Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 57 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (1)

[As for the harmonized world of soul beasts, Ah Meow could only reluctantly delete it. Only by replacing that part could the normal existence of this book be restored.

Let’s briefly talk about the situation in that world.

Ye Ling killed rabbits at the beginning, brought rabbit meat to the protagonist to eat, and upgraded the protagonist with soul-eating beast meat, slowly destroying his normal training method.

During the martial arts competition, after fighting with the protagonist's father, the protagonist and his father fled in embarrassment.

Then he slaughtered the old gods of the God Realm, devoured the energy of the God Realm, and completely cut off the protagonist's chance. In the end, the protagonist and his father died at the hands of the new angel god.

Then Ye Ling took Yue Guan and Gui Mei, who had cultivated to the god level, away from the space.

That’s about it, there will be some more about the appearance of Yueguan and the old ghost in the following articles]

"You guys should step back first!"

After Ye Ling arrived in the new world, he waved his hand to all the maids and chamberlains serving around him to leave first.

His new world this time is not that strong, and it is also a world where the heroine is farming.

The heroine Meng Yao takes the system to travel back and forth, growing up as an orphan from a small mountain village.

In the mountains, she saved the prince.

The prince never forgot the heroine, so he always had people taking care of her.

It wasn't until the heroine appeared in the capital by various coincidences and was discovered by the queen and targeted. After several tortures, it was discovered that the heroine was actually the daughter of the queen.

The heroine's original identity was supposed to be a princess, but because the queen needed a prince, she gave her away.

She was her biological daughter, so more than ten years later the queen suddenly wanted to be good to her daughter and asked this fake son to marry her real daughter.

But the prince is not the male protagonist, so after discovering the truth, his love for the female protagonist turned into hatred.

The heroine was disappointed, so she stayed with the general king. In the end, the general king resolutely resisted under the persecution of the prince. After taking the imperial city, he became the emperor. Naturally, the heroine became the queen of the new dynasty.

Ye Ling's current status is that of a prince, and he is a prince who hardly has to do anything to have the support of the civil and military officials of the court.

Now the heroine Meng Yao has just traveled through time, and is taking the novice benefits given by the system to deal with the bully neighbors in the Mengjia Village.

It's just that the heroine's system seems to not only provide the heroine with various talents and learning skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, but also some exchanges for physical fitness pills and military books.

Learning points can be exchanged for next-level learning materials, and these items can be redeemed after a certain amount of points are accumulated.

The painkiller that saved the prince was redeemed by the heroine from the system.

Ye Ling thought for a while and copied a system for himself, but he only gave it part of the scanning function, leaving Abao to stare at it for the time being.

"Master, transplantable herbs have been discovered."

Po started working as soon as he was shaped.


Ye Ling felt that the little Po he had separated this time was a little too diligent.

There were several herbs that were about a hundred years old nearby, and he naturally knew about them, but he had just arrived in this world, and he didn't plan to take action in such a hurry.

Sure enough, only part of the power was dispersed, and the condensed Abao still lacked a bit of agility.

But that's it. After each world ends, he will take back Abao and divide it again in the next world. After a few days, he will be able to add some spirituality.

"It's getting late. Let's go find Father. I have something very important to talk to Father about."

Ye Ling called for the servants and asked them to make arrangements. Now he set off to meet his father.

This old emperor actually knew that this son was not the queen's, but he still raised him for so many years and even gave him such great rights. The problem here was not small.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is waiting for you in the study!"

The chief chamberlain beside the emperor stood at the door. When he saw Ye Ling coming with someone, he stood aside after saluting and opened the door for Ye Ling to walk in.


Ye Ling didn't want to be a true prince, and he didn't like to do anything to win people's hearts.

What he has to do now is to expose his identity first.

It's not a secret anymore, and probably only the queen still thinks it's well hidden.

"Father, I understand."

Ye Ling entered the royal study and walked up to the old emperor. He lowered his head and looked at the emperor who was still sitting there approving memorials.

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