Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 421: Start of attack

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"Route?" Noting Fairer's anomaly, Selvor also paid attention to the electronic sandbox.

Soon, he discovered the problem that Fairler discovered.

From the sand table, the mysterious armored team first broke the defense line of Perfume Street from the north to the east, and inserted the river bridge to the northeast. After blowing up the river bridge, they turned southeast again. Eventually, there was a confrontation with the fourth armored battalion that came to encircle the Champs Elysées.

It was this strange route that attracted the attention of Fairler and Selvor-this armored squad, obviously made a big bend! If they want to attack the base, then from the Perfume Street defense line to the southwest, crossing the inland river seven-hole bridge and then turning to the northeast to directly hit the base, it is much closer than they are to make a big circle!

According to the deployment of the North Alliance's defense line, the overall center of gravity tends to defend the west and the north. After all, the southeast and north sides of the center city and the northeast and southeast sides are already under the control of the Northern Alliance. In the west, there are not only the towns of Provincial Bandit, in the northwest, but also the Longxing Club, which has always been regarded as the biggest enemy, occupied Bering Port and Qianlong Port.

Since the beginning of the genre war, Selwall has not relaxed his vigilance against the Longxing. The shared intelligence given to him by the Sussex Empire also clearly pointed out the relationship between the Longxing Association and the Chakna Republic. Unlike the mutual utilization of North Union and Sousse, the Longxing Association has been branded by the Chakna National Security Bureau from the beginning of its establishment!

There is evidence that in the past ten years, the Chakna National Security Bureau has not relaxed control of the Longxing Association. Most of the organization ’s ground armed forces and space fleet are secretly assisted by the Chakna government. Among them, a large number of Chakna agents and military personnel are flooded.

After all, the Mars Free Channel is inseparable from the main channel of Chuckner. There are many types of spacecraft that enter Mars through the main channel or enter the main channel through the free channel. Chuckner, as a sovereign country sandwiched between several major powers in the central star field, is naturally quite sensitive to this channel of economic interests, national security, and intelligence sources.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the Longxing Society exists as an intelligence source and an armed force performing secret missions that are inconvenient to disclose. Over the years, Longxing has been monitoring the free channel for Chakner. With their tentacles, they capture a variety of intelligence and perform various tasks.

As a nail to Chuckner ’s planet Mars, Chuckner ’s secret support for the Longxing Club has never been cut off. The equipment personnel are all equipped according to the standards of key organizations. If it is not impossible to attract attention, Chuckner can even directly turn Longxing into a military organization!

Even if it is only possible to equip personnel with weapons in accordance with the arms of the business group, the support in other areas will be much more powerful. The opponents of the Longxing Association were unknown and were planted in the territory of Chakna and even under the Chakna Fleet of the main channel. They did not know how many. This is also the reason why the Longxing Association has never participated in the pursuit of the forces of the free world, and has stood up for many years.

According to Sousse's intelligence, before the outbreak of the war, the Republic of Chakna had secretly delivered a large amount of weapons and equipment to the Longxing Association. Obviously, it is preparing for Longxing to control Mars Freeport. However, because the Suss empire suddenly launched an attack on the Rex galaxy and occupied the main channel, Longxing would no longer be able to gain the support of the Chakna Republic. Therefore, it continued to maintain its attitude of concealment.

As the war progressed, the Republic of Chakna had assembled heavy soldiers to counter the Resk Galaxy, attempting to re-lock Suss back to the eastern star field and regain control of the main channel. At the same time, this is also the most critical moment of the Mars War. At this time, Selwall would not be too vigilant about his IQ if he was not alert to the Longxing Club!

Seeing the course of this mecha team that I had never seen before, gradually, a thought jumped into the minds of Selvor and Fairler. For a time, the two looked at each other, their faces dignified.

Until now, they have no idea where this mech squad is. On the Mars planet, the troops that can break through the North Alliance defense line so easily, even without any casualties, can not be found in the list of forces in their minds. What's more, they still don't know the target of this team. There is no combat target, why is this team in danger, just for such a mess?

Obviously, this is not the answer to the question. No commander will issue such an order.

From the map, because of the attack by this mech squad, the defense line from Perfume Street in the west to the Inland Bridge in the northwest direction has been smashed. In order to contain these dozens of mechas, the defense line The third machine step division was transferred back to the defense along the inland navigation bridge ... Selvor and Fairle thought of the same possibility, and it is now a critical period for the Northern Alliance to attack Pro Town The strength of the center city is relatively weak. If Longxing will take the opportunity to move ...

"What's the news about Bering Port and Qianlong Port?" Fairler suddenly turned to look at the staff beside him.

