Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 224: Lonely highland

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The fat man hates why his nerves are so strong. He prefers to pass out happily after a scream like a woman intercepted by the rainy night demon, and then let the bandit walk with him as far as he can. Wake up afterwards, how wonderful!

However, the fat man thought again and again that the freedom front was after all the hard work of Russell ’s life. The old fox ’s due diligence in the Lerei Federation was largely for the pursuit of freedom and equality, dignity and honor for these inferior peoples. , Losing the freedom front, Gacharin's already weak resistance organization is even more scattered! The annihilation of the freedom front means that all Russell's efforts over the past few decades have vanished in an instant! If one day this old kid knew he would not be saved, he was afraid he would fight his own life!

Having said that, although the old boy Russell used himself as a gun all day, he was his teacher after all, and he can be said to teach him in military teaching. People are still working hard for the Lerei Federation, but they turned around and ran when the free front was most dangerous. This is somewhat unauthentic. Moreover, although the three guides are a bit idiot, they are really good to themselves. If they are not, let alone catch James, I am afraid they are still sleeping in the prison!

Thinking of this, the fat man sighed frowningly, and again thought about the consequences of his bandit army leaving the free front, this ground snake. He knew that this time, he must have gone through the hard work!

In the heart of a fierce ideological struggle, unconsciously, [logic] with the sharp knife spreading in the jungle, like a group of quietly silent cats, sneaking all the way, and then turned to a mountain, has reached the bandit The hidden place of the army.

Although the scout mechs responsible for vigilance had already returned to report the whereabouts of fat men and others, but when dozens of eight generations of Desik empire appeared in front of the two regiment mech warriors, it still triggered a burst commotion.

The bandits and soldiers were surprised to look at the eighth-generation mechas of the 43 Desik Empires, despite the scars and wars, but the loss of the sharp knife company.

Everyone didn't know, under the leadership of the wretched fat man, what method did Toric use with the sharp knife, and he got so many good things. You know, the other party is two groups! And it is two full-armored regiments of the old military power Desik! In this airspace, neither the Gacharin Empire, which was at the peak of its military strength, nor the Tatanian Business Alliance, which is the premier economic power, dared to show off its force in front of the Desik army, not to mention Le who has been in peace. Ray Federation.

In the last few battles with the Desik Empire Army, the soldiers are also very clear that even these two special regiments, which are one of the best in the Federation, cannot account for the same amount of ordinary Desik Empire in the head-on confrontation. The armored regiment is cheap. If it weren't for the two rogue groups to blame and see, the enemy would go up when there are few people, and run away when there are many people, lest they would have been swallowed up by the enemy.

However, what is now in sight is clearly 43 Desik mechs. If the enemy has not been completely attacked, how could the mech be captured completely? How did the fat man do all this? In any case, it will never be won by head-on combat. This **** is so **** crazy!

Seeing Tian Xingjian leading the sharp knife to return safely, both Rashid and Stewart sighed with relief. After all, on this planet, the fat man is the true backbone of this team! If the bandit army does not have the leadership of this Russell's personal disciple, he really doesn't know where to go.

"Order all the soldiers to gather immediately!" Tian Xingjian saw Rashid and Stewart before he jumped out of the mech, and said quickly: "In addition, forty mechs I got back, we are alone, I will keep twenty, left You two points! "

Before Rashid and Stewart had time to be happy, they heard that the fat man who had never suffered a loss in business did not shamefully openly take advantage of it: "Three heavy [tides] belong to me, and one hundred [hunters] of the second regiment are also drawn, and A group of [Hunter] joined together to form a direct sabre camp! This battalion should be fully edited. If there are not enough people, the razor of each battalion will be transferred to me! "

Rashid and Stewart looked at each other, and the flesh on his face twitched, only to feel the pain of the meat, and he said: "Fuck, this fat man, twenty mechas, exchanged six sharp knives and added two hundred [hunting Killer], this business is too bad! "Although they were distressed, the two could only agree with their grievances. They know that the bandit army really needs a cutting-edge force that can be finalized, and these forces are scattered in the two regiments and concentrated in the hands of Tian Xingjian. If nothing else, just look at the record brought back by one hundred [Hunter].

More than two thousand mechas were assembled quickly, and they were lined up neatly to wait for Tian Xingjian to issue an order. The six sharp knife companies and two hundred [hunter] were quickly transferred out, behind the fat man formed a super-edited direct sharp knife battalion, the tuned soldiers one by one happily, high toe, one can not eat enough Stop talking.

Looking at the fat man standing at the front, everyone is expecting that this **** will lead the troops that have basically jumped out of the encirclement of the enemy to do what is lacking in morality. I feel itchy and unbearable.

"Remember the day we became soldiers?" The fat man's voice was rare and solemn.

Every soldier froze for a moment, but the nature of the soldiers in his bones still made them answer in unison: "Remember!"

