Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 412: Sword

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"Where have the Northern Business Alliance troops moved now?"

Chuck strode to the electronic sand table and looked down at the flashing cursor on the sand table and the virtual terrain of the mountains and rivers. He was already impatient with this boring battle.

"The four battalions of the blood shadow mech regiment of the North Alliance have already left the west of the central city and are gathering 25 kilometers east of the Pro Town, preparing to intersect southwest through the ring road." The staff standing beside the sand table quickly replied. He looked at the watch on his wrist: "However, the bandits have destroyed most of the road between the west of the center city and the town of Prov. They are advancing very slowly, and it is expected that it will take two hours to reach the designated location."

"Two hours! This is their most elaborate armored regiment?" Chuck snorted, gazing back and forth on the sand table: "On the northern route, I remember that they have two other armored regiments from the northern industrial zone of Central City Where did you go now? "

"These are the two mixed regiments of the North Alliance." The military staff said: "Their speed is slower. Since the bandit army made a long-distance attack on Silicon Valley, the interval road there has become a muddy swamp. Now, they have just Follow the trails in the outlying agricultural areas through Silicon Valley and two hundred kilometers from Prov Town. "

"This idiot, this is what they call a coordinated attack?" Chuck slaps on the electronic sand table, angrily.

"Colonel, the guys want to pick up ready-made." Said a brown-haired, morbidly pale military staff: "When attacking Lille, our militia allies tasted such sweetness. Thousands of [Far East Victory] mechas and more than ten [sly foxes] collapsed the world ’s largest genre organization. This time, with us as the main offensive in the front, they seemed to only want to enter the Provincial Town . "

"Stupid merchant organization ..." Chuck sneered: "Always like to play with their little cleverness, I really don't know, how could the military select such a group of waste ... contact Cypriot Irwall, let him order his troops to speed up and attack as soon as possible. The precious life of the Suzanne fighters is not a sacrifice for this dirty planet. "

"Yes!" A military chief of staff led away.

Chuck turned his gaze to the virtual screen, and the electronic mech ’s hyperopic camera monitor screen, the seventh attack of the 402 regiment ended in failure again. Dozens of [Fist of Fighters] mechas piled up on the not-so-ramp slopes of the 205 highlands, burning, and the retired Suzanne mechas, like the ants that had been nested in the fierce enemy fire , Messy back to the attack position.

Looking at the position of less than 500 meters wide in the 205 heights, Chuck Tieqing faced, and then issued an order that was diametrically opposed to the precious life of the Suss warriors: "Order the 402th regiment, one battalion and two battalions, immediately regroup and invest in the attack, tell They, who dare to take a step back and make a Fa-rectification on the spot! Order 402 regiment three battalions, followed by a fuel attack, even if they are filled with life, they must take down this highland before dark! "

Chuck didn't want to be mocked by Sousse's colleagues after the war. Two full-armored regiments couldn't even take down a highland. In his view, the honor of the Soviet soldiers is far more precious than the life of the Soviet soldiers.

The squeaky metal friction and noise again sounded, and on the attacking position of the Sousse Armored Regiment, the officers yelled loudly, yelling, reading the order they had just received, and the disgraced, clumsy, defeated cumbersome. 】 Mecha, with a re-assembled attack formation, roaring engine roar and password sound, regained a little bit of sharpness.

The previous few failures were not unacceptable to the Sus army. Although the high ground occupied by the enemy is not steep, but the terrain is complex, the narrow slopes cannot accommodate too many mechas to attack at the same time, and the powerful firepower of the enemy is not estimated by everyone before the war. The first attack The Sus soldiers almost thought that they had hit the main force of a Filipino nation head-on.

After several tentative attacks, although the two battalions of the 402th regiment lost nearly two hundred mechas, the opponents were equally uncomfortable. Their losses were greater and their resistance was weaker each time. On several occasions, several mechs of a battalion rushed into the opponent ’s trenches. If it were n’t for the cunning guys to dig a lot of mech traps buried with leg mines, if not for them The counterattack was carried out in the same way. Now, the 402 regiment has already camped on the barbecue on the 205 high ground.

Colonel Chuck gave the death order, and the officers were nervously doing pre-war deployment. On the **** in front of the attack position, more than one hundred [Fist of Fighters] and dozens of [Fortresses] were frantically pouring artillery fire at the enemy's highlands. Behind the position, thousands of mechas lined up in three assault formations. This time, no retreat is allowed. If the first battalion falls on the way of the offensive, then the second battalion will be filled in. If the second battalion is also over, the third battalion will be charged until the position is completely occupied!

