Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 418: Codename Ling Chi

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The rain is endless.

A large amount of rainwater, even before it was immersed in the soil, gathered into a trickle, flowing down the terrain to the low-lying places. In heavy rain, on the tree trunk, on the rock, and on the road, there is a layer of flashing water film attached to the flowing water. A trace of ripples appeared and disappeared under the starlight.

An ugly black mech ran silently in the rain.

Sloping fields, water ditches, woods ........ Every time the mech armor's pair of anti-joint mechanical legs push the ground, it can make it jump dozens of meters, in the dense rain line hanging in the sky It was like a black leopard full of explosiveness.

In the cockpit of the mech, a young soldier with short dark brown hair, thin build, and slender eyes like eagle sharp, while controlling the mech and flying all the way in stealth mode, while constantly adjusting his hyperopia Instrument and mecha radar.

The young mech warrior has a simple name-Adi Saki, the second mech knight of Mirage Flow.

Perhaps, it should be said that it was once a second-level mecha knight. Since joining the bandit army, the rapid advancement in the mecha martial arts has made all the mecha knights and mecha leaders who were not interested in the title they had been climbing hard. Because, in the field of Mech Warriors, they not only have a new professional definition, but also have reached a new height.

In their own words, it is no longer a question of whether they can upgrade their ranks now, but what they should really improve is the previous assessment system for fighters! Otherwise, as the previous requirement, the culprit who stayed in the bandits for a few months would scare his jaws from the critical and demanding examiners.

And Saatchi is the best selected by the pilot. However, he failed to enter the sharp knife company. His characteristics made him enter another enviable special unit-the hunter squad in the reconnaissance company directly under the regiment!

The squad was formed by the fat man himself. In an armored regiment, there is only such a fixed establishment of 20 teams. Each member of the squad is the best scout. They received training in reconnaissance subjects and tough subjects at the same time, and they also received separate guidance from fat people. They have the ability to identify, conceal, escape, and surpass the ability to survive independently in harsh war environments.

Their mission is to walk around the main force, like a lone wolf, to conduct reconnaissance, shield battlefield information and free hunting.

The mech quickly penetrated through the woods and rose into the air. In the powerful jet of the auxiliary thruster that started instantly, like a big bird, it floated gently across a valley nearly 200 meters wide and drilled into the other side of the mountain. In the woods. A few minutes later, the running mecha stopped and a red dot flashed in the radar.

There was a sneer in the corner of Saatchi's mouth. If it wasn't for this multi-dimensional array radar developed by scientific monsters, it would be really not easy to detect a single mecha in stealth mode. He turned on his farsightedness and aimed at where the red dot appeared, waiting quietly. A moment later, a red mech appeared in front of him.

Saatchi had no action, just lurking silently, watching. It wasn't until this red mech disappeared into the hyperopic sight that he got out of the dense woods under the hillside like a cat.

The ugly black mech stalked silently along the opposite route of the red mech.

Five minutes later, Saatchi stopped. In front of him, a flow of light stretched the shadow of the forest leaves, and in the distance, a low engine roared!

Saatchi ’s heart was beating violently and uncontrollably. This was his first mission and his first achievement since joining the bandit. The locations of the two armored battalions that the fat colonel had let go, finally found !

The town of Provo is brightly lit.

The residents stood quietly by the window, watching a group of bandit soldiers in blue uniforms on the street, stepping on the footsteps of the crowd and hurriedly marching forward. Heavy trucks and transport mechas loaded with arms drove across the street roaring. The simple troop-carrying vehicles only had skeleton troop-carrying mechas.

The North Alliance attacked the town of Provins, this is the news that the residents got. The bandit army has issued a first-level combat readiness alert. Residents are required to avoid shelters as far as possible.

However, even if a lot of air-raid shelters were temporarily excavated and expanded, it would not fit more than 2 million people.

"You said, can we win?" A young mother, holding her child, gently rocked and looked sadly at her husband on the balcony.

As a woman, she doesn't understand the current situation very much. Those are all things that men scramble to blush. All she knows is that with the protection of the bandit army, the town of Prow finally managed to remain peaceful in this world of turmoil. Although food and energy are still rationed, but compared to the central city where the guns are constantly on fire, this is simply heaven.

However, the woman who is always frightened by this world is not sure how long the army whose husband shines when he mentions it can protect Pro Town. Although she doesn't know any military, at least she can see the extremely simple troop carriers, mechas and ugly energy guns on the street ... compared to the mighty army in the TV movie This bandit army is like a group of militia. Everything is made by yourself. Can these weapons be contended with regular weapons like the Sussex Empire?

"Can win!" The man hugged his woman and child hard, with a broad chest, blocked the wind on the balcony, and in the most determined tone, gave the woman hope: "It will definitely win!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, a loud noise suddenly came from the southwest of Provincial Town. The couple hugging each other, as well as the soldiers and residents on the street, suddenly turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

People were shocked to find that, almost in the blink of an eye, the sky in the southwest was illuminated by the flickering rays of light one after another. The violent explosion and the sound of cannons broke the silence of the night in an instant, like tens of thousands of thunders exploding at the same time, and the world was endless and endless!

