Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 347: S-level matchup

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Although the talk and laughter came forward with great awe, in fact, his popularity in the game is not necessarily much better than that of the fat man.

Many players know that this man looks like a gentleman on the surface, but his eyes are actually higher than that of the top. The most annoying thing is that he likes to put a big hat of moral corruption on anyone else.

Seeing the confrontation between the two, all players inevitably despised the chatter and laughter.

Even though SM01314 is abominable, after all, people rely on real skills from the beginning. Whoever comes, dare to go back and forth like a **** under the encirclement and suppression of millions of people, is worthy of respect. The hatred of the players is true, and the admiration is also true.

Now, during the chat, he suddenly jumped out to challenge SM01314. Everyone knows that he is looking at the simple mecha that SM01314 is driving at this moment, so he is bullying and picking cheap. Pick cheap, pick cheap, he favors himself as a group of spokespersons, which makes people feel sick like eating a fly.

As soon as the hall was quiet, the wretched gods who had been drowned in the vocal sounds just now showed their voices. One by one yin and yang strange.

"Look, I still look like a good man. I said that people started scolding people. I think the level of the tenth place in this ranking is just average."

"This made me angry and angry. People didn't want to fight him, and they leaned up close to their faces. Is this the legendary tenth bitch?"

"It is estimated that in reality it is a little white face who laughs. The kind of bullying who has been long-term nurtured by those who are three hundred pounds.

"No wonder, this guy is addicted to SM. He sees these two letters and makes waves."

"Little white face! I said how could someone use [Hangmang] to challenge a simple mecha, so eloquent. This face is probably not only white, but thick."

"You are all wrong, what a little white face. Just like his cold face, if he can sell meat as a little white face, it would be regarded as a high fragrance!"

It was said that the smirking face did not pay attention to the players' ridicule, and issued a challenge application. The winner is king, as long as you win anything! He made up his mind to abuse this broken simple mech into debris.

The challenge book that appeared at the top of the bulletin board was rejected by the fat man again! Just when everyone was stunned, a fat man's challenge application appeared on the bulletin board.

"S-Class Duel!"

There was an uproar.

This is the cruelest way of fighting in "Manga". Once the battle begins, the map will always be locked. Surrendering and confessing won't work either. You must verify in the system that one side's mecha has completely become a broken metal, and the battle will end!

Summarized in four words-endlessly!

The fat man's move immediately caused laughter in the battle hall. Players clearly saw that when the fat guy challenged, there was a clear lack of attention.

If it is unfair to use [Hanmang] to challenge a tattered mech, then this trick played by the fat guy obviously changed this situation!

The value of the tattered skeleton mecha is really disproportionate to [Hangmang]. It's like a gambling, both parties bet all their assets, but one of them is very generous with one yuan to gain hundreds of millions of assets of the other party! This really makes people vomit blood.

This is the psychology of human beings. The original thing is the same thing. If you look at it from another angle, you will feel different. What's funny about the players is that now the absent-minded chatroom apparently feels that he is losing money. Maybe, he is regretting why he used [Hangmang] to challenge.

"Talk and laugh! Chat and laugh!"

Suddenly, enthusiastic cheers rang out in the battle hall. The names of the chat rooms are chanted rhythmically by players over and over again. The leaders were the wicked believers who just laughed at the chatter. The run man is their strength.

It's hard to ride a tiger during a chat. Finally click the OK button on the challenge application.

Two white lights flashed in the battle hall, and the two mechs were simultaneously transferred to a battle map that was generated immediately.

This map is familiar to all players ... a commonly used simulated battlefield map. It simulates a famous battle hundreds of years ago-the Battle of Tara Plains.

Said to be a plain battle, in fact, the central battlefield is in a small hill called Beifengling. At that time, the Republic of Feiyan and Binarite Empire launched a large-scale and extremely fierce battle around this mountain with an altitude of more than 300 meters.

At that time, an armored division of the Republic of Feiyan tried to make a detour from Beifengling to the east of the plain, but it just hit two oncoming Binart armored divisions. The skynet systems on both sides were disturbed, and the fighting began again at night, and the confused battle entered the fierce state of strangling each other.

In the more than two months from the beginning to the end of the entire battle of the Tara Plains, the two sides successively invested 18 armored divisions in the area of ​​Beifengling, which is not a five square kilometer.

It can be said that every inch of land in Beifengling has been repeatedly scrambled thousands of times, and the artillery fire has almost cut this small mountain into flat land. A total of 200,000 soldiers were buried here. The total number of casualties is equal to the total casualties of other battlefields in the Tara Plains. The little Beifengling has become a cemetery of mecha wreckage.

