Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 23 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (23)

"After eating, I plan to go east from here. If you want to go in this direction, we can stagger the route to avoid any conflicts."

After Ye Ling was full, he walked to the window to take a look, then turned back to talk to Lin Xu about the next departure direction.

This matter is very important, because both of them need crystal nuclei to enhance their abilities. Although ordinary people absorb crystal nuclei in different ways than they do, the needs of zombie crystal nuclei are the same.

"I'm going east too..."

Lin Xu walked to the window and looked in that direction. He also needed to go this way.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Yang watched the two people preparing to leave after eating, so he took the time to come over and stop them.

If he left normally, he would definitely not be worried, because when he went downstairs, he would inevitably encounter zombies and he could clean up some of them.

But when these two people came, it was the window, and now they have to leave from here. They have no contact with zombies at all. They really plan to leave them here to wait for death.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Ling looked back at Lin Yang, who couldn't help it anymore.

However, he was not interested in saving people at all. It just depends on what Lin Xu will do.

It's quite a good feeling to watch the male protagonist work hard and still be able to take part in it.

"You can't just leave like this. There are more zombies down there than before because of the smell of blood. If you leave, all of us will die here..."

Lin Yang kept talking, but the key point was that there were too many zombies, and these two people had to help them deal with them.

"What price can you give? Is it zombie crystal cores? Or is it enough supplies?"

Ye Ling leaned against the wall by the window, looking at Lin Yang who became more and more excited as he spoke, and wondered whether this person often gave various speeches.

Why does the meaning behind these words sound more and more like language kidnapping?

"We don't have these things now, but as long as you can clean up the zombies, we can go out and collect supplies or crystal nuclei..."

Lin Yang looked back at the people he brought out. He could make the decision for these people.

"I don't have the habit of doing things first and charging later. Since you have nothing, just work hard on your own."

Ye Ling shook his head, he would never work in vain.

"There are so many of you. Even if you don't have superpowers, it's not difficult to fight out with weapons. The idea of ​​waiting for others to save you in this apocalyptic world will sooner or later bring you trouble."

Although Lin Xu didn't agree, he couldn't help but said a few more words to these people.

It’s not like I can’t move, I can run here with zombies, so why can’t I fight zombies?

"I...I am paid, can you send me and my son out..."

A father and son walked out of the crowd in the hall. The man looked to be in his forties or fifties, and the child was only two or three years old.

They were carrying a bag. The father walked up to Ye Ling and Lin Xu and took out two gold bars produced by the bank from the bag.

The gold bars carry the gram number, both are 500 grams.

Unfortunately, this is the end of the world.

"After the end of the world, gold bars are just metals of slightly higher quality and have no special value."

Lin Xu shook his head. If he didn't take this job, he wouldn't make any money.

However, he looked at Ye Ling, curious if this person would agree.

"Gold and silver are indeed just metals, but I'm still a little interested in them, but you gave me too little."

Ye Ling did not reject it directly, but he felt that it was not enough.

This made Lin Xu next to him look a little disappointed, but he felt a little more relaxed in his heart.

As a person who has lived in the apocalypse for a period of time and experienced death and rebirth, Lin Xu knows the rules of the apocalypse very well.

Therefore, when it was determined that Ye Ling was still rare for gold, it was basically certain that this person had not come back from the apocalypse.

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