"Wow!" The child in the woman's arms was awakened. Eyes closed, waving small hands, crying more than once.

In the strong embrace of her husband, the woman turned her back, gently opened her clothes, and stuffed her into the child's mouth.

Tears suddenly fell.

She didn't know that her own children, those who wouldn't come and grew up.

************************************************** *********************

Sneaking all the way, the super sharp knife was even led by the fat man, and silently borrowed the cover of the night to reach the North Second District in the core area of ​​the center city.

The second prosperous north district has been turned into an unmanned belt. As far as you can see

Apart from the sturdy space city, more than half of the surrounding residential and commercial buildings have collapsed. On the ruins of mountains, the twisted metal frame stands alone. The walls of the building were filled with large holes penetrated by shells. The steel bars in the concrete were exposed, pulling on the falling wall and shaking. A breeze blew, and the ruins rose into fine white dust, and paper and **** on the street twirled from one end of the street to the other.

Fifty cyan mechas silently turned into a community and stopped. After crossing the five non-Northern Asian forces' defense zones and the North Alliance's extended observation line, not far ahead, it is the North Alliance's defense line.

The entire community is already empty. Without opening the canopy, the soldiers could smell the stench that filled the air. From the remaining garden, you can imagine the quiet and elegant environment before the war, but now, the building has collapsed, the tall trees have been broken, and the flowers and plants in the garden have withered and are messy.

"Everyone opened the map file I sent ...." The fat man started the pre-war preparation meeting on the communication channel: "The red triangle marked with the number one in the upper left corner is a subordinate arm of the North Alliance, the former warrior The base of the mercenary regiment is also the main target of our operation.

This base is the current main base of the enemy. There are three battalions in the blood shadow mech regiment, stationed here. According to our observation point in Central City, there are many heavy trucks going in and out of here. Except for the west of the city, the center city is basically controlled by the North Alliance. Therefore, this base on the front line of the west zone is also the material center of the enemy. All we have to do is completely destroy here! "

With that said, the fat man opened the battle plan in the upper corner of the map.

The data of each battle line, time, and offensive method are updated on the computer of the pilots at the same time.

Fat Man said: "Now, let's talk about the specific steps of the combat. First, we will launch an assault on the enemy's defense line on Perfume Street at 5 am, and then quickly penetrate the northeast. Before 5:10, we will pass the river After the bridge concentrates firepower to destroy the bridge and blocks the siege of the enemy infantry, we will intersect along the riverside city to the southeast, without any enemy fire along the way, 5:20 ... "

The mech soldiers listened carefully to the fat man ’s deployment, and the whole operation was broken down by the fat man very finely, and he made a full backup plan when encountering an unknown situation .... gradually, the outline of an incredible attack operation appeared. In front of everyone.

Completely destroyed! This fat man is really not talking about it. His plan calculates almost all possible situations and the route of the enemy's movement, time difference, strength ... His actions are in constant movement This is to ...

"The action plan is code-named" The fat man sneered and said the word that everyone thought: "... Ling Chi!"

After carefully reviewing the details of the combat plan, everyone's eyes gradually light up. A burst of blood rushed straight over the head. Being able to do such a game, even if it is a failure, is also shocking!

"Okay, now hurry up and defecate everywhere! After half an hour, launch an attack!" The fat man ordered, and the group of men who had already suffocated urgency suddenly dispersed.

Open the cockpit, take out the ***, the fat man shot in the wind, suddenly, the beep of the emergency communicator rang.

Is it Markwich or Provincial Base? Anyway, the setting is automatically turned on, the fat man did not look back, lowered his head and concentrated on the operation. A cold wind blew, and the round body shivered ...

Damn, thanks to hiding fast, I was almost blown back by the wind ......... Huh? The woman on the screen is a bit familiar ......... What is she glancing down at herself?

Looking at the fat man with a stunned face, Fang Xiang was going crazy.

She did not expect that after she connected the communication, what she saw turned out to be ............

I was totally unprepared for thinking. At that time, I stared blankly at the fat man with his back buried in his head and shivering. His body was still shaking, guessing what he was doing, suddenly ... . This guy jumped up and turned around ... beside him, but more than a dozen senior officers together!

"What are you doing?" The fat man quickly zipped up, his face pale .......

************************************************** ***********************

"The Sixth and Seventh Battalions of the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment have already exchanged fire with the main force of the Bandit Armored Regiment! The enemy forces have invested about one battalion in the front, and our army lost in the first wave of attack ..."

At the North Union Command, Feller carefully looked at the map while listening to the report of the military staff.

"One hundred and twenty-five kilometers west of the Lorenzo River." Feller looked at the coordinates of the war zone between the two sides on the map and smiled contemptuously: "Simple! Such a simple roundabout encroachment and want to eat my two camps?" Do n’t they know that launching an attack in such a place would expose many problems? ”

"What do you mean?" Selvor looked at the map, slapped his forehead, and turned to ask the staff: "The enemy does not have an infantry coordinated attack?"

"No!" The staff looked at the battle report in his hand.

