Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 416: Even if

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"The bandits borrowed the way?" The pilots looked at each other in amazement. They naturally remembered the long-distance raid in Silicon Valley, where the ups and downs of Mars were. When the 240 mechs stormed all the way, the forces along the way were not gray Annihilation is to bow down and be a champion, stunned the entire Mars free world, and made a lot of noise.

It was from then on that their suzerain began to pay more attention to the genre mutual aid alliance. Only then did all the major schools gather in Provincial Town, and only now had the bandits.

Fatty means, do you think ...

The horrible guess made the pilots open their mouths and looked at the fat figure who was warming up in the dark, only to feel that his brain was blank.

This lunatic lunatic!

Even if the location of the main base of the North Alliance is not a secret, it is North Alliance after all. It has more than a dozen armored regiments, has the Suss empire to support it, has prepared a large number of military weapons, and has a powerful force with countless party feathers! Rather than the hundreds of Cass Al-Shabaabs with broken guns trapped in Silicon Valley!

After defeating the three major schools, the North Alliance has controlled nearly 70% of the planet Mars. Several important port cities, transportation routes and key industrial areas, and Mars' material reserve area are all in the hands of the North Union! Now the North Alliance has begun to become the master in the eyes of the Mars.

The south of the city, east of the city, north of the city, and the center of the entire central city are their spheres of influence. Even if there are other forces around them, they are all attached to them. Not to mention the fact that there are three blood shadow armored battalions in their base. There is also a mixed group and two blood shadow armored battalions in the northern industrial zone not far away. It is enough for everyone to drink a pot if they just want to insert the regional garrison that the central city passes by.

When the bandits were pulled up, they might not be able to fight in. Where can these fifty mechs go? Everyone spit a spit, they can drown these colors alive!

"Are you trying to attack the North Alliance base?" Harvard, a three-tier mech warrior with a clear heart, has a big beard and a burly figure. However, his tone at the moment can not match his mighty appearance: "Isn't it true, just us?"

It's no wonder that Hagrove's voice was trembling, everyone in the room was only feeling terrified. People who are not afraid of death have never thought of such a crazy way of death.

"Yes!" The fat man raised his hands high, his arms against his ears, and lowered his waist.

Everyone looked at this fattening fat man easily and folded himself easily. After keeping his hands and feet at the same time for a while, this guy continued to toss and finally successfully got his head out of the crotch. .

This fat monster!

The demon bears his **** and solemnly says: "From the information and deduction results obtained so far, our opponents have clearly grasped the weakness that we cannot easily throw away the town of Prov. The town of Prov is too small, but it is us The base of the genre mutual aid alliance. Once we choose to lead the troops out of the encirclement circle, then our loved ones and our logistics personnel will be massacred. "

"By that time ..." The fat man fell to the ground with his legs behind, and ended the warm-up activity, saying: "Without their pursuit, we will be torn apart by ourselves! When the troops of the Northern Alliance and the Sousse Empire jointly control Ma Wells, no matter how we run, we can't run out of their palms. "

"So ..." The fat man took out an electronic folder from the mech cockpit and opened it: "At this stage, there is only one way we can protect the town of Provo and give the North Union a heavy blow!"

The map on the electronic folder is marked densely with various weird symbols. The fat man squats on the ground, and his fingers are drawn on the map: "Attack!"

"But Colonel ..." Colt whispered: "The strength comparison between us and the enemy forces is too disparate. They are the pressure of the army, we are only fifty people ... "

"The point of victory and defeat in this battle is not simply the comparison of strength." Fatty Han's face has a rare self-confidence, which makes him look like a different person: "Compared with our opponents, look Who will reach the strategic goal first! "

"It's a game ..." The fat man's voice seemed a bit erratic in the light breeze of the night: "... a game where we and our opponents have more accurate calculations! Time, strength , Route, attack strength, offensive coordination ... Our opponents have made a combat plan that concentrates all advantages. They have absolute advantages in all aspects, and now they are preparing to put these The advantage translates into a victory! "

The fat man lit a cigarette, and his face flickered in the firelight.

