Ye Chen, huh..."

Ye Ling temporarily kept the wolf in the game package and did not solve it yet.

This wolf is not Ye Chen, but it has the same origin as Ye Chen. They are both products created by that system, and they are also divided and created from the same soul body.

The main body should be a special wolf-shaped creature, similar to Long Heng in Ye Ling's own space. You can use that guy's soul to create humans or dragons.

This also explains what happened to Ye Chen's rebirth.

There is no previous life at all. It is the system behind this virtual world that created the game of the virtual world, and then divided a part of the soul to be reincarnated as Ye Chen.

As for the wolf that was in the altar just now, waiting for Ye Chen to fuse it when he comes here will allow Ye Chen to gain momentum and psychological growth.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen is useless.

The chip object that was supposed to control Ye Chen could not increase Ye Chen's power, and the system had not been operated this year.

But Ye Ling is still curious, what is the meaning of such trouble in the system?

Since that system is the background of the entire plot world, why does it work so hard just to get the human souls of this world?

Just giving cheats to some characters with strong understanding can lead mankind to transfer to this new living environment.

Why is it necessary to separate Ye Chen? What is the meaning of Ye Chen’s existence?

Divide the soul...

Ye Ling himself knew how troublesome it would be if the soul was divided. He had only made a treasure as a backup just in case, and he had to take it back and recreate it every time he changed the world, fearing that one day Got yourself into a trap.

What on earth is that system trying to do by taking such a big risk?


This in itself is a scam!

But the resources in the real world are indeed scarce, so scarce that humans in this world will not be able to survive for at least a hundred years.

It can’t be that the system drains all the world’s resources, right?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is not impossible.

But Ye Ling still doesn't understand why the system needs so many human souls.

He himself does not need human souls. The ones he took away before, except for Ye Fei, all moved into the space directly with their bodies.

Although Ye Fei was a soul when he was brought back, a new body was prepared for him, and he did not need to use his soul to improve himself.

As the same system, Ye Ling felt that his computing power was a bit insufficient.

But no one could give him an answer to this kind of thing, so he could only continue to calculate and deduce.

From the calculation of the value of the existence of the human soul, and then the energy required by the system, as well as space growth, etc...

No matter how he calculated it, Ye Ling was sure that even if the number of souls in this world were all added up, it would not be enough to make the system pay such a high price...

He has also calculated in terms of faith, but the existence of faith can only bring other effects and has no benefit to the system itself.

what exactly is it?

The human soul, the memory of the human soul, the human consciousness...


Ye Ling couldn't figure out the purpose of that system, so he could only think about it himself.

He is also a system. The only difference is that his system has human consciousness and self.

What if what that system wants is his idea dominated by human consciousness?

If this is the reason, then he seems to really understand.

Ye Chen is a part of the power separated from that system, allowing him to grow as a human from birth. This wolf-shaped thing is momentum and fighting consciousness. There should be other things waiting for him later...

Until Ye Chen is strong enough in terms of strength and thoughts, as well as his experience and memory as a human being, he can return to the system itself...


Ye Ling suddenly felt that he was no longer worried about whether the system was a big game.

But he suddenly doubted whether he was a person first or a consciousness created in this way.

When he first integrated the system, was that system really that weak?

Being swallowed by a human self, is it really because the system is fragile, or is the original purpose just to be swallowed by oneself?

The more I think about it, the more I feel a little numb.

However, he is not someone who would torture himself, because he had self-destructed before, and he couldn't even find any traces of his past, so he just let it go after thinking about it for a while.

Anyway, he is who he is, whether it is a system or a human being, it doesn’t matter.

The question now is, if his guess is right, then he is going to make a big fortune this time!

Using the souls of all humans in the world and recycling the original souls with private goods, this system should now be at a stage where it can no longer control the changes in the plot.

Or it was set up in the early stage, and the main system core followed Ye Chen.

No matter which one, he can take the opportunity to deal with the system that intends to break away from the entire system alliance.

They may be the same kind, but the same kind is even more the enemy.

Once a system exists like this and has self-awareness, there is absolutely no possibility of cooperation!

Instead of keeping something that might swallow you up at any time, it's better to strike first. The systems are just resources that can be absorbed!

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

Ye Ling's eyes became more and more dangerous as he murmured Ye Chen's name. At this moment, his body turned into a ball of data, and then quickly reunited.

Since Ye Chen may be the master of this world, he is not polite. Let him take what belongs to Ye Chen first.

As for what will happen next time Ye Chen logs into the game...

For things like the data world, I created a fake virtual world for him, so that he could experience the joyful experience of cheating in it.

However, this inheritance pearl still needs to be brought back, so that Taohuayuan Village can have new development first, and Chenxi Village can catch up later.

There is always a step. When Ye Chen comes online, he will simultaneously project the real and fake virtual worlds.

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