Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 28 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (28)

“It’s a self-heating hotpot...”

There is a person who has a special ability to smell. After smelling it a few times, he knew what it was, and even knew which one it was.

It's not like they haven't eaten before, but that was two days before the apocalypse broke out. Later, when they were about to escape, no one would choose to bring that kind of food that took up a lot of space.

"Everyone, please rest. Living is more important now."

The leading man asked him to go and have a rest. They couldn't eat the hot pot or anything, so they shouldn't worry about it.

The self-heating hot pot is convenient, but the package space occupied by a self-heating hot pot is enough for them to put two or three kilograms of noodles.

If one person carries half a backpack of dried noodles, they can walk for several days without starving to death, but if it is a self-heating pot...

That kind of food that takes up a lot of space and doesn't have a large portion may run out of food in just one day.

While the new neighbors downstairs were struggling, Ye Ling was eating hot pot.

This time he really didn't use a self-heating pot, but used the ingredients of the self-heating pot, boiled it on the balcony in an ordinary pot, and then added vegetables to it bit by bit.

There was a broken chair next to him. Seeing that the fire under the pot was not strong enough, he took off two pieces of wood and threw them in.

The other hand will occasionally take out a seed, and after the vegetables have grown, pick off the leaves and put them in the pot.

I was very satisfied with the hot pot meal. By the time Ye Ling packed up and prepared to rest, the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier.

Acid rain will cause damage to the plants in this world, but it will also bring about the evolution of mutant plants.

Ye Ling, who had just laid down, suddenly had an idea.

If he collects part of the acid rain and puts it in the space, and then puts the mutated plants in that area, will it increase the survival rate?

He couldn't be sure about this kind of thing, and he had never tried it before. Anyway, the space was so barren that no plants were allowed to survive. No matter how bad it was, how bad could it get.

Whatever he wanted to do, Ye Ling raised his hand and let the vines out along the window. The dense vines spread out in the acid rain.

A large fan was formed, and the falling rainwater flowed along the vines in the direction of Ye Ling.

What Ye Ling has to do now is to collect the corrosive water into the space.

In one marginal area, a puddle larger than a swimming pool was created in one night.

Early the next morning, looking at the drizzle of acid rain outside, Ye Ling decided to rest first.

He didn't know whether it would work or not, but what he had now was enough for him to try.

After eating a simple piece of bread in the morning, Ye Ling fell asleep under the protection of the vines in the room.

When I woke up this time, it was approaching evening again.

Ye Ling opened the window and smelled the sour smell outside the window. He directly controlled a vine to wrap around his shoulders and bloomed a few small flowers that could dispel the smell.

When the acid rain stopped, more than 90% of the world's plants were lost.

In the green area downstairs, the flowers and plants that were there yesterday are now as rotten as mud.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just when Ye Ling was lamenting the destructive power of acid rain, there was a knock on the door.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Ling opened the door and looked at the woman outside, the same one who appeared yesterday.

"Excuse me, someone here has a fever, and I just wanted to ask if you have any fever-reducing medicine. We can exchange it for food, or zombie crystal cores..."

The woman's voice was trembling when she spoke. She was afraid.

There was no acid rain falling on one wall last night, so the man keeping watch quietly took a look, and at a glance he saw the terrifying vines coming out of the building.

Although he held back and made no sound, the man still woke them all up.

I don’t know if it was because they opened the windows and peeked in last night, but several people started to have a fever at noon today.

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