Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 96: The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (40)

Three months.

For the people in the capital, the chaos three months ago had little to do with their lives. It was just that there were more imperial guards patrolling the streets.

But for civil and military officials, this matter is a little different.

The first thing was that the queen was seriously injured and the prince was slightly injured. In addition, the emperor's harem was completely destroyed.

So after the treasonous man escaped, in addition to hunting down and capturing him, he also wanted to fill the emperor's harem.

Some daughters of important ministers' families were sent to the palace. The total number of concubines and beauties was only a dozen, and the palace maids were all dispatched urgently.

The harem, which had been quiet for more than ten years without any good news, unexpectedly reported several happy events in the past three months.

In this regard, the courtiers were finally relieved, and the emperor smiled every time the matter was mentioned.

In the prince's east palace, Meng Yao looked at the prince who was leaning under the tree and meditating, carefully holding the tonic soup she had made herself, and approaching cautiously.

"Your Highness, please eat something first. The Queen's condition should improve soon..."

Meng Yao often checked the queen's pulse recently. Although the injury was serious, after one of her healing pills, the wound was quickly out of danger.

But the queen's body was already very ill. Now that her injuries have healed, her illness still needs some time to recover.

"Recently, there is news that the traitor has taken the name Qing Junzi. They said that the queen stole a dragon and turned into a phoenix, and said that I, the prince, was a fake..."

Ye Ling glanced at Meng Yao. There was no change of mind in his eyes, but the fluctuating favorability score repeatedly jumped back and forth between 79 and 80, which made Meng Yao almost cry.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the father-son relationship between you and His Majesty is not something they can instigate. Moreover, the eyes of the courtiers are very bright. I heard Prince Han say two days ago that the courtiers have always felt that the prince can be manipulated since he was a child. His Majesty values ​​him just because he looks like..."

She actually really wanted to yell, "Can't we just decide whether we like it or not?"

But in order to prevent the value from being too low, she still looked at Ye Ling with gentle eyes to prevent her favorability from falling again.

As for whether the prince is fake...

Her family system has conducted an investigation, and it turns out that the prince is indeed of royal blood.

But she couldn't say this kind of thing. If she was suspected of spying on the royal family's secrets, she might be regarded as having evil intentions again.

Being with the prince is like being with a tiger. She has really experienced it in the past few months by the prince's side.

Although her favorability score never dropped below 70, it was enough to make her feel unhappy.

"I hope, I always have a feeling that my mother's illness is not that simple. You should take more care of me..."

Ye Ling shook his head, reached for the bowl of tonic soup, and carried it to the study.

After he left, Meng Yao clenched his hands into fists. When he made sure that no one saw him, he jumped twice excitedly and showed a silent smile.

The favorability level is finally over 80!

She knew that even the prince could not escape his infatuation with her!

Now that she is over 80, she must prepare to become famous in the palace. The best thing to take advantage of now is the queen's illness.

As long as she cures the queen's illness and gets the name of a miracle doctor, she should be fine.

She can be called a miracle doctor in the palace. If she shows that she is determined to improve some of the current intractable diseases, then she will be able to be called a miracle doctor in the world.

For more than two years, she has been working hard, but because of her insufficient status, she has been unable to show her talents at all.

Now that the prince loves her, he will naturally provide her with all conveniences...

But her idea was very good, but the next day, the queen suddenly became critically ill.

For his own plan, Meng Yao bought two tonics with no side effects on credit from the system, and also bought several medical books on credit, and even silver needles and other medical tools with special effects.

Then, under the nervous gaze of the emperor and the prince, she quickly saved the queen's life.

Not only that, in order to make the image of the miracle doctor more stable, she also bought an additional brain-refreshing pill on credit, which directly awakened the queen from the coma after a long illness.

After taking the medicine, there was a little hiccup. The queen woke up, but because she didn't want to wake up, she was in a stalemate for half a day.

Under Meng Yao's unbearable direct service, the queen opened her eyes and saw at a glance the emperor and the prince who frightened her, as well as Meng Yao who was very similar to her when she was young.

"Your Majesty, the traitors have arrived outside the capital!"

The imperial guard's report made the queen, who had just woken up, freeze in place.

Then, the emperor went out and the prince went out. Meng Yao wanted to leave but the queen grabbed her by the wrist.

"Queen, don't worry. His Highness the Crown Prince is very powerful. Even if the traitors arrive outside the city, they won't be able to break in..."

Meng Yao looked at the queen with a smile, then "gently" broke away from her hand, and quickly went out to catch up.

After she left, two secret guards appeared in the room, blocked the queen's mouth, dragged her away and rushed towards the city gate.

Today's big event must not cause any trouble. The Queen must be sent to the city wall at the time specified by His Highness the Crown Prince.

"The former great general king now proclaims himself king and leads our army to the outside of the capital..."

Ye Ling stood at the gate of the capital, looking at the arrogant army outside, shaking his head and showing a mocking smile.

"If you, the fake prince, hadn't deceived the emperor, why would I have done such a thing? Do you know that eighteen years ago..."

The general Wang was riding on his horse and started shouting about how the queen exchanged her daughter for a son, how she made the prince favored, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks.

There were rumors about someone secretly changing children in the emperor's harem two years ago. It was said that they came from the south, which caused dissatisfaction between heaven and earth.

There may not be many people who believe it, but it does not prevent them from spreading and makes more people worry that royal affairs will cause disasters for their common people.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Majesty look so similar. It's not very clever of you to find such an excuse!"

Meng Yao couldn't bear it anymore before the emperor and the prince spoke.

The man outside said he liked her, but now his favorability level has dropped to 9 points.

She no longer needs to have any entanglements. This time she will stand by the prince's side and let the prince know how important her existence is.

"Meng Yao, you are still being deceived by him. He is not of royal blood at all. You are the child the queen gave birth to back then!"

The words of the General Wang made everyone except the emperor and the prince dumbfounded.

Most of the courtiers felt that the former general Wang was out of his mind, otherwise he would bite anyone he saw.

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