Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 53 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (53)

'Master, my master...'

Abao cried and returned to the system. Although he didn't want Ye Ling to do this, it would never interfere with Ye Ling's work.

After Abao disappeared, Ye Ling's body in the mountain suddenly lost his breath. A virtual human body appeared above him, and then turned into light and dissipated.

In a super-large city of human survivors called Watch, a young man in the city lord's office paused for a moment.

"what do you?"

Meng Yan raised his hands to cover his face. He was sure that something had invaded his consciousness just now.

"Long time no see. The little boy has grown up and his strength has grown quite well."

Ye Ling's voice sounded no different from eight years ago.

"Brother Ye, have you arrived at Watch City?"

Meng Yan was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to walk out.

"Go back and stay. The situation is quite troublesome now. Lin Xu wants to be the sole ruler of the human world. There is something wrong with my body and I can't move, so I can only use my soul to find you..."

Ye Ling did not say that he was the system, but that he was broken and could only find Meng Yan in this way.

There is only one purpose, which is to defeat Lin Xu, preferably in the ring.

"Brother Ye, is there any way to treat your body?"

Meng Yan doesn't care so much about Lin Xu now. What he wants to know most is whether Ye Ling's soul can still go back.

Although he is not sure, if a person's soul cannot go back, it will inevitably need to find a new carrier.

Although he knew that Ye Ling had helped him before, it was indeed a transaction at that time. He hoped that this time the transaction would not require him to hand over his body.

"I can't go back, but you don't have to worry. I will leave this world after I deal with Lin Xu. My purpose of coming to this world from the beginning has been to hunt down the invaders who disrupted the world..."

Ye Ling noticed Meng Yan's vigilance and explained to him the system, the origin of Lin Xu and other things.

Travelers, system tasks, system props, invaders, maintainers of world balance...

It took a long time for Meng Yan to finally understand a series of information that he had never been exposed to before.

"So, you can't kill him yourself, you can only use someone from our world to take action. After he fails, he can leave that body and be captured?"

Meng Yan understood.

He just needs to use his hand to kill Lin Xu, and then Lin Xu's intruder soul and the system will leave the body of this world, so that he can be captured.

"Here's a deal. When it's over, you get to choose one of the five skills I get in this world."

The trading item Ye Ling gave was one of the Five Elements abilities, and it was directly maxed out.

Of course, the fame and status gained after entering the ring and defeating Lin Xu were all Meng Yan's own.

"Okay! Making deals with Brother Ye, this is my favorite thing!"

Meng Yan laughed. He indeed likes this kind of deal the most.

Although he has to pay a lot, he is willing to believe because his growth after the end of the world was started for him by this person!

Ten years of the end of the world.

A new human system is being planned, and this time powerful people from many parties are gathering to fight for the position of the strongest overlord.

Around the ring, sitting on ten chairs are the current top ten city lords. They were selected based on the number of survivors. Although they are not the strongest in terms of strength, they are definitely not too far behind.

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