"Everything is normal ..." The staff checked the classified information in the computer of the central console and reported: "At present, there is no abnormal operation in Longxing."

"No exceptions?" Fairler fell into contemplation again. He was sitting on a high chair in front of the electronic sand table, holding his temples with one hand on his chest, and after a long time, he suddenly knocked on the keyboard quickly.

"Let our people expand the scope of monitoring and control every road from Bering Port and Qianlong Port to the outside world! Especially to the west of Bering Port."

After completing the rehearsal, Fairel stood up, turned his head down and turned around a few times, looked at the time, and ordered: "Order the troops, hurry up, and must attack on time at eight o'clock in the morning. Order the Warriors mercenaries The first armored regiment and the second armored regiment accelerated their advancement, and arrived at the scheduled location at least no later than tomorrow, to attack. "

"Yes!" The staff led the order.

Selwall was worried, hesitantly said: "North ...

"The arrow is on the string, I have to send it." Fairler said lightly: "Before planning the attack on the town of Pro, we have reserved enough defensive forces. Now, the troops have arrived at the predetermined location, and within 24 hours, the town of Pro In our hands, even if Longxing will send troops at this time, they will not be able to reach the center city within 24 hours, let alone penetrate our defense line. "

"However, that armored squad ..." Selvor's brows were still not released.

"Since there is no action on the north side, then ..." Fairler looked at the electronic sand table and sneered: "This can only be the army of the bandit army. They come here, what do they want to do, needless to say! Bypassing from the Inland River Bridge, I just want to tune the tiger away from the mountain! "

"Beheading?" Selvor laughed dumbly: "On their dozens of mechas?"


Selvor's words just fell, and one of the staff suddenly stood up from the seat of the center console, squeezed out of the other staff in the aisle, and ran to Fairler in a hurry: "The fourth armored battalion, Defeated by the enemy. "


The faces of Selwall and Fairler changed at the same time.

************************************************** *************************

The sky was getting brighter, but the clouds in the sky still enveloped the town of Provo. The heavy look showed no signs of falling apart.

Heavy rain, still non-stop. Large rain drops hit the ground, splashing thousands of water splashes. The stagnant water on the street flows down the terrain, and the leaves on the side of the road sway in the wind and rain, and all the leaves are washed bright by the rain.

There are very few people on the street. The residents have hid in the underground buildings of the bomb shelter or space city. Those who did not hide were mostly left at home. The originally noisy and bustling city suddenly became deserted. On the street, only the food distribution points controlled by the genre mutual aid alliances were still open. People who did not go to the bomb shelter to line up and lined up from time to time to see the soldiers running in the rain, military vehicles or mechas full of materials and personnel.

The sound of gunfire in the distance also came one after another. It is already unclear where the battle is. To the east, west, south ... The sound of gunfire echoed between the high-rise buildings, seemingly east and west, listening to all directions. I heard that this time, the North Alliance dispatched a large number of troops in different directions and launched an attack on the town of Prov. The residents outside the Third Ring Road have been evacuated into the center of the city, where they have become a ring of defense for the bandits.

People can't help but worry.

After all, the front line is only 40 kilometers away from the city center. Once breached, following the highway, within an hour, the enemy can rush here. Bandit, can you stop it? Is it possible that the town of Provo will eventually become a **** of blood like a central city, like an infantry port, like Lille port?

It was already seven o'clock in the morning, and all kinds of gossip were circulating on the street.

Some said that the bandits had just fought a big victory in the south yesterday, and they defeated the regular armored forces of the Sussex Empire. Many people swear and swear that they saw the countless seized weapons material transported back to the town of Prov. Many soldiers on the front line are holding enemy guys.

Some people also said that the town of Puro has been surrounded by the 7th and 8th Route Army of the North Union, and the front line has already been fought. The armored troops of the bandit have broken through, and now only the infantry are left behind, starting from yesterday night, the outer position I lost a clean one, and now I can only rely on the defense of the Third Ring Road to resist. It is estimated that it will not last long. This news was sneered by many people. They said that although the town of Prov, which was surrounded by the enemy, had not yet started to attack and contracted the defense line, the bandit army took the initiative to retreat. This is to maintain the defense strength.

It is also reported that someone in the central city heard the sound of artillery from the North Union defense zone overnight, and the sound of the troops mobilized all night. Some people even saw the wounded soldiers of the North Union were covered with blood and were beaten up with ambulance melees. The dead people are lined up for several miles, and they can't be counted. It is said that it was the bandits who did it.

Good news and bad news circulate among the people of Provincial Town, and no one knows whether the news is true or not. People can only pray, pray for bandits, and keep fierce enemies out of the Provincial defense line, and pray for themselves and their families, not to be a cold body in this troubled world.