"Very good!" The fat man nodded, looking up at the sky, and said to himself: "I also remember! From that day on, we became a new person, and we were asked to swear loyalty to our motherland and us People! We are required to obey orders and observe discipline! We are trained, we are tumbling in muddy water, singing military songs and running loudly in the cold morning, running against the scorching sun on the training ground, we learn Driving mecha, we learn to kill, and we glared at each instructor who ridiculed us, until we turned ourselves into a real Lere Union soldier! "

The entire team was silent, and each soldier stood upright beside his armor, just like a tree standing tall and loose. Only Tian Xingjian's voice echoed in this steel jungle.

"Yes! We are Lelei soldiers! Our motherland has been in peace for hundreds of years, but our ancestors have left us with freedom and democracy, as well as a team of steel that can't beat and bite! In the Independence War three hundred years ago, we were invincible, and after three hundred years, we are also moving forward! "

Tian Xingjian gritted his teeth and looked at the trembling soldiers with excitement, exclaiming: "We are soldiers of Le Lei, we swear loyalty to our motherland, and now, it is time for us to fulfill our oath!" Pointing southwest: "There, always supporting our freedom front, our allies, our brothers are being hunted down by the enemy! They don't have mechas, they don't have heavy weapons, they can only use their fists and teeth to fight the enemy! "

"What should we do?" Tian Xingjian looked at the warriors who stood upright: "We have jumped out of the encirclement of the enemy, we can ignore it, we can stand by, we can slowly pick an enemy fat and churn the logistics base. Take a mouthful and forget this thing! We are not God, we are insecure here, we cannot save everyone. "

The soldiers blushed one by one, some soldiers raised their hands to speak, and there was a disturbance in the scene for a while.

Tian Xingjian looked at the soldiers lightly, completely ignoring this commotion, and waited for a while before asking: "Can we do this?"

"No!" All the soldiers shouted in unison, not to mention how much the free front has helped these two regiments since arriving at Mozic. The military's dignity and men's loyalty are allowed to do so. * Thing! Besides, the gangsters know that these fat guys say these things, and they certainly do n’t let everyone escape. This is one of the skills of the gangsters. It ’s just one of the gangster ’s skills to be generous with the patience and patting the chest.

Sure enough, everyone heard the fat man nod in satisfaction, and then said: "That's right! We are Le Lei soldiers, what do we care about? Isn't it just a few armored regiments, isn't it just to play rescue behind the enemy? It's so dangerous for our federation Will the soldiers care? "

"Don't care!" The gangsters gritted their teeth, and with their heroic posture alone, it was enough **** to scare two groups!

"Remember, when you were a soldier, the recruiting office would ask a question and ask why we came to be a soldier, how did you all answer?" The fat man asked with a smile.

"Defend the motherland! Defend the freedom and honor of the Lerei Federation!" The hooligans stood upright, one by one solemnly, with the light of their faces shining.

The fat man waved his hand: "Then ask what you said when the Leray Federation was invaded?"

"Who the **** dare!" A soldier screamed in the neck.

"Beating his dog day!" Another soldier began to pull his sleeves.

"Fuck, I'm killing him!" The fierce ones have already figured out the fighting thorns, waving screams brightly!

"Very good!" Fatty shouted: "It seems that everyone is one heart, and we have not forgotten why we are fighting here! Now, we have a family that can't return. The Federation of Leray has been surrounded by our enemies, the Newton Galaxy. And the Hundred Stars are under siege by two countries that are several times more powerful than the Federation of Lerere. Both the Desik Empire and the Jeppen Empire are murderers who are killing our loved ones! And we are here, it seems quite quite Nothing can be done during leisure! Even our friends who are in the same trench with us are being chased and killed, we have to discuss whether to fight or escape. "

The mobster gangsters shut their mouths as they waited for the gangster's orders.

Tian Fatzi glanced at the face of every determined federal soldier, and then he waved his hand: "Now, come with me, fuck, hit the mother-in-law on a rainy day, idle and idle!"

His voice just fell, and a thunderous roar rang through the sky.

"Long live Lere!"

A group of gangsters were lit up in the same instant as a barrel of gunpowder. They clapped each other in a murderous manner, grunting in curse: "Go, beat the gang of silly girls!" Then they turned and jumped into the mech.

When the hydraulic systems of more than two thousand mechas are activated at the same time, the unfolded mecha body is like a demon warming up before the predator, killing murderously and spreading endlessly! The Lere people, that indifferent nature, at this moment, they were given full play, even if they were the strongest enemies in front of them, they also had the courage to rush up and tear their opponents apart! What's more, the enemies in their eyes at this time are just a group of silly ladies who are going to be beaten. A group of gangsters preparing to hit the mother-in-law naturally have a fearless and powerful momentum.