"Unfortunately, they underestimated the combat effectiveness of our three regiments and did not know the existence of our super-sharp company. What's more, they didn't know that Lao Tzu was the most afraid of calculations!"

At this point, the fat man didn't brag. The ancient deduction he learned, the first part of the unwinding book, is called "Countless Strategy". Practices over the past few years have proved that this average person will also see the deduction algorithm that hurts his brain, and is unique in computing power. Coupled with the thousands of battles that Russell put into his mind, tens of thousands of offensive and defensive postures, deployments, lessons and experience, when it comes to calculations, he is really not afraid of which one.

Although he has not yet formed his tactical thinking and tactical style, it is not so difficult for him to do such an offensive and defensive exercise under known intelligence.

In the current free world, neither side has a Skynet system or large-scale high-intensity electronic confrontation, interferes with each other in intelligence, communication and command, fake actions, fake routes, fake positions and bases, electronic deception, and covert detours. Things are few and far between. Without the fog of war during the large-scale battle, the military commander almost put the cards on the table and spread them out to calculate.

This is really not challenging. The fun is only a small part of their hidden strengths.

"Our three regiments have prepared the elite of the nineth-generation mecha. This is definitely not comparable to that of the North Alliance. Their combat power can be ranked in the mainstream countries' armies. You don't understand, I understand. "The fat man's fingers drew a large circle at the location of Provincial Town on the map, and then said:" Cooperating with our outer defense line, a regiment's strength, it seems, seems to be insufficient to support twenty-four hours. In the eyes of the enemy "We are divided into defensive units, that is, a chain of ships. With their combined strength, we will quickly collapse."

Wei Jianshan, Corte and other sergeants quietly formed a circle, looking at the electronic map spread out by the fat man on the ground. At the beginning, they didn't quite understand the reason why the four armored battalions of the enemy's east road divided up and down. At this moment, these two forces, echoing up and down, can either launch an attack alone or with other nearby forces in a short time. The offensive forces merged. The same is true of the offensive troops to the south and west.

Once the three SM regiments were split into five parts and used to block the enemy ’s five offensive arrows, then the enemy would need to make a small adjustment to use all the way to involve the armored forces of the bandits, while the other units would quickly The confluence is like a balloon pierced by a needle, breaking the overall situation with one point.

As long as there is a breakthrough in one direction, then the troops on the other lines of defense of the town of Provence have become a decoration.

These things, for the pilots such as Wei Jianshan who have not been in contact with formal military theory, do not understand it at all. However, when the fat guy pointed at the map, they immediately understood.

Everyone secretly stunned, if the person in charge was not the fat man but himself, I am afraid that they would have made the mistake of division of defense.

"Then how should we defend? Colonel." Anxious Colt couldn't think of a solution for a long time, and couldn't help but ask the fat man: "I heard you just told Markwich that they need to persist for 36 hours ....... "

"If the enemy forces don't invest more troops ..." The fat man smiled hehei: "Markwich, they don't just insist on thirty-six hours ..."

He pointed to a circular road on the map of Prov: "I have ordered the outer defense forces to shrink to the Third Ring Road fortification. Retreat here, although it seems that we have lost a lot of outer positions and the defense depth is only tens of kilometers. However, our troops are more concentrated and the defense strength is much stronger than before.

Moreover, due to the obstruction of the deciduous lake and the surrounding mountains, the enemy ’s offensive route is not much choice, and the tactical change space is much smaller than fighting us on the periphery. more importantly......."