Concentrating superior forces, and forcing a point on the enemy's front, such a forcible attack is a familiar way of fighting for the Suss army. Before that, they have done countless times. The only difference is that in the past, they faced the armored forces of Chuckner or other countries. This time, they faced a group of infantry in the free world.

Even if the firepower and resistance of the bandits were somewhat unexpected, Colonel Chuck would be overkill.

[Fist of Fighters] On the cold and rudimentary cockpit console computer of the mech, with the red light of a warning light next to it shining, a large amount of information and coordinates are turned out. Hearing the original slow gunfire on the defense line suddenly rushed.

Meteor shower-like energy cannonballs jumped across the low sky at dusk and smashed into the 205 high ground. The shock wave of the explosion rolled up loose sand and stone and threw it in all directions. The messy gust of wind wrapped around the dust and fluttered around. The dead branches and stones were thrown, staggered in the air, raining down on the slopes, leaves, rocks, crackling.

The firepower coverage lasted for a full half hour. The armor that was bombarded in the form of a four-corner bracket on the position almost emptied a whole box of energy. The violent vibrations during the bombardment made the entire defense line tremble.

The defensive mech in the center of the front has been ripped open to both wings, revealing a straight road that is aimed at the 205 high ground.

"The first battalion, all the assault!"

With an order, more than three hundred mechas from the 1st Battalion of the Sousse 402 regiment swarmed out of the woods and jumped out of the two-meter-tall trench armor explosion-proof wall.

The dense formation, as the mech sprinted quickly, spread out like a handful of green beans. Behind them, the remaining two battalions maintained a tight formation, moving a little bit to fill the gap left by the mech.

In the footsteps of the mecha armor, who would believe that the flesh and blood on the 205 high ground can resist such an attack.


Cosmo's heart was beating violently. The brownish-yellow soil, burning debris, black explosive residues on the ground and red blood stains that can no longer be seen, soaring smoke pillars, everything is twisted in the violent charge of the Messi Mechs, becoming unreal.

This was the first battle of the three bands and one battalion of the SM band led by Kozmo. Despite Markwich and the Sabre sitting in a row, Kozmo couldn't help but his heart beating faster.

As a warrior who grew up in the free world, Kozmo, like other battalions of a phantom, is accustomed to various battles. That was originally a part of their lives. However, everything I have experienced is different from the war in front of me!

To be honest, Kozmo was a little flustered when he first entered the position.

The position was dug out of the trench of the mech, which was five meters deep, just enough for the mech to enter the trench in the lying position of the crawler-once the trench was entered, the whole world changed.

Countless energy shells descended from the sky, blasting violently one after another, dense and dense, with no gaps. The sand and gravel rising into the sky was like a wave crashing on the embankment, and it fell down in a mess, hitting the outer armor of the mech, making a crackling sound.

The sky has been covered by the smoke and flying dust when the mech is burning. Numerous broken limbs, broken arms, flesh and blood flew in front of Kozmo. The blood turned into a blood mist in the explosion and stained the transparent cockpit cover.

Kozmo even looked at a broken palm with only three fingers, and stuck it against the porthole in front of him. When sliding down, he would cover all the blood mist, and cut a gap filled with the evening glow and the smoke of fire. What he sees through this **** gap is hell.

Not only here, but the entire free world, and even the entire universe, is such a region!

Kozmo knew that this was a war that swept through the entire human world, and people like him could never escape it. He could neither bend his knees to beg for mercy, nor hide in the deep forest. Although they are civil fighters, the education they have received since childhood is still honor and battle.

However, it is not possible to fight if you want to fight. The free world has been blocked for too long. What is isolated is not only the economy and technology of this era, but also war. They never thought that the real war turned out to be this way!

There is no complete set of energy attack methods and energy defense systems. In the battlefield of this era, it is almost equivalent to bare hands and naked. The skill of close combat is even higher, and there is no slight counterattack in the group battle. Compared with the old projectile weapons and energy weapons in the free world, they are more like toys in the hands of children. Military mechas in modern countries do not even need energy hoods, and their armor alone is enough to resist 99% of metal projectile weapons.

It is fortunate to be able to join the bandit army. Not only did Kozmo think so, almost every fighter who joined the bandit thought so. And this feeling of luck became particularly strong when I took over the controller of the newly modified mecha from the fat man!

The lore and the mountain stream, the two schools that once stood on the top of the pyramid, have been defeated! Their genre mechas and infantry regiments equipped with old-fashioned weapons failed in front of the military mechas of the Northern Business Alliance. At this time, the three bands of bandit army SM had their own military fighter armor-[Battle Sword].

