Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 70 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (14)

"I don't dare to take the name of a talented woman. It's just because I offended people in the village, so I can only make some money with this little talent. I hope that after I save enough money, I can return the money to the noble man who helped me in the first place. ..."

Meng Yao looked sad and lowered his head after finishing speaking, a bit of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Her method of gaining fame finally worked.

This person's noble value is so high. As long as he is on this line, he will definitely be appreciated by more people in the future.

But she still had to show strength and helplessness as much as possible.

"Miss Meng, I wonder if the talented girls in the piano workshop and chess hall they mentioned are also girls?"

Mr. Liu has been involved in the circles of the capital since he was a child, and has seen too much about the acting of men and women.

At this time, he saw that Meng Yao was talking about bullying people in the village, so he pretended not to understand and directly changed the topic to Qin and chess.

"Well...that's me too, because teaching people to learn the piano and playing chess with them can help me relax..."

Finding that the previous sentence had little effect, Meng Yao suspected that the mention of money had the opposite effect, so she directly changed the two terms, ignoring the purpose of making money.

"It's amazing. When my cousin said it, everyone didn't believe it. The girl is willing to come with me. I want them to know that although my cousin is a bit cheated, he didn't do it this time. Liar!"

Young Master Liu stood up excitedly and looked at Meng Yao excitedly. He didn't care about the painting and just wanted to take him away.

This escaping train of thought made Meng Yao freeze on the spot, wondering what on earth this young master was doing.

Didn’t you say you were buying paintings?

Why did he take someone to prove it to his cousin?

Another very important point is, how could she, a girl, leave with another man?

This kind of thing would be misunderstood if it reached the ears of that super noble person!

"Sorry, I can't agree."

Meng Yao raised her head, her eyes showing coldness and arrogance. She would never leave with such a man.

With that super high nobility value, these nobility values ​​that can't even reach half of the other party are not worth the risk for her.

"You...don't get me wrong. I'm not taking you to a dangerous place. It's just...the piano shop you went to before. Those guys went to play somewhere again. I asked them to come here." Just take a look and prove that my cousin is not lying. Of course, I won't let the girl's hard work go in vain..."

Young Master Liu waved to the door, and an attendant ran in. Before Meng Yao could decide whether to agree, a thousand-tael silver note was placed on the table.

In this world, prices are not particularly high. The small courtyard in the center of the town where Meng Yao was previously arranged to live only costs about fifty taels.

Now, with one thousand taels directly placed in front of him, Meng Yao's originally firm refusal could not help but begin to waver at this moment.

None of her paintings could be sold for more than one tael. She always thought that prices in this world were like this, so she wouldn't be bothered.

But now, the appearance of one thousand taels of silver notes gave her some different ideas about the price of goods.

"I promise that I won't let the girl suffer any injustice. How about letting her paint a picture in front of everyone, play a piano song, and then play a game of chess with others?"

Seeing Meng Yao hesitate about money, Young Master Liu knew that the matter was done.

What this woman wants is money and fame. Now that she has both money and fame, how could she refuse?

Sure enough, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was right. In front of this woman, you just need to coax her in a way that interests her.

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