Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 386: The arrival of Phantom Stream

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Selvor rolled over from the horse's back, and the entourage had already taken the polo stick in his hand, and handed a hot, non-scalding wet towel. The horse trainer who had been standing next to him hurriedly pulled away the sweaty horse, slowly walking slowly.

With the endless ears of cannons and explosions outside the horizon, the dusty polo field is still thundering, and dozens of knights waved their clubs, shouted and slammed, and flew back and forth.

Selvor sat calmly in a chair by the side of the court, drinking tea and watching the game, and closed his eyes to raise his mind. This turned his attention to the intelligence officer who stood beside him for a long time.

Before Selvor turned his gaze, the intelligence officer stood straight beside him, without making a sound.

This is Selvor's rule.

Even if the next second would fall, the Nademic dynasty would never allow his descendants to be as alarmed as those inferiors.

Calmness is the basic quality that a noble lineage royal family should have since childhood. As a descendant of the dynasty, Selwall, while devotedly following every rule handed down from the Nadmic dynasty, his opponents have the same requirements.

"Chairman." The intelligence officer opened the file and reported the current situation: "... The blood shadow mech regiment has cut off the seventh, twenty-fifth and On the 29th resource road, and arming ..... The investigation team of the Blood Wing Fleet returned news that the Longxing Huiqing Flagship Team had been assembled in the Spartan Starting Corridor of DA Channel. . "

The DA channel is the B-level channel that connects the Odin free channel to Chakna and Sousse. The Su Kezhou faction is stationed there and is expected by Selwall. After all, this is the undead life path of Chuckner.

Unfortunately, the main channel is now under the control of the Sousse Empire. The DA channel, which is inextricably linked to the main channel, cannot be mastered by a blue flagship team.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and Selwall nodded with his eyes closed, said indifferently: "I see."

The intelligence officer closed the folder, and then said: "In addition, the Mech Battalion of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps has approached Pro Town, and there is no head-on conflict with Xintai Liu. We have just received information, and Mirage has abandoned its owner The pavilion and major branch pavilions departed at 10 o'clock yesterday, passing through the central city and entering the town of Provo. "

"Phantom stream?" Selwall opened his eyes slowly, frowning as he looked at the dust that filled the polo field.

It is no secret that the identity of the new curator of the Tailiupuluo Branch is.

This Lere fat man who appeared out of thin air and pushed the outbreak of genre war has made Selwall feel threatened.

Especially during the scuffle on Pro First Avenue, he was forced to re-examine this fat white man who seemed to have no threat.

Fifty mechas are nothing in this mecha world.

However, the combat effectiveness of the fifty mechs in that short battle, and the energy cannons on them, were obviously not as simple as a number.

As a collaborator of the Sousse Empire, the Fiji League is Selvor's natural enemy. In the past, there was only one Su Kezhou, but now there seems to be one more.

And what makes Selvor most unpleasant is that his layout for many years in advance seems to be facing the threat of a larger layout.

It is hard for him to believe that the Longxing Chamber of Commerce, which has an inextricable relationship with Chakner, has nothing to do with that Lelei fat man!

If, the fat man was Su Qizhou pushed to the front, if all these conflicts were planned by Su Qizhou behind his back, does that mean that the Longxing Association, a behemoth that has dominated Mars for many years, already had a person like himself plan? !

What does the split of Tailiu and the arrival of Phantom Stream mean at this moment?

Why is the Longxing Society still in a defensive situation until now, and has no contact with Pro Town from the beginning? Even their mech units did not move closer to the center city?

The group of Filipinos can no longer hide behind.

Selvor made up his mind in an instant. It is actually very simple to know the plan of the Longxing Society and the placement of Fiengmeng in Mars.

Just need to poke yourself in the key parts with a bamboo pole!

The most eye-catching part of this horse honeycomb is naturally the town of Pro!

Selwall would like to see how long the hidden Filipino forces can hide when his troops are massacred in the town of Prov!


