Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 7 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (7)

"What are you here for, who are you..."

Hu Hao asked loudly and moved towards Ye Ling.

"You can't beat me, even though this is just an iron pot..."

Ye Ling looked at Hu Hao who was getting closer and closer, sighed, and shook his head to tell him not to try to get closer.

"No, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!"

When the distance was less than two meters away, Hu Hao suddenly screamed strangely, and his figure disappeared from Ye Ling in an instant.

Then, he appeared outside the door, behind Ye Ling.

"Kill you!"

Smiling strangely, he picked up the stick and hit Ye Ling on the head. Hu Hao was particularly confident in his teleportation ability.

Then, Ye Ling in front of him suddenly moved sideways, and a golden heavy sword replaced the iron pot. When Ye Ling turned around, he hit Hu Hao hard on the head.

Slapping the face with the heavy sword is the most correct way to use it.

Even though he had spatial powers, Hu Hao was still a human being, and his head still had the same skeletal structure as a normal human being.

When the heavy sword with superimposed rotation force was slapped on the face, he had no chance to escape and was killed in one blow!


The red and white ones were thrown directly on the wall of the corridor.

The headless corpse spun around in a circle before hitting the ground in the corridor. After two bounces, it completely stopped moving.

The power of this blow made Ye Ling feel good in his hand.

However, Hu Meng’s eyes are a bit interesting!

She had been controlled by the effects of those drinks before, but now that Hu Hao died, she became sober.

And, does she want to avenge her brother?

This whole family is very interesting, at least in terms of family ties, they all have a similar, strange desire for revenge.

"Do you want to collect his body?"

Ye Ling looked at Hu Meng in the room, as if he didn't notice anything. He just pointed at Hu Hao on the ground and asked her.

"He is my younger brother. When he was less than half a year old, that bitch ran away with someone.

I raised him. I was less than five years old at the time. I held him in my arms and learned little by little how to feed the baby and how to make complementary food for him...

Later, when he went to school, he got the little red flower for the first time...

When he got into a fight in elementary school, I ran from the junior high school next door to be scolded by the teacher. But after I got home, I just wanted to see if my brother was seriously injured...

Later, he dropped out of high school in the first half of high school because his family had no money. He said he found a way to make money and got a lot of money back for me to go to college..."

Hu Meng stood up and walked towards the door step by step.

Every step she took, she would talk about Hu Hao, from when he was born to what gifts he bought her recently...

Ye Ling could tell that in the lives of these two siblings, not only the role of mother was missing, but also the presence of father was missing.

But in their family's situation, the father who leaves early and comes home late to make money cannot be considered derelict in his duties. After all, even if he works hard from early to late, he still cannot earn the tuition for his two children.

However, the two siblings care more about each other, and it can be said that they grew up dependent on each other.

But he just listened to this information without any fluctuation in his heart.

Even though Hu Meng was already using superpowers from the moment he started talking about their sister and brother's past.

Hu Meng's superpower is spiritual.

Spiritual system, illusion type.

It can create mental illusions that can influence people to the point where they can't even tell what reality is.

It's a pity that Ye Ling's mental power is higher than that of Hu Meng, who has just awakened his superpower.

Mental abilities are considered to be the most magical abilities in this world, but this ability has an absolute limit on the strength of mental power.

As long as the mental strength cannot match, the superpower will be ineffective or even backfire.

This was a setting given later when a villain sneaked up on the protagonist and was killed by the protagonist, but sooner or later, the setting already exists.

Now Hu Meng was attacking. Looking at Ye Ling who was standing there listening to her talk about the past, he opened the corner of his mouth with a crazy smile and pointed the stick in his hand at Ye Ling's head to knock it off.

The attack methods of these two siblings are completely the same.

This time, Ye Ling also gave the two siblings the same destination.

The heavy sword slapped the face, red and white splashed.

Until the body fell to the ground, Ye Ling looked at the heavy sword in his hand and squeezed it on his waist with his other hand.

It is not easy to use this heavy sword well.

The body has to move with the heavy sword, and a sprain or the like may occur if you are not careful.

I don’t know who the previous owner of this heavy sword was. If you meet him, you can ask him if he has any tips on how to use it.

However, there is probably no chance.

[Kill a level 1 space power user and gain +50 experience points]

[Kill a level 1 spiritual power user and gain +50 experience points]

Two consecutive experience points were refreshed, and it seemed that there had been a delay just now.

However, the experience value of human superpowers is much higher.

Moreover, superpowers also have crystal nuclei, but this thing is called a superpower crystal nucleus.

The superpower crystal core is an angular crystal, while the zombie crystal core is round, with a light color in the middle to distinguish each system.

The two crystal nuclei turned into energy in his hands. Ye Ling looked at the time and still had to continue working.

But thinking about the family in the ethical drama, he had no idea about this aspect.

He walked up to the 7th floor. The zombies smelled the human breath and rushed towards them, but Ye Ling took care of them.

Searching from room to room, he needed crystal cores and supplies now, so no matter it was dark or not, he needed to collect enough crystal cores first.

Fortunately, there were no living people on this floor. Before the hunger hit, Ye Ling finally got enough energy and opened an empty house. After entering, he blocked the door and stayed temporarily.

The zombie outside the door is acting as a gatekeeper for the time being. He needs to fill his stomach first and then upgrade his abilities.

[Name: Ye Ling

Qi and blood: 300/300

Energy: 240/300

Satiety: 26/100

Level: 3 (930/1000)

Attributes: Strength (6), Speed ​​(4), Endurance (3), Spirit (9)

Power: Wood (level 1/upgrade requires 1000 energy points)

Energy: 1000

Package 98/100: Heavy sword (critical damage +200%, energy consumption/30), pig iron pot, a bag of clothes...]

His personal data improved during previous upgrades. Currently, he has placed the epee on the first grid, which makes it easier to use.

The cast iron pot placed in the second space is not considered a weapon, so use this when not necessary.

[Upgrading the wood ability to level 2 requires 1,000 energy points. Do you want to confirm the upgrade? 】

After dinner, Ye Ling opened the ability interface and chose to upgrade.

After clicking to confirm, he opened one hand. The grass sprout in his hand grew rapidly, and did not stop until it turned into a whip twisted into a straw rope.

His wood type belongs to the category of grass.

Now seeing the blade of grass in his palm turning into a whip, and then returning from the whip to a ball of weeds, he felt a little complicated.

However, it's not that he can't grow trees, he just needs to work hard to transform them. At this time when his powers are in urgent need of advancement again, there is no need to waste time transforming them.

And, who says grass is bad.

He was just confused, but he definitely didn't dislike it.

But upgrading to the next level is really a bit troublesome.

[Upgrading the wood ability to level 3 requires 5,000 energy points. The energy value is insufficient and cannot be upgraded]

The energy required for superpower promotion has jumped to five times...

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