Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 55 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (55)

"Meng Yan, actually I have always been curious about why you didn't die. So many people and zombies died in the ruins. Why were you able to escape alive? Was it Ye Ling who saved you? Isn't it? That guy helped you leave?"

Lin Xu couldn't concentrate. He couldn't tell the difference between reality and his own inner thoughts.

He only has one thought floating around now: it was Ye Ling who saved Meng Yan, and the two system owners actually cooperated!

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed possible. The thunder powers around Lin Xu exploded, and half of the arena was enveloped by thunder and lightning.

The level 9 peak superpower is terrifying beyond most people's imagination.

The people around the ring were quickly retreating. Although they wanted to hear information about Lin Xu, they did not dare to risk their lives.

A guy who can bring zombies to destroy a city of more than one million people is so insane that he will definitely want to silence everyone around him.

"Brother Ye is a good man."

Meng Yan was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly sent Ye Ling a good guy card.

This time, not only Lin Xu was stunned, but also Ye Ling almost killed Lin Xu with one mistake because of this good guy.

"Is he a good person?

How could he be a good person, then he is a fool, and still get his thanks after tricking him!

Do you know why he hides in the mountains to practice? Because he is afraid of humans!

Since before the end of the world, he has been a social phobic, the kind of person whose hands will shake when he says more than a few words to someone.

Because he is afraid that humans will harm him, even if he has great strength, he can only compete with mutated plants for resources in the mountains!

I haven’t seen him come out for so many years, I guess he has already become fertilizer for some mutated plant..."

Lin Xu spoke out the scene in his imagination with a crazy and arrogant attitude.

He just wanted to see Ye Ling die among the mutated plants, his body rotting into fertilizer, and never coming back to disturb his life.

That's a person who should have died at the beginning, why is he still alive, why can he live so freely and freely!

"Lin Xu, you are the one who should not exist. Without you, this world would be very beautiful, and even the end of the world would not happen..."

Meng Yan looked at Lin Xu who was falling into madness and once again blamed him.

Ye Ling didn't teach him this, but he thought of it himself.

Anyway, the original mutation was said to be a natural disaster, but now it seems good to find someone to carry it, so that all the people who suffer have a target to resent.

"so what?

I'm here, the end of the world!

How wonderful!

I can have great power and be pleased by everyone. I will be the strongest person after the end of the world. I can dominate the lives of countless people..."

There seemed to be a voice in Lin Xu's heart, and he seemed to have returned to before time travel. At that time, what he longed for most was to have these.

Now, he's got them all!

"Lin Xu, you have harmed our entire world. Our originally beautiful life has been destroyed by you. You are the sinner of this world, and you are the sinner of all mankind!"

Meng Yan raised his hand, and a huge 100-meter-long fire dragon descended from the sky, dispelling the fog on the stage, and swallowed Lin Xu in one bite as it fell.

As Meng Yan finished speaking, a huge fire dragon occupied the ring, and Lin Xu could be seen being burned in the belly of the dragon.

"Sinner Lin Xu, today, on behalf of the souls of more than 1.3 million human beings in Dawn City, I will ask you to repay with the burning of your soul!"

Meng Yan's voice was filled with resentment and desolation, causing those around him to gradually run back.

Seeing that Lin Xu had been controlled and suspected to be dead, many people began to shout that Lin Xu must pay with his life.

The people gathered here this time are all strong men after the apocalypse, representatives of one force.

They already represent the authority of mankind after the end of the world.

As people's hearts gathered, Ye Ling stared at the system in Lin Xu's soul that wanted to escape but couldn't leave because it was bound, and showed a happy smile.

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