A little red light from the cigarette butts in the hands of the fat man dangled between the fourth ring road outside the third ring road on the map and the intersecting highways: "... we can liberate the fighting power of the three regiments, Change from passive to active, the soldiers are divided into two paths, and the circular mobile combat is carried out diagonally! "

"That's the active attack defense." The fat man explained to the fighters that he didn't understand it. "If the three regiments are divided into five teams, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. If divided into two halves, each of the two battalions will lead the Promenade In the outer circular area, you can master the initiative. The enemy plays with the coordination of region and time. We also play with the coordination of region and time. They beat them, and we beat us. "

"I calculated it." The fat man stood up. "In terms of the strength of the defense line we rearranged after contraction, if the enemy does not attack with the soldiers, if you want to penetrate the defense line, it takes about five hours of high-intensity continuous attack. And In my combat plan, they will not be given such an opportunity to attack at will. The three regiments will form two fists for circular maneuver operations. They can appear in any place at any time and choose any combat target. As long as they can destroy the enemy ’s Continuous attacks, or the use of sneaky attacks to destroy the enemy ’s vital forces, will allow us to persevere. "

Mech Ares, Mech leaders, only heard their eyes straight. They did not expect that there have been so many changes in this siege of the North Alliance. If it was not for the fat man's simple analysis and explanation, they would never guess the enemy's intentions. When the enemy's army was under pressure, the enemy's tactical changes were faced. , Can only call upon nothing. Not to mention tit-for-tat formulating effective defense programs.

Worthy of being the disciple of Russell, a hero who was struck by the Lei Lei Three-year Patriotic War! The battle plan marked by the fat man on the electronic map is almost accurate to every minute and specific to every place available for ambush. Even the enemy's choice of attack route, attack method, the number of troops that the battlefield can accommodate and possible problems have been marked by him.

For a time, everyone respected the fat man.

"However, no matter how you fight at home, after all, you can't hold it for too long." The fat man slammed the cigarette in his hand, discarded his cigarette butt, and looked at everyone on the scene: "So, the key to this battle depends on us. "He replaced the map of the electronic folder on the ground with the map of the center city, and looked up:" Since they dare to attack, we will naturally have to pay back teeth. This time, we need to complete the lethality within 36 hours. One blow. The enemy is coming out of sight, and we have few people, so we go sneakily! "

"Although the enemy is in the center city, there are still a lot of troops, but as long as we calculate carefully, we can find that most of these troops are crucified in place!" The fat man pointed to several points on the map Dao: "General machine-step regiments, we can ignore them. We need to pay attention to it. There are only three armored battalions defending their bases. This is the main force of the blood shadow mecha regiment. We just replaced the Suss-type energy cannon. Not weak. "

Speaking of the raid again, this time, although everyone was upset, no one questioned. They know, don't look at the fat man who doesn't have a normal shape on weekdays. But at a critical moment, he is more reliable than anyone. He will never do the stupid thing of the net.

"The tradition of our bandit army may not be familiar to everyone." The fat man looked at the wind and lowered his voice. He seriously taught: "We are concerned about the next poison, a trip, a black gun, and a slap. So, we In this operation, we must closely surround these twelve words. As for the tactics, there are another twenty words-the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, the enemy stops and disturbs me, and the enemy runs and chases. "

"What tactics are that?" Colt was ignorant.

"Rogue tactics!" The fat man explained.

"Rogue tactics?" Colt's eyes widened, apparently not expecting such tactics in this military war. He scratched his head and asked, "What do you mean by that enemy?"

"I can't remember you thinking like this ... The enemy enters and I retreat, and the enemy retreats and enters me ..." The fat man's mouth is drunk and tireless: "This is like you dancing with a bad girl , She takes a step, you naturally take a step back, she takes a step, you take a step, anyway, to keep an ambiguous distance with her ........ "

Colt nodded, listening to the fat man and talking nonsense: "The enemy is standing by me, this is changing. The music is not over yet, you are grinning with her, the lady is jumping and stopping to stop, Of course you have to take the opportunity to harass and ask why. "

"Yeah." Colt listened to God, slapped his thigh, and stuck his neck straight and stupidly said: "If you can't say one or two or three, I'm fooling Laozi, Laozi beating her hard!"

"This is the enemy fatigue I hit!" The fat man also patted the thigh: "She said she was tired, obviously not a valid reason."

