Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 35 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (35)

"It has only been less than two years, and human beings have already started to develop again. They are indeed very adaptable!"

Sitting on the top of a mountain, Ye Ling looked at the city of survivors more than ten kilometers away from the mountain, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In more than a year, there are currently less than a hundred grasses in his space. The tallest one is the first little rose, which has just reached half a meter above the ground.

Countless mutant plants were later thrown in, but unfortunately, they were all too fragile after all.

The longest time was three months in a row. He threw dozens of seedlings in every day but failed to leave a single living seedling.

Fortunately, his heart has long been extremely strong. Even at that time, he still maintained a stable mentality and has developed until now.

Next, he should go among humans and wait for this city of survivors to be sieged by zombies in a month.

As for Lin Xu...

The guy was still in a nearby grain and oil station, playing a hide-and-seek game with a zombie king.

Zombies besieged the city, destroying the city and killing people.

In a large base with a million people, more than 80% of them were dead, and the zombie army also numbered several million.

When the zombie army is killed, stained with the blood of survivors and zombies, the most terrifying creature will appear under this land.

Corpse King!

Kill the Corpse King to get the Corpse King's crystal core.

This is an incident in the original plot, and it is also the basis for Lin Xu's transformation from a supernatural being to an immortal cultivator.

But Ye Ling felt that the Corpse Emperor Crystal Core, which was the target of the system's mission, should also be a treasure, so he asked the system to spend money to start Lin Xu's path to immortality.

As a half-human, half-system being, Ye Ling has always known that when the system harvests something, it can leave one-tenth of it as a reward for the host, which is extremely generous.

Therefore, he must get this thing!

Moreover, this time he had no choice but to compete with Lin Xu openly!

"Hello, Mr. Survivor who is coming to our Dawn City for the first time, please register here. If you need anything, you can ask at the newcomer reception desk on the right. I wish you a happy life in Dawn City!"

At the entrance to Dawn City, a beautiful woman took Ye Ling, who had walked to the city gate, alone to the gate of superpowers on the other side, and registered him very skillfully.

Moreover, he sent the person through the door with a very good attitude, and he quietly breathed a sigh of relief until he could no longer see the person.

The woman ran back and drank a large glass of water, then continued to wait for the next person with powerful powers to appear.

She has no special powers. If her brother hadn't been the captain of the city guard, she wouldn't have been able to get into the less strenuous position she has now.

Moreover, it is not every day that you see the sensor sound an alarm, but this time, it was a bit too strong.

There is a level 5 superpower, and there is no record of it. Such a strong person appears in Dawn Base. I don’t know if it is good or bad...

‘Master, why don’t you hide your powers? If you are found to be a level 5 psychic, many people will come looking for you. ’

Abao floated around Ye Ling and waved around, but still couldn't hold back his curiosity.

‘You think this is bad? ’

Ye Ling found that his little Bao was becoming more and more lively.

Of course, only when he had nothing to do and allowed the little thing to come out.

'But, most novels don't just like to hide their identities, and then... Right, the master seems to have no enemies, and he doesn't need to be afraid of being remembered, and this can also automatically keep a distance from those who have some connections... .'

Abao didn't ask Ye Ling to speak this time, he had already figured out the reason by himself.

As for common developments in novels...

Those are all things the protagonist likes to do and have nothing to do with his master.

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