Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 25 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (25)

"This person..."

Seeing the people and vines leaving quickly in cooperation, Lin Xu stood there, his expression slowly turning cold.

He was in a very bad mood. Meeting this person after his rebirth made his heart unable to calm down.

He had heard about the deaths of Ye Heng and Sun Yao before. In order to confirm the authenticity of the information, he not only accumulated points from previous daily tasks, but also owed a debt to the system.

Moreover, he only had three main missions in total, and now one of them has been directly abolished.

Feeling aggrieved, failed in the mission, in debt with points, and currently unable to match the strength gap...

All this made Lin Xu want to keep an eye on Ye Ling.

Unfortunately, that person didn't give him a chance at all.

Ye Ling naturally knew about Lin Xu's frustration and resentment.

But he won't speak out, and the conflicts will continue to accumulate.

After leaving Lin Xu's surveillance range, Ye Ling didn't slack off. He cleaned up the zombies and started looking for various supplies.

Unfortunately, the search for supplies is no longer so easy. In addition to various damages caused by time, there are also various survivors who are stockpiling supplies.

Although the place is not big, it is a prosperous area of ​​the city after all, and the number of people and zombies is not comparable to the fringe.

After a few days, Ye Ling only upgraded his level by one level, and his attributes increased by a little.

As for the improvement of superpower level, we have to wait a little longer.

On the fourteenth day of the apocalypse, Ye Ling finally arrived near the first object he wanted to intercept, the three-color gem.

This is a mountain, and there is a temple of three immortals on the mountain. Ye Ling doesn't know what kind of immortal it is.

It is only said that this place was a popular tourist attraction before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, the protagonist came in and took away a three-color gem.

This gem has a strong sense of existence, but it was mentioned many times in the plot but was vaguely mentioned. Before getting it, Ye Ling was not sure what it was.

Looking at the dense zombies on the mountain, Ye Ling began to think about how to get up.

Kill him?

It's definitely not possible. Not to mention the consumption issue, it will make the protagonist alert when he gets here, which is absolutely not allowed.

It seems that he has to make his own way.


'Master, is your method really okay...'

Abao won't come out in normal times, and it's just a simulation system, so it won't help much if it comes out.

But now it couldn't help it anymore and floated next to Ye Ling's head, almost saying that its owner had no bottom line.

‘He can ask the system to investigate the causes and consequences of important people and places. Instead of letting him find out that I was the one who took them away, it would be better for him to see a mutated mouse. ’

Ye Ling poked Bao's head with his finger and continued to control the surrounding vines, making the big gray mouse he was pretending to go through the hole and walk up the mountain.

His current position is halfway up the mountain. The zombies at the bottom of the mountain can still escape and run up, but the zombies on the mountain cannot.

Perhaps it is because of the three-color gems. Many of the zombies on the mountain are mutant zombies with powers similar to those of humans. The most important thing is that they are of high level.

In the original plot, the protagonist worked hard to get here, and almost lost his life several times before finally getting the three-color gem.

The branches and leaves of the vines disguised themselves as mice, and the roots of the vines grew over and over again, opening up the rocks and soil underground. Ye Ling then collected the hollowed-out soil into a parcel fence.

When he was tired of digging, he would rest for a while and then continue. Ye Ling finally reached the target location after three hours.

An artificial lake bottom in the courtyard of Sanxian Temple.

There was no water source close to the ground, so Ye Ling lay on the vines, waiting for the three-color gem to be born.

Before the time comes, the baby won't show up. He can't change this setting. He doesn't forget to eat something to replenish his strength while waiting.

It wasn't until Abao reminded Lin Xu to go to the bottom of the mountain that Ye Ling broke through the last layer of soil.

As the big gray mouse appeared in the lake, a lotus plant at the bottom of the water was also growing super fast.

One by one, the leaves quickly emerged and went to the water surface. After half of the lotus leaves of the small artificial lake had grown, the lotus sprouted its head.

One after another, a total of nine lotus flowers are blooming rapidly.

The most important thing is after that. A three-color lotus flower grows out. The moment the flower blooms, the entire lake is emitting a dazzling light.

The light was so bright that Lin Xu at the foot of the mountain could naturally see it.

Just when Lin Xu once again bought props on credit and was about to go up the mountain, the light suddenly disappeared.

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