"Battered, the lady must run, so I'll chase. I'll catch up and fight again." Corte made an inference: "This is the enemy running, I chased?"

"Oh!" The fat man finally ended: "You said, this is not a rogue tactic? We just twisted the grandchildren of the North Alliance!"

"It's rogue enough." Coulter froze for a long moment, hissing.

In the dark forest, a group of people laughed upside down. The dangerous journey that is about to begin seems to be less terrible.

At ten o'clock in the evening, chatting and farting, smoking the last cigarette, fifty [Ranger] left the Lorenzo Bridge No. 5, and went eastward in mech stealth mode. Under the cover of night, they will pass through the agricultural area of ​​Lorenzo, from the northwest location, into the center city.

The stars in the sky are like diamonds. The faint starlight makes the fifty figures rushing across the plains look like night elves sprinkled with silver powder and chasing prey in the dark-if they do n’t have that exaggerated belly ...

The fat man drove Mech No.1 and ran at the front of the team. Only five kilometers behind him was the Super Sword Company. The fat man pulled the speed very fast, changed direction constantly, and chose the most hidden route of travel. No matter how he changes direction, the team behind him is not messy at all.

The fat man has a dark heart. This is a super armored force composed of mechs above mech commander! Looking for the whole universe, such a team can't find a second one now! Even if all countries now refer to mecha combat training at a strategic height, and desperately train high-level mecha warriors, they can only increase the number of seven-level and eight-level. Only three or five hundred.

But behind him, there were a total of fifty, several of which were the tenth-level mech soldiers who broke through the sixty moves. Anyone who sees such an army will be envious of it!

If there is another one and a half years, the fighting power of the bandits will be stronger. Mecha fighters and mecha knights, the largest base, have made rapid progress under the influence of mecha martial arts. Their cultivation bottlenecks in their respective schools have already been broken through. The upgrade of level can be described as speed.

Coupled with the effect of increasing the speed of mecha martial arts opponents, the current bandits are pulled out and placed in any country, which is absolutely an elite army.

Now, you only need to sharpen this sword on the whetstone of the free world!

After rigorous training in accordance with soldiers ’rituals, they have accumulated war experience, understood the combat rules, and after seeing blood, they will have the power to change the world.

[Ranger], running lightly. The footsteps in the sneaking state are as silent as cats.

The four-loop dual-position engine maintains low consumption levels, and its powerful performance is completely useless.

The new suspension and shock absorption system developed by the Black Devil Laboratory, coupled with the 24 layers of composite filler metal in Popov Studio, gives the mecha that was originally rigid and strong, with a strange and flexible.

The multi-body transmission system of Terrain Dragon Studio accurately transmits the kinetic energy of the engine to every part of the body without any trace of extra consumption. The data on the computer can make any mecha enthusiasts' eyes red.

The bionic drive in Mueller's studio did not give [Ranger] a pair of anti-articulated legs. However, with the drive system of Casper's work log, the performance of [Ranger] 's running movement is 100 times higher than that of [God] Thirty-two.

Clover Studio, Titan Studio, Constantine Studio, Jacques Studio, Pyramid Studio ... The wisdom of the free world and Casper, the experience of the fat man, together made this car exceed the judging standard Mech.

Fifty mechas are like fifty spirit cats. They stretch their limbs, muscles, and loosen when tight under the smooth fur.

At two o'clock in the morning, the super sharp knife company, led by the fat man, crossed the agricultural triangle of Lorenzo and entered the southwest of the central city.

The fat man raised his fist.

The mech behind him stopped.

On the farsightedness device, ten kilometers ahead, there are a lot of space cities rising into the sky, vaguely visible in the darkness. There is a line of defense for the Extreme Mercenary Corps.

The fat man looked at the time, five hours before dawn. They need to arrive in the core business circle of Central City before dawn.

On this road, there are five forces that cannot be avoided!

The fat man looked at the space city with an average height of about 2300 meters, smiled, and ordered: "Turn on the [Hummingbird] thruster and put down the light shield, let's jump in!"



. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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