Soon, under the leadership of Tian Xingjian, the two mech regiments of the bandit army were in the shape of an urgent army. Like a beast in a migratory place, they densely poured through the jungle and headed towards the location of the free front.


Oboto was completely desperate at this time, looking at the more than 1,000 freedom fighters who were tired and watching the joint armored forces of Desik and Gacharin swarming all over the mountain, he knew that this might be his own The last battle!

The tall and majestic man painfully closed his bloodshot eyes, and the fierce battle more than ten hours ago seemed to appear in front of him again. On a **** night, the Mythical Legion and the Desik Empire Armored Force suddenly launched an attack. The ground resistance was completely destroyed in just ten minutes, and the resistance of the underground base was completely accumulated by human life. In the fierce artillery fire, in the mecha's irresistible rush, the human body is so fragile.

Sanjara was dead, and Yaric was also dead. They were killed by blasting energy bombs while leading the team to organize resistance. They were all flesh and blood, and they couldn't even put together a complete body. The entire resistance base was uprooted, and more than 10,000 freedom fighters could finally come here with themselves, only less than 2,000! If it is not the only mech battalion fighting hard, **** the remaining main force to escape through the secret road, and all the soldiers of the first base of the free front, no one can survive!

Oboto is not afraid of dying. Since the day he joined the freedom front, he was as if his former enslaved self had died. He dedicated everything he had to the resistance movement, including his own life! However, he was not reconciled. When the resistance movement was on the ground, he just fell down!

Now, the freedom front seems to have come to an end. Oboto knows that if the center of the free front, including himself, is completely destroyed by the enemy, then the resistance organizations that have lost their unified coordination and command will become a piece of sand, like a spark that has finally been unable to burn, and extinguished in the cold wind.

"Report the leader, the enemy is catching up again!" A [hurricane] stopped in front of Oboto and spoke of Gasl, the freedom fighter who had been following the fat man in prison, since James and After An Lei was sent away, he stayed, and in the meantime, he went several times to find the trace of the fat man, and finally found nothing.

"How many mechas are left in your battalion?" Oboto's voice was hoarse.

"Less than one hundred!" Gasll gritted his teeth and said: "We can still block for a while, you can continue to walk with the main force, you can't stay here!"

"Go?" Oboto smiled bitterly and waved: "Let your mechs participate in trench excavation and collect all portable missiles and anti-mech energy cannons." He sighed and looked at the distant mountains: "Since we can't go, let's die in battle, this is our best destination!"

"But ..." Gasll spoke out, and then he fell silent. He knew that the freedom fighter who had been running in the mountains for more than ten hours had no chance of leaving here. Now, the only thing that can be counted on is the Mecha regiments of the two Lerei Federations. However, this opportunity is ultimately slim, and I want to come. These two regiments are also facing chasing.

Gasl silently saluted and turned to execute the order.

With the help of mechs, a row of trenches quickly appeared on this lofty high ground. Tired freedom fighters lay in the trenches, and even the enemies who swarmed down the hill swarmed to take a look.

When death finally approached, these freedom fighters were exceptionally calm, as if they were just welcoming another day of sunshine in the early morning.

"Boom!" A shell landed in front of the trench, and the raised dirt flew high into the air, then cracked like a hail. A moment of tranquility was broken, the confluent Mythical Legion II and the Dexic 191st Division Mech Regiment slowly surging towards the high ground, like a dark black cloud, calm and brutal, every Mech Warrior With a greasy smile, they believed that in front of their mechs, the trenches and bodies on the high ground would be as fragile as eggs. Crushed in despair!

As a commander, O'Sullivan simply dismissed the highlands in front of him. Such a battle did not need to be commanded at all. He only sent a battalion [Vajra] to cooperate with a Mech battalion in Desik, attacking on both sides . In his opinion, in less than ten minutes, the so-called high ground would be razed to the ground by mechs swarming up.

At this time, in O'Sullivan's eyes, only Bonnie.

This woman is still so beautiful. Her fiery red hair is tied behind her head with a ribbon. She blows her skin to the ground. She is white and dizzy. The swan-like elegant neck and round and plump **** make every one Seeing her man's heart fluttered, they all wished that he would just plop up and ride her under him, galloping arbitrarily.

O'Sullivan swallowed hard and faced this super woman, this is not the first time. Since he saw Bonnie for the first time, he has always dreamed of conquering this in the aristocracy. The most radiant woman, he dreamed that one day she could be stripped into a white sheep, and then, fiercely entered into her body, let her call her name in excitement.

It ’s just that O'Sullivan understands that this woman is from Reinhardt. This lion can sacrifice this little wild cat or even eat her, but it will never allow anyone to get her finger on her, even thinking about it. No way!

O'Sullivan forced himself not to start, he didn't want to see the greed for the woman in his eyes when the Reinhardt's spacecraft landed.

(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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