Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 61 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (5)

"Hey! Are you still alive? Are you dead or alive?"

Following the guidance of the system, Meng Yao saw this handsome young man who was dressed luxuriously but was currently in a coma by a creek.

After shouting twice but getting no response, she stretched out her hand to pull him up, carried him on her back and walked out of the mountain.

While walking, I communicated with the system about the issue of redeeming life-saving drugs.

The young and thin woman carried people on her back and settled down temporarily in a grass shed near the village.

She didn't dare to bring back such a man who would be the eldest son of a wealthy family tomorrow. The villagers would definitely cause trouble for her again.

However, sitting in the thatched shed, Meng Yao looked at Ye Ling who was poisoned by snake venom and his arms were starting to turn blue, thinking about how to save people.

The system just told her that the medicines she could redeem at the moment could not save this person. Her level could only be redeemed for hemostatic and refreshing medicines, which did not have detoxification functions.

"System, it's getting dark now. If we don't detoxify him, he will die. You also said that whether I can go out in the future depends on this opportunity. Then he will still be useful to me after he dies. ?"

Meng Yao became anxious. After confirming that Ye Ling was unconscious, he started arguing with the system regardless.

In the end, Meng Yao won. Her system compromised, unlocked permissions, and sold an antidote, but interest was charged on the points she owed.

In contrast, Ye Ling was lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious, already thinking about how to make Meng Yao owe more debt to the system.

He used this trick to trick people before, but now he let himself be poisoned by snake venom just to test whether Meng Yao can also turn on the debt mode.

Once they enter the rated system, they are all self-aware and travel through various worlds to find hosts, all in order to earn energy.

When the system allows the protagonist to owe debts and charge interest, as long as he thinks that the host can pay off, he can continue to owe money.

In the end, when it is determined that the protagonist is unable to repay, it will be terminated, and then the final value of the protagonist will be forcibly extracted.

Lin Xu was like this back then, so Meng Yao's performance now made Ye Ling understand the freedom of this system.

"You finally woke up!"

Meng Yao watched Ye Ling feed a bottle of antidote, and Ye Ling woke up soon. There was surprise in his eyes, but the control of his expression was deliberate.

In Ye Ling's opinion, such acting skills are really weak!

However, in order for the play to continue, he still had to cooperate to some extent.

Therefore, the young man, who was pale and his body was weak from the poison, had a flash of surprise in his eyes. He was about to say something, but suddenly he closed his eyes and fell into coma again.

"Hey, you...don't scare me. You're okay. Wake up!"

Meng Yao's expression froze for a moment, he raised his hand to grab the person's arm and started shaking it, but deep down he was asking the system what was wrong with the antidote.

However, before she could complete the system test, a mouse suddenly came out of the hut and jumped directly on Meng Yao's feet.

If the mouse just made her feel sick, then the snake that came quickly frightened Meng Yao and turned around and ran out desperately.

What an opportunity, she should save her own life first!

‘That’s how brave you are? ’

Ye Ling was lying on the ground, his soul in a semi-detached state, controlling the poisonous snake, and bit his hand again.

Snakes and rats are both nearby, but they would never meet. Ye Ling deliberately found them to create trouble for the heroine.

If Meng Yao didn't run away, the poisonous snake would bite the woman.

Of course, he didn't feel anything. He had just been detoxified and was poisoned again. If he woke up too quickly, it would be abnormal.

He won't recover or die, just waiting for the heroine to exchange things for him from the system.

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