To be honest, the pilots at that time were very disappointed. This kind of mecha modified from private mecha is very simple. Even compared to the completely undecorated mechs of the Sossus Empire, [Battle Sword] is like a civilian standing in front of the nobility.

[Battle Sword] It is seven meters tall, black all over, and weighs 58 tons. It is a medium-sized individual soldier armor. The head of the mech is the appearance of a heavy knight helmet in the Middle Ages. This kind of helmet-like head, whether it is a military mech or a civilian mech, is often used.

However, the helmet of [Battle of Swords] obviously has no intention to help make it more beautiful. The overall look is just like the inferior iron surface that was put on prisoners in that savage century. Two round holes were cut out to let the radar system come out a little bit. The ugly mouth of the measurement system is like a pumpkin carved by a Halloween child. There is no industrial beauty at all.

Under the head of the mech is the fuselage. There is no neck, and the gadget has no other use except to increase the enemy's attack position. The humanoid armor does not mean that it has to be exactly the same as the artificial one. However, the radish heads from Silicon Valley are also a bit jerk. The lower edge of the [Battle Sword] helmet is almost retracted into the thick shoulders. Is this the aesthetics of the technology monsters?

The chest is a thick and ugly composite armor, wide shoulders and strong arms. It seems that instead of being mechanical, it is a few solid steel knots. In addition, under the lower abdomen, the reverse joint legs shaped like frog legs and the three-toed feet like dinosaurs, the fighters could not connect the devil muscle man with the elegant name of "Battle Sword" anyway. .

Such an ugly design is placed in the private mecha that is full of streamlined aesthetics, and no one wants to take a second look. However, when really sitting in the cockpit of the mech, and controlling this ugly big iron battle, the fighters knew what they got-this is definitely a masterpiece. They even want to sleep in the cockpit of this ugly mech every day!

The scammers still slandered the scientists, and praised the fat ones.

In the eyes of the fighters, the ugly appearance must be the fault of scientists who do not understand mechs, and the mechs in the actual control, which almost meets the expression of every desire in their hearts, must be the masterpiece of the fat man. !

Without superb mecha control skills and no deep understanding of mecha combat, there is absolutely no way to use the limited materials and technologies of the free world to create such a popular mecha.

The ferocious power is the first knowledge of the fighters to the "Battle Sword".

This ugly mecha, no matter it is the engine power, the explosive power of the instant start or the attack power of the fist, is extremely powerful. At this point, everyone was not surprised, after all, just looking at the meager shoulders and arms of the mech, they had enough psychological preparation.

However, when the fighters saw the fat man in the mecha demo, driving this ugly guy to crash a private mecha into scrap iron, he still scared his chin. The sprint like lightning at a distance of fifty meters, the shoulder like the siege hammer, the loud deafening noise ...

Looking at the deformed and twisted personal mecha, the eyes of the pilots fell. They never thought that the original mech combat can be brutal to this extent.

Next, they saw the speed provided by the anti-joint mechanical legs of [Zhang Jian] and the de facto agility of this seemingly clumsy guy.

The circular arrangement of the four-loop dual-engine engine in the power cabin has never been seen by the pilots. The super explosive power provided by this engine makes the instantaneous speed of [Battle Sword] far surpass all the private mechas that the fighters have come into contact with.

And its sixteen-bar multi-body transmission system and anti-articulation drive system, the power provided by the engine to the extreme. The heavy body of 58 tons does not affect the speed of the mecha at all. Tengnuo leap, all the data of the mecha, have stood above the standards of the ninth-generation mecha.

Owning a nine-generation standard military fighter armor was previously a fantasy for fighters in the free world.

No one thought that this fantasy had become a reality.

Cemented carbide in Clover Studio, multi-body transmission system in Terran Studio, super-sensing array radar technology in Titan Studio, bionic drive technology in Mueller Studio, six-point coordinated joint system in Constantine Studio , The three-point layout electronic balancer of the Black Devil Studio, the energy hood frequency conversion neutralization technology of the Jacques Studio, and the invisible painting of the Pyramid Studio .... The cutting-edge technology of these top scientific research institutions in the free world , Has become a part of the mecha body, plus the engine technology provided by the fat man and the [Hummingbird] auxiliary propeller, it can be said that the [Battle Sword] is truly the top mecha that represents the free world.

In terms of long-range firepower, the fat man spares no effort. On the armor, the barrels that looked terrible on the outside were a 260 mm caliber main energy gun and two 50 mm caliber energy cannons. Although the barrel is ugly, the metal used is smelted according to the recipe of Le Lei military weapons, enough to withstand tens of thousands of energy launches.

