Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 66: The Fake Prince In Time-Travel Farming Novel (10)

"The third princess is good. Her uncle is the Tutor. Since he is my good teacher, how can I not find a good marriage for his niece."

Ye Ling looked at his father and showed the same smile.

Although the two of them don't look much alike, they are very similar in the way they deal with certain things.

The meal was very satisfying. The nominal father and son decided on certain things during this meal.

In the court hall the next day, Ye Ling was "seriously injured" but worried that it would cause concern to others, so he sat on a chair and watched them hold the court meeting.

The prince's participation in state affairs was not a recent phenomenon. The ministers did not think it was strange. Instead, they were worried that the prince's hard work would hinder his recovery.

"Master Li, although my third sister has liked to dance with guns and sticks since she was a child, she should get along better with the General Wang. Do you think that a man like the General Wang can be compared with a soft, weak and loud voice?" Possibly frightened and crying women living together?”

When someone brought up the matter of General Wang's marriage, Ye Ling, as the prince, had a rare quarrel with Mr. Li regardless of his status.

They both had girls they thought were suitable for the General King, and they were arguing. In the end, the two of them looked directly at the General King and asked him which one he wanted to marry.

Originally they just talked about marrying a wife. Although the general Wang was in his twenties, he still wanted to say that he was not in a hurry, but the quarrel between the two people directly caused all the ministers to start booing.

Things are getting bigger and bigger. When everyone looks at him, if he still says he doesn't want to get married today, he will really offend everyone.

"Okay, don't make things difficult for the powerful General King. You all just think that you have made a good choice, but have you ever thought about it. If he already has a sweetheart, your persecution will be over."

The emperor sat on the dragon throne and waved his hand to tell them to stop arguing.

Anyway, the purpose of today is to get Wang, the great general who has served both the government and the public, to get married. If he doesn't like these two candidates, then he will make his own choice.

But that's what he said, but no one present could tell that if he said he didn't want the third princess at this time, unless there was some so-called true love, the general king would also be targeted.

"Your Majesty, I have never had a sweetheart, but I have always felt that I have been away all the time, and I am afraid that I will delay the person who will hold the hand in the future, so I have never dared to express anything. Since I mentioned it today, I am bold and willing to marry the third princess!"

Tangled but helpless, but he is not without brains to become a general king.

He didn't know who the daughter of the county prince that Mr. Li was talking about was, so how could he let the princess go and slap his majesty and the prince in the face at this time.

Moreover, everyone could see that the prince showed up here with his injured and weak body, and from the beginning he wanted to act as a matchmaker between him and the third princess.

If he refuses at this time, the prince will definitely have a grudge in the future.


The emperor was satisfied, and so were everyone.

Even Mr. Li stood back after congratulating himself, with satisfaction in his lowered eyes.

He was just here to show his support today. If the general king really wanted to marry the daughter of the county king, he would be in real trouble.

But he believed that no one would choose the daughter of the county king. After all, that woman was a famous crybaby in the capital.

The matter was decided like this. After calculating it with Qin Tianjian, the wedding date was set for next month.

The various dignitaries in the capital tried their best to seek benefits in the marriage of the princess to the general king.

As the first princess to get married, the third princess also gained a lot of prestige. She showed off her power in the palace, and even her mother-in-law got part of the management rights of the harem.

But soon they discovered that the third princess's mother-in-law claimed to be ill not long after. Even on the day of the third princess's wedding, she only came out weakly to try to save her face.

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