"Commanded Sixth Battalion and Seventh Battalion to pay attention to the left wing river, the enemy would definitely detour from there, leaving a connecting position on the two wing heights to establish a blocking position, and the main force quickly separated from the battle. Ordered Eighth Battalion and Nineth Battalion to go south quickly to the second southwest of Pro Town Resource Road E25 is interspersed. Order other troops to speed up, send scouts, and investigate the outer positions of Pro Town. If the enemy is contracted, the troops must arrive at the designated location of the second plan before 7:00. "Fairler almost didn't think about it, and quickly issued a series of instructions.

He knew that the bandit army had shrunk the line of defense since the bandit army launched an attack less than ten kilometers away from the position outside the town of Prov. This was originally his expectation. It is not surprising that the main bandits took the initiative to attack and tried to eat up the attacking forces of the North Alliance before the encirclement took shape.

Obviously, the bandit army chose the route with the least strength recently. Fairle sneered, of course the bandits would not know that as early as the division of troops, the four battalions of the Blood Shadow Mech Regiment existed as bait. The frontline commander was prepared for the ambush that might be encountered. In the hilly area west of Prov, the four armored battalions have been kept within an hour of each other. As long as they are attacked all the way, the pincer attack will suddenly tighten up!

If the Puro town bandits dared to put all the main forces here, the most elite armor of the North Alliance would stick them firmly! Buy time for other three-way attack arrows. Fairler believed that there was no infantry defense line that could stop his forcible attack.

After taking a sip of coffee, Fairle asked lightly: "When will the Warriors 1st and 2nd withdraw from Bering Port reach the town of Provo?"

"Eighteen hours!" The staff responded.

"Very good!" Fairler smiled slightly. This game is starting to get a little more interesting. I really hope that the town of Provo can stick to its reserve strength. Although they are tender in tactics, their powerful fighting ability has given them some surprises. Even when they first arrived in the free world, the invincible Sus armored regiment suffered a loss in their hands. It can be seen that their fighting power even exceeded their expectations.

It is a pity that the hero from the Lerei Federation was just a lucky man from a mechanical repairman. For a battle that requires precise calculations, he also needs to learn.

Fairle looked at the time, and at five o'clock in the morning, one night, it had passed unconsciously. Since the bandit army has launched an attack, it means that all the variables in the preparatory stage of the battle have been put on the table. There is nothing to worry about before the other troops arrive at the designated location and launch the attack.

He turned his head and smiled at Selwall: "For another two hours of boredom, perhaps, we should go to have some food first .... For dinner yesterday, the bottle of Bordeaux you opened seems to be left. Quite a lot ... "

As he said, suddenly, a staff member suddenly stood up from the seat in front of the center console. When the seat moves, it makes a harsh friction sound.

Fairle, who was interrupted, just frowned, but saw that the staff ran quickly in front of him, and said in fright: "The Perfume Street defense line in the West Second District was attacked by a small army of unidentified troops. The Warriors who just took over The first defense zone of the three battalions, three battalions of the machine step was breached, and three minutes of firefights. We killed 107 people and injured 64 people. Five [gust] mechas and eleven [fire elements] mechas were destroyed. ......... "

As for the staff, Fairle and Selwall were nailed to the spot and their eyes straightened. They did not even find that the reckless staff did not use honorifics in the report. "How many enemies?" Selvor stared at the staff, and asked quickly: "How are the enemy's casualties?"

"The exact number is unknown ..." The staff was sweating and shouted: "It is said that there are no more than two platoons ... The crossfire time is very short, the enemy is a sneak attack ... They didn't ... no casualties. "

"What did you say?" Fairler pulled the communication record in the hands of the staff, and quickly glanced at his eyes, a dark face, and suddenly became blue.

Where is the crossfire reported by this staff, this is simply a lightning massacre!

************************************************** ************************

The dim living cabin, dozens of rusty cylindrical beds, was packed with people.

Some people are playing poker boringly. Some people are piled up in salutes, hanging in the aisle with clothes, stooping in and out, more people staying in their beds in a daze, or staring at the old flat-screen TV with a bad picture. time.

A variety of sounds are heard from time to time over the head, under the feet, and beside. The roar of organic machinery, there are the sounds of the life-support system, there are cursing, coughing, whispering whispers, annoying children's footsteps running around and the sound of constant percussion in the engine room .

This is an old cargo ship. No one knows how many years old this ship is. No one cares. As long as it can take everyone away from Lere, as long as it does not disperse when passing the jump point, this is the best ship in the universe.

You must know that finding a place on such a ship is already an extraordinary thing for ordinary Lelei people. The ticket for this ship is hard to describe in terms of money, and it is not excessive. If anyone dares to hold the ticket and sell it before the boat leaves the port, he will immediately be thrown alive by the people who have already red eyes!

The Lelei Central Galaxy has been broken.

If you do n’t go anymore, you wo n’t have a chance if you want to go.

In the crowded cabins, people do whatever they can to pass the time.

There was only one girl sitting quietly. It seems that someone is thinking.

. .

. There will be something tomorrow, it is estimated that it will not be updated, please don't wait. My codewords are usually very late, brothers are better to get up in the morning to watch.


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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