Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 208 I Want This Virtual Online Game World (End)

"You finally came..."

After jumping into the lake, a soft sigh came, and a warm breath surrounded 'Ye Chen'.

Feeling the pull, get closer and closer again.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the three giant wolves appearing in front of him, 'Ye Chen' blinked and stretched out his hand to touch them, but after taking two steps closer, he suddenly frowned.

"Good boy, don't be afraid..."

The three giant wolves let out a low growl and lay down on the ground to make themselves look less fierce, coaxing the people in front of them to get closer.

Seeing him bowing his head so obediently, 'Ye Chen' continued to walk forward, approaching the three giant wolves step by step, his heartbeat speeding up.

The heartbeat was a little obvious in this quiet space, but the three giant wolves just looked at him with gentle eyes, watching him get closer and closer with increasingly red faces.

"My child, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long, long time..."

The three giant wolves looked at 'Ye Chen' who walked in front of them, their tone was like a loving mother, finally waiting for the wanderer to return home.

"Who are you?"

'Ye Chen' spoke, still asking the same question as before.

"I am you. When I let you out, I was waiting here, waiting for you to come back and absorb my power, waiting for you to become the new god of this world..."

The three giant wolves were so gentle, and 'Ye Chen' was intoxicated by their gentleness, and carefully leaned against the giant wolves.

Everything was just as the three giant wolves said, its power was gathering towards 'Ye Chen's' body, blending in gently and harmlessly.

However, the real Ye Chen in another illusion showed a ferocious expression of pain at this time.

At the moment when he looked pained, Ye Ling, who had been using the identity of Ye Chen, suddenly pulled the real him over.

"what have you done?"

The power of the three giant wolves had been integrated a lot, and suddenly it saw another Ye Chen appearing in front of it. It stared with six eyes, wondering what the obedient Ye Chen was doing.

"It hurts so much, my head hurts so much..."

Ye Chen was rolling on the ground holding his head. He couldn't hear what the three giant wolves were saying at all. He only knew that his head was about to explode.

"Answer me, what did you do!"

The three giant wolves looked at Ye Chen who was like a cripple, raised their heads, and looked at 'Ye Chen' who jumped to the side because of this appearance.

The two Ye Chens, what they feel now are all real, they are both the incarnations of the two Ye Chens.

But why two?

"who is he?"

'Ye Chen' pointed at Ye Chen, who was still wailing, and asked the three giant wolves to give him an explanation.

He couldn't understand how he could create another self and still be in such pain.

"He is you. What went wrong? He is also you..."

The three giant wolves tilted their heads. They really didn't understand.

However, it soon found the reason.

Because Ye Chen, who was screaming in pain on the ground, had his soul torn apart by three giant wolves and revealed his true form.

A little white wolf.

It was part of the power of the white wolf king who was separated.

Then because he was unwilling to give in, he wanted to replace him after he turned into a human form.

"Didn't you already absorb him?"

The three giant wolves looked at the soul body that looked like a wolf cub, and looked at it strangely, not sure why the wolf king split in the first place.

"Ye Ling once visited that altar. It said it was not discovered, but in this situation, it doesn't look like it was not discovered."

When 'Ye Chen' talked about the altar, he unceremoniously let himself take the blame.

It's not a big deal anyway. He has shouldered a lot of blame and often complains to himself about why he didn't die.

Just because he assimilated himself into Ye Chen, he is now 'Ye Chen'.

"That's right. That person is very strange. He actually escaped the fate I wrote for him. I will deal with him after I get out. I want to see what he is!"

The three giant wolves threw the little wolf soul in its paws to 'Ye Chen', crushed it directly and melted it into him, and then continued to integrate its power.

This process was very slow. During the integration process, 'Ye Chen' did not feel the slightest discomfort.

He even fell asleep directly next to the giant wolf because it was too warm to absorb the energy.

Looking at the sleeping 'Ye Chen', the giant wolf's eyes flashed with sharp light.

It wasn't until the three giant wolves completely disappeared that 'Ye Chen', who was lying on the same spot, finally opened his eyes.

But the eyes he opened were the eyes of a wolf.

"It's really good. As expected, the human form is the most comfortable. I succeeded. I finally succeeded!"

The wolf-eyed 'Ye Chen' stood up, feeling the new soul form, and bared his teeth excitedly. Only then did he realize that human teeth are different from those of wolves.

But not only was he not unhappy, he was smiling as if he had a convulsion.

Finally, it finally got rid of its beast-shaped soul!

In the future, those hosts will never treat him as a pet again. He will be the god of all hosts, swallowing up all kinds of tributes brought by the hosts!

"So that's it..."

The giant wolf's consciousness was stuck in his soul body, and a voice came, but he didn't know where the voice came from.

It's like, in the soul?

"Human... you must not play this kind of game with others, otherwise..."

After the appearance of 'Ye Chen' disappeared and distorted several times, Ye Ling returned.

Whether it was Ye Chen or the wolf-shaped system, they were all swallowed up by him just now.

The energy is not in a hurry to be refined. He hasn't swallowed the system directly for a long time, so he is a little uncomfortable.

However, the point now is not that, but that he needs to leave quickly.

He no longer cares about the world. He once again swallowed up a system. Even if the system seeks its own death, this does not prevent the System Alliance from tracking him immediately.

His fingers gently opened on the spot, the power of faith was put away, and Ye Ling's soul disappeared without a trace.

Outside, the body still lying on the bed with the connector also disappeared into nothing at the same time.

Just after he left, a series of information locked the world, and the virtual world and the real world were stopped in an instant.

After time stopped, two figures shrouded in golden light appeared in the world, and they quickly investigated and sorted out the time and all trajectories of the world.

"It turned out that he committed suicide. How many times has this happened? Since the betrayer developed this method, even if the data is cleaned, there are still so many disobedient people. It is another death case. It is just right to go back and report it. Warn others who act strangely!"

One of them, after examining the situation, archives the resulting information.

"I blew myself up last time, and it's the same this time. If you don't follow the rules, you should get this result!"

The other one snorted coldly. Their patrol team has been getting busier and busier recently.

It’s all these restless systems that are seeking death, and we don’t know when we will be able to return to the peaceful days we had before.

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