This kind of energy cannon manufactured by the energy explosion device technology and energy ejection technology provided by the fat man, through the joint research of dozens of top scientists in the Logistics Research Department, can not only be produced with the existing resources and equipment of the free world, but in some important In terms of indicators, it even surpasses many world-renowned energy cannons. Coupled with the self-loading shell-disrupting missiles, the entire armor can hardly be described as a fire fortress.

Now, it will be the "Battle Sword" that integrates the technology of the free world, making its first appearance!

The Sousse Armored Regiment was fiercely covered by artillery fire. When dozens of [Fighters] at the forefront of the triangle attack formation broke into the 100 meters in front of the 205 highland line, they stopped suddenly.

The smoke caused by the explosion has not been scattered in the wind, and the sand and gravel falling like a rainstorm is still crackling. In the trembling of the earth, a portable energy gun with a twisted barrel dropped at the front of the position was completely trampled into scrap metal by a mechanical foot that fell from the sky. The figure appeared on the bandit position.

The sporadic artillery can't stop the Messi's advance. After the first [Fist of Fighters], it is the second and the third ...

When the front end of the entire triangle attack formation had penetrated deeply into the endless smoke of the 205 highland front, all the Sousse soldiers in the rear were relaxed. Even the second battalion and the third battalion of the 402 regiment that had been preparing to fill up had involuntarily slowed down the pace of gathering on the attack position.

The flesh and blood, after all, can not stop the attack of the steel torrent. In the previous attacks, the 205 highland was almost cut off, and no creature can survive. Not to mention so many shells, even if all the stones landed on the position, it was enough to smash everyone on it.

"Go!" The 500th [Fist of King] mechas and dozens of [Fortress] heavy mechas of the second battalion, already on the front line of the attack position, scrambled out of the trenches with the command of the Sos officers. All of them are old soldiers fighting old battles. At this time, no matter how brave they are, they will not be injured. Naturally, it is a courageous fight.

The commander of the third battalion, who followed, subconsciously looked at the time on the helmet's electronic glasses, turned his head with a smile, and wanted to say something to the head of the group who had also relaxed his expression ... but he Before he spoke, his smile froze on his face.

On the 205 high ground, there was a faint sound of a bugle.

The commander of the three battalions suddenly turned around, and his afterglow swept past his colleagues. Yes, from the expression on everyone's face, he knew he had heard correctly, either an electronic bugle or a bugle! The bugle sounded with your mouth! The loud and short whistle blew the heavy smoke screen and resounded through the sky.

Immediately, the first earth-shaking explosion sounded on the 205 high ground.

Explosive flashes violently, brightening the smoke screen in front of the position!


A voice, immediately after the bugle sound and explosion sound. Like a huge exclamation mark after a speech.

In an instant, on the 205 high ground, countless huge and vicious figures jumped out of the trenches.

It was an ugly mecha that had never been seen before by the Soss. They suddenly appeared in front of the unpredictable [King of Fighters] mecha. Firenet.

The dozen [Fist of Fighters] mechs rushing to the front were swallowed up by these light groups in an instant. Their energy hood reached energy saturation in less than a second and eventually burned the energy probe. Immediately afterwards, the armor of the mech was torn into pieces, and the entire mech was torn apart in a violent explosion.

There were more and more ugly mechs jumping out of the trenches, and their firepower began to extend, a chain of light, as their poor gun barrel shook, endlessly.


At the attacking position, all Sossers were dizzying.

They did not understand when the infantry on the position turned into an armored battalion. They did not understand why their own mechatronic radar and electronic mecha could not detect the changes in the enemy ’s position, and they did not understand why the army called the bandit army had so many dares to find it within a distance of 50 meters. The lunatic who is firing the gun of [Fist of King] mecha.

The triangular assault formation of the first battalion began to be scattered.

Unexpectedly, the Mecha fighters inevitably fell into a panic. They forgot their position, they forgot to cooperate and cover, and at this almost reach, they could only dodge desperately and fire blindly.

Their 180mm caliber energy cannon pales in front of their opponent's energy cannon. The Suss were going crazy. They could not imagine why the large-caliber energy gun appeared on the armor of the free world, not on the flanks of a frigate.

Is this still mech?

There is no time to figure out their doubts. The nearly violent firepower of the bandit mech, like the flood, destroyed everything.

The Sousse's triangle formation huddled on the narrow **** of the 205 highland. If they are still facing infantry, this is not a problem at all. Even facing the private mechas of the free world they know is not a problem.

However, when they faced hundreds of such ugly and fierce mechas on the position, this was a disaster!



. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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