Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 68: The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (12)

"Oops, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

This morning, Meng Yao was going out to the largest painting studio in town again, planning to sell paintings to make money. When the man came, she took out the money and said that she earned it by selling paintings in order to pay him back.

As a result, as soon as she went out, she knocked down a young man who looked weak but was dressed in luxurious clothes.

Seeing the nobility value displayed by the system, Meng Yao was a little dumbfounded and quickly helped the person up.

"Girl...girl, can you let go..."

Young Master Liu was helped up with a timid expression on his face, acting very innocent, like a young boy who had never seen the world and did not dare to have any contact with women.

But his performance successfully made Meng Yao smile from the bottom of his heart.

At the corner of the street not far away, several young men shook their heads in disgust. Seeing someone's shameless behavior, they suddenly felt that the woman was not in any trouble.

But as soon as their idea was unanimously agreed upon by everyone, it changed immediately.

Meng Yao, who received a system prompt and a series of nobility points appeared, instantly realized what was going on.

The initial affection for the young boy was suddenly awakened, and his expression turned cold.

"Young master, it'll be fine if nothing happens."

Nodding coldly, Meng Yao turned around and continued walking towards the painting building.

While walking on the road, she was still complaining about the system not prompting her earlier, which almost made her laugh.

‘Next, let them play with you slowly. ’

Ye Ling was sitting in a nearby restaurant, watching Meng Yao's reaction, once again blocking the noble values ​​of those people, waiting for the next time they would meet again.

As for Meng Yao's system, which only judges whether there are people around based on the nobility value, he thinks this system is a bit silly.

But then I thought about it, and it seemed that most of the time, no system like him would come to cause trouble.

Presumably, this is an energy-saving method turned on after the system finds a host?

After calculating the consumption problem, Ye Ling determined that this energy-saving mode was really feasible.

But he really can't use it. If other aspects of consumption are blocked, he will also be unable to check the possible dangers around him.

"Were all these paintings created by that girl?"

Young Master Liu stood in the exhibition area of ​​the painting building, scanning the calligraphy and paintings hung for sale, and quickly found his target.

They had already received news on the way here that Meng Yao painted and sold the painting every few days, and was often invited out to paint in person.

In addition, there is a piano workshop not far away. The woman will go there every few days to teach people to learn the piano and play piano with others...

By the way, there is also the chess hall next door, which is also a frequent hangout for that woman.

When they first heard the news, they all sighed, this woman is so busy!

None of the talented men in the capital can match this woman's diligence, she is truly extraordinary.

"Yes, they are all the works of Miss Meng Yao. She is in the studio. If you need, we can ask Miss Meng Yao to come out."

The little book boy smiled and replied beside him.

Regarding Meng Yao, the little book boy also knew some rumors, but he initially thought that the rumors were all false. The girl was quite talented, how could she be connected with the gangsters in the village.

But as Meng Yao came to paint every three or four days, she also specifically told her that when someone was interested in her paintings, she could tell the buyer that she could be invited out...

After watching Meng Yao paint on the spot a few times and laughing and talking to everyone, the little book boy's original perception of Meng Yao has completely reduced to the same as other people's gossips.

Now I found that this young man in expensive clothes came to buy paintings. When he introduced me, he inevitably felt a little bit awkward.

Why does this painting building feel like a flower building? I invite girls to come out and perform...

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