Out of Prov. 1st Avenue, the center of the commercial district lined with tall buildings was turned around, and the flying car stopped at the intersection of Piccadilly Street in Prov.

On the empty streets, traces of arson and robbery were still left by the thugs who took advantage of the fire. Several shops and optional supermarkets on both sides of the street have been looted. Even the display windows were smashed. Several flying cars burned into black metal frames were also parked on the roadside. Pieces of glass, shoes, clothes and paper were thrown all over the floor.

Sandbags have been piled up at the intersection, and old machine guns against the infantry have been set up. Portable missiles and several energy cannons were also erected upstairs in several buildings near the intersection.

Several metal plates removed from the mech wreckage of First Avenue were welded into simple bulletproof walls. The isolation net has also been pulled. Seven or eight gangster mechas and a dozen **** mechas sealed the bridgehead tightly.

The fat man stuck his face on the window and stared blankly out of the cordon.

He knew that it was Old Smith who wanted to see him, but he never dreamed that the arrival of Old Smith would be such a big position.

Old Smith was standing outside the junction fence. Behind him, dozens of Phantom Streams are uniquely agile mechas. Surrounded by mechs are hundreds of phantom disciples holding various weapons. Among these disciples, there are more than twenty giant trucks.

The automatic doors of the tail compartments of several of these trucks have been opened.

A few children who are not worried, are running happily around the truck's automatic landing gear. In the carriage, the woman and the old man curled up behind the partition, only half of their head was exposed, and they gazed quietly at this.

Obviously, this is the family of the phantom stream, they have come out of the nest.

The fat man with a pair of fleshy hands scratching his head, it seems that this is the only way to show his confusion.

Fat people always know their weight. Although it is a bit heavier than the average person, it can definitely make people bow to the bow without throwing a flesh.

If the old Smith came over and talked about the price first, everyone would frown and then undress, the fat man could figure it out. As far as he knows about old Smith, this old guy is an old fox who sees no rabbits, no eagles, no devils, no strings.

What I saw in front of me was that the old fox brought the entire phantom stream to Protown. This is not what it is to come to self-confidence.

The fat man was a little dazed for a while. Do you have the air to be the king of heaven and earth, so that the pies in the sky just fell off?

Confused, the fat man quickly put a smile on his face as soon as the car stopped and stepped out of the car to welcome him.

This is exactly what he wanted. In any case, this phantom stream must be eaten in one bite.

As soon as he saw the facial features changed, he smiled with a fat face, and old Smith sighed softly. From this guy, he couldn't see the style of Le Lei hero at all.

But now, he has no other choice.

Unlike other top-ranked schools, Phantom Stream has no mercenaries, no business groups, and no exclusive armed fleet. After the outbreak of the war, several factories under the Griffon Knight Pavilion have been forced to close, and the area where the main pavilion is located has been blocked by other vertical and horizontal forces to form an isolated island.

The rioters run wild and the mob rampages. Many poor disciples have taken their families to the Mecha Hall. Phantom flow is their last resort.

But Old Smith knew that the phantom flow would never last until the end of the war, relying solely on himself. After carefully reading the announcement of the Pro Branch to announce a break with Tai Liu led by Cooper, he finally made up his mind.

Go to Prov Town!

Old Smith didn't care to put all the phantom stream on the table. He had nothing to lose.

So, the phantom flow began to cross through the rain of guns.

From the location of the main pavilion of the center city to the town of Prov, the flying car was only an hour away on weekdays, and the phantom flow passed for a whole day. After paying for the lives of two giant trucks and several **** soldiers, they finally arrived in the town of Provo.

Tian Xingjian approached.

Old Smith looked back at himself.

Headed by Kozmo, dozens of core disciples of Phantom Stream were neatly arranged in a square matrix.

These young people who have grown up in the free world are heroic and silent at the moment. They stared violently at the oncoming figure.

