Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 43 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (43)

Three days later, Lin Xu changed into clean clothes and went out.

"Brother Ye, that person is the new level 5 superpower user. The few people next to him are some of the relatively good force managers in the city..."

Meng Yan took Ye Ling to the best hotel in Dawn City, stood at the window on the top floor, and looked in the direction of the hotel door together.

There, a group of people surrounded Lin Xu with a very respectful attitude.

It can be seen that it seems to have found a new backbone.

"That's Lin Xu. When you left the community, he overheard you talking about me at some point, and then went to the community to look for me."

Ye Ling looked at it, turned around and sat down on the sofa, not intending to continue staring.

Moreover, he also wanted to remind Meng Yan that they were also noticed by Lin Xu back then.

As for his information being spread by those people...

He didn't deliberately hide it, and he didn't ask for it to be kept secret. Isn't it normal for it to be spread out?

"We...we just left the community on the third day..."

Meng Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard Ye Ling's words, and suddenly he remembered.

Because after that, the original team of more than a dozen people began to leave with fewer and fewer people.

Some people think that everyone has special abilities and Li Xing'an cannot continue to have the final say. Others think that distribution is unfair, etc...

There were internal problems, and then when they met other people, some people had different thoughts. Gradually, they died either at the hands of zombies, or at the hands of enemies or their own people.

In the end, they were the only three people who made it here alive. Because of his special powers, he gradually became a leader and then built this Dawn City.

"You can't beat him, and... there is an aura around him that attracts zombies. If you don't want to be besieged by zombies in the future, you should take more precautions now."

Ye Ling saw Lin Xu and was not interested in eating here. He reminded Meng Yan and left.

This is the only thing he can tell Meng Yan. As for what will happen in the future, it depends on Meng Yan's own thoughts and luck.

"Abao, check the situation of other main plot processes."

After returning home, Ye Ling fried marinated meat slices in the yard and asked Abao to test it again.

This time, he was not just focusing on Lin Xu, but also on those people who would be implicated in the subsequent development of the plot.

For example, there are several big villains and several supporting characters with strong presence.

There are also a few women who are sincere to Lin Xu, and even if they risk their lives for him, they can only say "I will remember you."

There are no confidantes and subordinates, but perhaps to enhance Lin Xu's charm, there are still many people who will still fight for him even if they are not recognized.

'Master, the current interpersonal relationships, except for a few people who have been dealt with by the master, have basically developed according to the original plot. It is just that there are some completely suppressed ways of making enemies, which makes Lin Xu a little aggrieved...'

Abao finally had something to do, and he was so excited that he immediately sorted out all the information Ye Ling needed.

Although Ye Ling could see it himself, there was so much information that it would be difficult to read it all.

"I used to save people easily, but now I still have to save people. Lin Xu is not really that careless."

Ye Ling looked at some important information, said no to Lin Xu, but did not stop actually taking action, which was a little bit contemptuous.

He didn't care about anything, he didn't care about women and his little brother. When he didn't have the prerequisite to save people easily, he really took great pains to appear superior.

In the past two years or so, Lin Xu has worked hard to complete daily tasks and random small tasks, and has worked hard to earn task points, but he still has not paid back the debt he owed to the system.

As for the emergence of this debt, except for the first two times when Ye Ling deceived him, the follow-up was basically Lin Xu's reason for showing off in front of others, and when he was behind others, he wanted to escape from an opponent he couldn't defeat.

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