Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 88 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (32)

"It's okay, it's okay. The doctor will be here soon. The female doctor I asked them to find..."

Young Master He continued to comfort the person, but he only asked the person to untie the rope, but did not take the person off the bench.

Young Master He had a good reason for this. It would be bad if Meng Yao got injured because he helped or picked her up.

But Meng Yao is crying with tears in his eyes, but he is actually scolding and complaining in his heart.

Just now, she actually saw that the general king's favorability towards her had increased a lot.

‘What a psycho, this man has a bunch of shit in his head, he just wants to beat him up if he likes it? Why doesn't he kill his mother? ’

Although Meng Yao cares about status and likes people with high noble values, she believes that she absolutely cannot accept the existence of sadomasochism.

So when she was just arranged to be beaten by this man, and then found out that this man's affection for her reached more than 30, Meng Yao's first reaction was that this man was sick.

However, she said nothing. As a weak and injured woman, she could only cry now.

Weeping, Young Master Liu came with the imperial doctor from the palace and a team of guards from the East Palace.

The crying Meng Yao was immediately carried away, completely ignoring the general Wang and the third princess.

"The General, the King, should pay more attention to the princess. How dare you hit this woman? Did you really not see the person His Royal Highness stayed with him?"

Before leaving, Young Master He walked up to the General King and told him in a low voice that they were really in trouble this time.

The assassination of the third princess was nothing serious.

But if you just beat the person His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked the secret guards to watch, it will be difficult to settle the matter!


The General Wang was confused. It was the first time he knew that the three princesses had no affection at all in His Highness the Crown Prince's heart.

When he returned inside and looked at the third princess who was still in a coma, the general Wang couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

I thought I was marrying a precious royal treasure, but I didn’t expect that she turned out to be a useless person with a glamorous appearance...

If it is really useless, I won’t use too much time at home in the future.

Ye Ling just knew how the people here were feeling and didn't pay too much attention to it.

In the house prepared by Young Master Liu, Xiaoyue and two other maids arranged by Young Master Liu were applying medicine to Meng Yao with trembling fingers and sad eyes.

Outside the door, Young Master Liu leaned nervously against the pillar. Next to him was the captain of the East Palace Guards, who was his cousin.

"Asshole, bastard, that cold-faced guy, I must make him pay the price!"

Seeing the sudden look from his cousin, Mr. Liu's clenched fist hit the pillar directly.

His favorability towards Meng Yao being beaten was so high that if he didn't do something, it would be out of character for him.

"Don't cause trouble, that's the third princess's husband, and it's not like you don't know what he represents. If you really touch him, be careful, the Prime Minister will teach you a lesson himself!"

The captain of the guard sneered coldly, and then left with a look of displeasure.

"Shut up, isn't it just that guy who has the Three Armies Talisman in his hand? Wait, I will make him lose everything sooner or later!"

Young Master Liu angrily hammered the pillar a few more times, then looked at the door nervously. After looking at it for a while, someone came over to keep an eye on him. He was going to the East Palace to see the prince!

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