This battle in history was regarded as a classic by countless military fans. In the military school, it is also one of the famous analytical examples. In the battle, the commanders and defenders of both sides are changing rapidly, the battles are fierce, the battle situation is complex, the fog of war is intense, and even the mysterious strangeness of some inexplicable accidents, all make people enchanted.

The classic battle also created a classic map of "Man in the Sky". Every ditch, every armored position, defensive position and permanent fortifications in this map, even the **** of the terrain, the softness and hardness of the soil, are completely copied according to the real history.

For players, the most special place of this map is its novel and complicated settings.

The two sides of the battle can not only truly walk through the trenches of the gullies, but also experience the cannonballs on the battlefield, the smoky smoke, and the shock of the turbulent mechanized mechanized mechs. Fight the impact.

Although the system's artillery is not enough to kill one shot, a little bit of damage in the duel between masters will also change the final outcome. This setting will undoubtedly make the game more variable and more exciting and beautiful.

The ubiquitous lens, from the moment the fat man and the chatter entered the map, began a faithful record. Every movement of the mechs on both sides will be clearly shot from all angles and presented in front of the audience.

At the beginning of the game, the audience exclaimed.

The moment two mechs appeared on the map, they both made an action at the same time. That is to rush towards the centerline of the map without any hesitation.

Obviously, the two sides of the battle set the tone for the battle from the beginning. This will be a fancy, Mars-to-Earth confrontation.

The vertical and horizontal energy gunfire shuttled through the air, interweaving a shining net of light.

The violent explosion was deafening, and the dirt on the ground and the wreckage of the mechs that were hit were scattered in all directions with the shock wave.

The sky and clouds of smoke filled the entire battlefield together. The dim sky, the red flames and the rolling black smoke made the white light of each explosion appear so thrilling.

In the artillery fire, the two mechas have already crossed the front of their positions. Like a meteor, a large area of ​​trenches, wreckage of armor, and remains of soldiers killed in battle was laid in front of the position. There, it will be the final arena.

Tan Xiaoxiao exhibited his highest hand speed. [Hanmang] Under his control, it flows like a galloping stream. Although the intensive artillery pouring is a bit troublesome, but it can only be hit by three or five artillery in the coverage of such density of artillery, and I am very satisfied!

My state today can only be described by magic!

Listening to the players' uncontrollable exclamation, the chat room where the vanity was greatly satisfied accelerated again. He didn't want to see it when he arrived at the engagement center, only the wreckage of the broken armor destroyed by the system. Such a victory is inevitably inadequate.

I wouldn't think of a passionate chatter and laughter. At the moment in the viewing hall, no one pays attention to his [Hangmang] that many players dream of.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the wrecked skeleton armor.

Skeleton mecha ran staggeringly. The tattered body without external armor wraps, trembling in every step, as if it would fall apart at any time. Players can even see the moaning engine in the body of the mech, the transmission gear that rattles and the drive lever that sways back and forth.

However, it is such a mecha that has been rotten to the point that it can no longer be added, but it is covered by storm-like artillery fire. Perfectly interpreted what is called the change of the line!

It was so dense that it avoided unavoidable shells and fell at a speed that was difficult to track with the naked eye. The ground is like a lake hit by heavy rain, and the ripples caused by layers of shells can't tell the order!

In this violent explosion, the Skull Mecha suddenly changed its direction without warning, just like the shuttle on the textile machine. It was almost at the extreme and accurate to the extreme. Players could not distinguish the time difference, which was used to the fullest.


Players stared at the Simple Skeleton Mecha with open mouth, walking in the clouds of water and walking in the overwhelming shells. The shock, confusion, and a sense of palpitations made everyone feel a little dazed.

Some players who have not participated in the siege of millions of people once did not understand why SM can repeatedly get out of the siege. You know, in the mecha world, no matter how invincible masters are, if you are surrounded by a lot, not to mention one million people, there will be 12,000 or so, and his end will be a pool of meat!

Now, they finally know the answer.

In the huge and immense map of the simulation network, if there is no unified command, collective action, if you do n’t want a way to block this person who can walk in the storm-like artillery cover in a corner, then everything is In vain!

Millions of people are just a number. No one can really trap him! Every time he confronts opponents, there will never be more than one hundred!

A man who can control a simple mecha so amazingly, when he drives a more advanced mecha, how can hundreds of people in every region be trapped!