Including Kozmo, in the eyes of these young pilots, worship is clear and undisguised!

Leading more than 270 prisoners of war across the thousands of miles behind the enemy to highlight the encirclement. Infiltrating alone, Mozic stirred the storm and captured James. To block the Hunter Legion, thousands of mechas ran rampage, and the arrogance in the sky of artillery fire, fell into the abyss and survived miraculously.

The most important thing is that he once manipulated the mecha to a hundred, and once in the main hall of the phantom flow with a pair of iron fist roaring in the vertical and horizontal direction.

Whenever I think about the scene at that time, not only the young gangs, but also the old Smith himself and a few calm and indifferent elders couldn't help but fascinate.

The future of Phantom Stream is firmly tied to this person, and no one is against it!

So, the phantom flow is coming!

However, can this fat man really bring a bright future to Phantom Stream?

Old Smith is not sure!

Until now, he still can't figure out how this fat man can clean up this mess! Even if the core technique is needed again, even if it is embarrassed at the moment, Old Smith will not deliver the lives of these young people behind him to a hopeless war.

Looking at the fat man who walked in front of him, old Smith's eyes were full of electricity, and he was silent for a long time. He asked a word without a head: "Are you sure?"

The fat man was stunned. From beginning to end, he was not familiar with Old Smith, and he didn't even know him formally.

But now, the old man standing in front of him just throws out his most worried problems.

Turning his gaze behind Old Smith, the greedy eyes of the phantom flow fighters turned, and the fat man smiled.


"What are you going to do?"


"Who are you waiting for?"

"Ming Xin Liu, Hei Long Dao, and many other schools."

"What do you want to do?"

"Regenerate the Confederation of Schools!"

There is no circle around, old and young are standing face to face, quick question and answer, every word is extremely concise.

"Reinvigorate the genre association ?!" Old Smith muttered to himself.

He turned his head and looked behind him, gazing across the phantom stream and casting his way to the way they came.

Skyrim, gunshots and gunshots endlessly!

The doubt in my heart suddenly disappeared. Looking at the horizon that was exploded and the flames glowing red, old Smith suddenly wanted to laugh. Without hesitation, a phantom flow roster and substance list were just stuffed into the hands of the fat man.

Turn your hands over the clouds and rain your hands!

Old Smith had to admire the method of this fat and fat man in front of him!

The situation in Mars's free world has been exploited to the extreme by him! !

He took advantage of the phantom flow conflict, entered the Tailiu with the thunder of wind and thunder, and kicked the nine pavilions in a thunderous manner, igniting the contradiction of genre gunpowder barrels.

At the beginning of this chaos, what he did was to make several major schools that had to send their arrows on the string finally finally abandon the tradition of the school and start fighting in advance.

At this time, he had to rebuild what he destroyed, and build it up again.

Rebuild the genre federation.

The federation is just a guise. This fat man has used the traditions of several free worlds for thousands of years!

Maintain the genre federation and re-integrate the free world into the tradition of genre habits, so that the genre, like the history of millennia, still stands at the top of the pyramid of the free world. This temptation comes to those genres who are unable to control this war Say, it is too big.

No matter what their status in the genre, they are still a member of this class; they still enjoy the benefits of the genre tradition!

As long as the Fiji League can have enough power to support the situation. The genre is at heart, it is almost a matter of rigidity.

The members of the federation are still these civil mech schools.

The only difference is that ... The three major schools that have abandoned the tradition of the genre have already easily handed over the dominance of the Confederation of Genres in this changing process!

Old Smith bowed slightly, slowly letting go.

The phantom flow pilot square is in front of Tian Xingjian.

The pilots stood quietly. Tian Xingjian looked at them, and they looked at Tian Xingjian without squinting. These unarmed young people have just traversed the center of the city covered by gunfire. Completed their first baptism in the war.

While entering a block controlled by a small mercenary, they were attacked.

A peripheral disciple and several members of the **** were killed, dozens of people were injured, and two heavy trucks were burned.

