Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 82 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (26)

"Come on, go to the Wonder Garden!"

After Young Master Liu left, Ye Ling asked someone to prepare the carriage. He was going to stay at the Qizhen Garden in the next few days.

Qizhenyuan, after he was injured on that tour, he had people prepare a medicinal garden in a valley outside the capital.

But it wasn't just herbs, there were enough trees, flowers and plants of various years, as long as they could be transported, he had them delivered.

I come here every few days and throw away some things with good vitality into my own space. Although the seeds cannot grow spiritually, even if they die and decompose, they can still be used as fertilizer for other plants.

As for Yue Guan and Gui Mei, they have to work harder in the space, as they are active around these plants every day.

However, after his observation, Yue Guan is indeed a flower lover. As long as some flowers and plants are brought in, he will always be so excited that he will take care of these flowers and plants first without even eating.

In this regard, apart from accompanying him to dig holes and fill the soil, Gui Mei could only listen to Yueguan telling him the precautions for planting flowers and plants...

"Your Highness, this is a thousand-year-old tree that just arrived yesterday as tribute from the Southern Region. I heard that the age of this ancient tree can be traced back to more than three thousand years ago..."

Seeing the prince coming, the manager of Qizhenyuan was all smiles and took the time to introduce how precious this magical ancient tree was.

Although they don't know what His Royal Highness is really doing, so many rare treasures have been brought in, and their final destination is really mysterious.

However, they didn't dare to ask. They just continued to prepare the good things and waited for His Highness the Crown Prince to come and take over. This was their task.

As long as the prince can be satisfied, promotion is not a problem.

Just because he satisfied His Majesty the Crown Prince, his previous steward was now mentioned as a small steward to His Majesty. Those were all fat jobs...

"Three thousand years? They said less. This tree is at least five thousand years old."

Ye Ling looked at the ancient tree in front of him that had had its branches shaved off, leaving only the root system, trunk, and a few branches, and nodded with great satisfaction.

Even after transportation, a lot of vitality has been consumed, but he doesn't mind planting such a tree by himself if it is old enough.

There is such a tree, which is more useful than more than ten acres of flowers and plants.

It is indeed a troublesome thing to deliver this kind of tree to him alive, but it is probably impossible to find another tree in his own land.

"Five thousand..."

The steward covered his mouth and widened his eyes, expressing shock and joy at this year.

But in the next moment, his eyes remained wide open and there was no need for any change.

"It's dealt with, take everyone here out."

Ye Ling looked at the secret guards who took action and waved them away.

After everyone else dispersed, Ye Ling threw the trees and flowers into the space, and then dug a hole himself and planted the half-dead ancient tree.

With the infusion of energy from the wood system, the ancient trees that had just entered the pit quickly took root. After normally absorbing the weak nutrients in the soil, the remaining branches began to branch out and quickly grew a large crown.

"Yueguan, do you want to move the house under the tree?"

Ghost watched as pits appeared on the land automatically, and trees quickly took root and sprouted after they appeared. After this series of operations, he suddenly thought of a very important question.

The temporary residence the two of them built seemed so small at this time.

Otherwise, it would be better to move to live under a tree, which would also allow Yue Guan's cultivation to improve a little.

In this environment where the breath of life is weak and plants find it difficult to survive, the practice of ghosts is not very impressive, but the moon pass is really difficult.

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