Watching the two mechas move differently in the same artillery fire, the players suddenly had an illusion. Skeleton mech, at this moment, is so gorgeous. And that car with a streamlined shell and extravagant luxury [Hanmang] is so simple.

Under the eyes of all eyes, the skeleton armor swept out of the artillery area and began to accelerate.

"Wow", the entire viewing hall boiled like a frying pan. At this moment, the high-speed skull mech has transformed into a black lightning. On the huge screen in the battle hall, the data of the Skeleton Mecha is spinning rapidly.

Five hundred and seventy kilometers per hour!

"God, how is this possible!" The players are stupid!

Such data, even if it is the top [Hanmang] full sprint, can not be achieved! And now, it appears on a simple mech! What kind of mech is this? !

Seeing that the Skeleton Mecha has crossed the center line, approaching the gunfire coverage area where the chatroom is located, some quick-reaction players are keenly aware that this time, the chatroom seems to be difficult!

The chat room is indeed difficult.

When he struggled to escape a shell and jumped out of the artillery coverage, he heard a cry! Before he had time to recover, a mechanical fist with only a skeleton was already infinitely enlarged in front of him!

"Fuck you mother!" The fat-mouthed fat man knocked the gray-faced [Hangmang] on the ground with a fist, and immediately stepped on it, adding his fists and feet: "Let you **** stink! Laozi let you know the flowers today Why is it so red! "

When [Hanmang] assembled the head of the circuit system and the perception system, and was smashed into scrap iron by a few fists of the skeleton mecha, all players knew that the talk was over.

This righteous man who claimed to punish SM01314 on behalf of the people had already laid down before he could use a half-dozen moves. Now, he can only represent himself and accept SM01314 endless abuse.

Players stared dumbly at what was happening in front of them. Before the start of the duel, they had envisaged countless endings, but now, such a situation, they did not even dream about it.

The sturdy tattered skull turned over with a fist [Hanmang]. Now, the villain named SM01314 is riding on the body of the chat room. The rain-like fist hits [Hanmang] and there is no chance of returning.

That's it?

Skeleton mecha grievously exposed the automatic maintenance arm in his hand.


[Hanmang] ’s energy gun was first dismantled.


[Han Mang] 's arms and legs are also separated from the body!

"play with me!"

Skeleton mecha ripped off the cold armor of [Hangmang] and put it on himself.

The players' cold sweat brush came down. Secretly rejoicing that the fat man did not accept their challenge, they finally understand why this guy is called SM01314.

"Curse, you **** so stinky! Lao Tzu really gives you a face! Melon!"

In the vicious curse of the fat man, the armor shell of [Hanmang] was peeled off and became a part of the skeleton armor.

Next, there are EC electronic jammers, radar scanning, enemy search systems, auxiliary thrusters ...

Anyone who likes fat will not stop putting on himself, and those who do not need it will be thrown around.

In the spectator hall, the group has collapsed at the moment.

The skeleton mecha, like a demon with a knife and a fork in his hand, slayed his hand at this large piece of fat steak.

In just a few minutes, [Hangmang] has been disassembled into parts while the arms and arms of the Skeleton Mech are flying up and down!

However, what is surprising is that until now, the system has not judged that [Hanmang] was destroyed! Let the skull mecha that has been changed to [Hanmang] be frustrated there.

"You ..." The chatter and laughter, which had been stunned, finally held a word. This word is extremely sad, angry and wronged.

"This brain-deprived child can't speak clearly! Don't say I sneak attacked you and don't give you a chance!" Under everyone's attention, the skeleton armor jumped away in a big step, compared to a bunch of scattered parts on the ground : "When you get up, you have to compete against each other with real skills!"

The players immediately went crazy.

How did it get up, the current [Hangmang] is worse than the original skeleton mecha! The skeleton was dismantled and the parts were removed. Except for the mecha cockpit and energy, and the computer system remained as it was, there was nothing left.

No matter how **** he is, there is no way. Moreover, this sentence should be said between chatting and laughing?

"Come on! Comeonbaby!" Put the [Hangmang] external armor on your body. Skeleton armor like an upstart jumped up and down a bunch of parts: "Do n’t pretend to be dead! Get up!

The chatroom in the mech cockpit was completely silent. He has fainted.

"Don't think you can attack me by pretending to be dead!" Skeletal mecha carefully took the exam: "Tell you, this trick is useless to me! ... I'm here ... I really come?"

Some players hit their heads and hit the wall.

"System, let's thunder and kill this evil SM01314."



.Holiday, went out to play for two days. Renew the update today.


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