It is proud that the children and old people in the truck are closely protected, and there is no tragedy of car destruction.

Their growth experience is not lacking in blood.

Whether in school or in the neighborhood where the home is located, violence is always everywhere.

They learned how to fight, how to desperately, how to protect themselves. However, they still did not learn to war-this kind of war sweeping all mankind.

They are very tired. In their eyes, in addition to excitement and expectation, there is confusion and confusion.

Fat people know that they are waiting, waiting for themselves to give them a goal, an answer, a reason to persuade themselves.

"From today, you are a member of this group."

When the fat man lifted his chest and raised his head, he had a kind of iron-blooded military style. This style, even the Special Reconnaissance Corps and the Tigers ca n’t learn. At this time, it was taken out and immediately shocked the young Mirage fighters! They have never seen it. A person standing alone will allow you to sniff out the smoke of the battlefield, see the hunting flag, the **** land, and see a piece of steel that is hard to break!

"I know, you are waiting, waiting for me to tell you what kind of group this is and what will happen to you in the future!"

A gust of wind rolled over the wide and silent intersection, spilled the waste paper on the ground, lifted it up, and fell in a circle again, drifting away into the distance. A draped and tattered billboard slapped in the wind against the metal frame where it was originally to accompany the fat man's voice.

"If you still feel confused, it only proves that you haven't realized what this era of your life means to you!" The fat man looked around: "In the old AD 5650, the Supreme Council of Humanity announced the first Isolation planet—Earth! In 6204 AD, the second isolation planet came into being, Rising Sun, which is the one under our feet now, renamed in the name of Mars God of War! Since then, you are Exiled! "

After a slight commotion, there was still silence.

The young fighters stared intently at the fat man in front of them. Their eyes were shining, which was a kind of light that would only radiate when understood.

"Except for a very few people, most free people are not allowed to live in mainstream countries for a long time. Technology, military, thousands of kinds of material embargo. This is a **** in a universe! All criminals are gathered here, Even if it's an ancestor's fault, you are not accepted by mainstream society.

I know, you are not reconciled. In fact, your parents and your grandparents are not reconciled! However, there is no way for you to tear the iron curtain, you can only kill each other and steal lives here!

Perhaps some of you have realized the opportunity that this war that swept the entire human race has brought to you! However, this opportunity is so slim. You are a piece of sand, and you cannot unite to fight for this opportunity.

Now, what I want to tell you is that you should not and will not be the cannon fodder of the two major military groups. You have an opportunity to win the war, to win your own life, to win your fathers and grandparents in the name of the free world, and never get dignity!

Fei Meng may help us, but I do not represent Fei Meng, and the group you joined does not belong to Fei Meng! This group has one and only one name, Bandit! This is the abbreviation of the Supreme United Parliament for all people in the free world. Now, I will lead you all to bear this gangster and re-enter your head into the mainstream world of mankind. The iron curtain that covers the free port of Mars will disappear from now on. ! "

The fat man stopped and swallowed secretly.

After making knee-long talks with Tailiu disciples, such as Wetherell and Baz, he prepared for a long time in order to accurately grasp and use the mentality of these young people in Freeport. Not only did he say that he was facing Phantom Stream this time, but in the future, he was going to say to many disciples.

From the eyes of Kozmo and others in front of him, the fat man knew that he had grabbed their hearts. For those who believe in the law of the jungle, their least fear is desperation and adventure. That is almost their nature and instinct!

What they need is just a goal!

"Take your stuff and start your mecha." The fat man tucked old Smith into the flying car and turned back to continue to coolly say: "Follow me, you will have a magnificent future!"

The flying car shook its head beautifully and drove towards Pro First Avenue.

Behind him, dozens of phantom stream mechas, heavy trucks have kept up.

There were no other thoughts in the minds of the **** and confused phantom flow pilots.

The curators are gone, where are they not keeping up?



. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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