The rain was falling underground, and the traffic lights on the street changed indifferently.

The sound of guns in the distance seemed to be much denser.

An ugly black mech turned over on the muddy ground, hiding his body behind the wreckage of a red mech on the dirt slope. Several energy cannonballs almost wiped its body, and they exploded in succession. The explosion lifted the earth **** out of several large holes, and the wet mud spattered, hitting the cold and hard outer armor of the mech, and was immediately washed away by the heavy rain.

The hills and peaceful land around Xiaopo have been boiling in the flames of war. Countless shells landed on the ground, wet mud mixed with broken branches and leaves, skyrocketed in the explosion, rolled and cracked down like a mud rain. The muddy water on the ground, wrapped in blood covered with blood foam, flows to the big hole exploded by the artillery shells, and gathers at the bottom of the pit.

At a glance from the hillside, countless mechas were firing at each other, red, black, rolling steel torrents galloping back and forth on the battlefield, strangling each other. The interlaced energy cannons are as dense as fishing nets. The screaming mecha missiles are sloshing on the battlefield, and the ground is full of burning mecha wreckage. Even in this downpour, the blazing flames blew and licked. Rolling billowing black smoke.

"Three consecutive seven rows, has reached the designated position."

In the muddy mech, the young mech warrior opened his **** eyes and reported the situation with a communicator. Behind him, more than forty identical black mechas were passing through the debris-laden ground, avoiding rain-like artillery fire, and fell one after another down the hillside of 40-50 meters high.

Muddy and scarred black mechas, tiresome and excited faces, blue uniforms, and military bandits. This is exactly the three SM regiments led by Markwich.

At 5 a.m., Markwich led the three regiments of the bandit army SM near the Breslau farm, 87 kilometers southwest of Provincial town and 125 kilometers east of the Lorenzo river, towards the North League blood along the section of the road. The 6th Panzer Battalion and the 7th Panzer Battalion of the Shadow Armor Regiment launched attacks.

The first to attack was the three battalions commanded by Buzz. They launched from the flanks and quickly bitten an armored company in front of the North Alliance.

The battle between the two sides entered a fierce state almost in the first second.

As a company-level unit, the North Alliance armored forces scattered on the roads and the two-wing plains suffered heavy losses in the first wave of bandit attacks. The two armored battalions were cut apart. The first company and the convoy in the middle of the team were devastated. The entire ASEAN armored force was blocked in a hilly area 15 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide.

However, after carrying the first round of attack by the bandits, the two NATO armored battalions apparently prepared for the attack began to move closer together, gradually shrinking their formation and seizing the commanding heights of the surrounding area.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the offensive and defensive transition was extremely fast. Often, the bandit army has just achieved a breakthrough, and before it has time to intersect, the North Alliance will desperately plug the torn formation again. While the North Alliance had just retreated, the several commanding heights that it tried to occupy were all beaten down by the bandits first.

When the two companies of the first armored battalion led by Kozmo were completed in a tributary along the Lorenzo River on the left and in the hilly area east of Breslau Farm on the right, after a large roundabout. The North Union Armored Battalion, which had lost nearly two hundred mechas, finally retreated to the No. 3 fruit area in Breslau Farm, taking advantage of the opportunity of the bandits' wing siege to fail to close, seizing several of the fruit area east At the hilltop, a ring-shaped blocking position was established, trying to stand firm.

Then, there is a tough battle. This dozen is two hours!

Down the hillside, the mechas that were already so dirty that they couldn't see the color lay down in the mud in rows.

The hills and flats around a dozen square kilometers are full of flashing explosions everywhere. The night has passed. In the morning glow, this land has no trace of fresh air. The burning wreckage of the mecha and the black smoke.

After a night of rushing, another two hours of fighting, these bandits and mecha fighters are almost exhausted.

If you can close your eyes at this moment, I am afraid that no one wants to stand up again.

No one dared to close his eyes. The soldiers knew that the battle had reached the most critical moment.

The two North Union armored battalions that were surrounded were already at the end of the crossbow. At present, at most, only one-third of them were still panting, and the rest had become wreckage. With more effort, it can be completely wiped out.

The artillery sound in the northeast direction is getting more and more violent. That is the other two North Union armored battalions that arrived more than 40 minutes ago. They are attacking the second battalion line under the command of Wetherell, trying to rescue the surrounded North Allied forces. If, at this time, the enemies who are constantly launching breakouts are likely to jump out of the enclosure.

Staring at the bloodshot eyes, the soldiers waited for the order. The battle is now unrelated to victory or defeat. It is the result of the bandit army ’s anti-encirclement campaign, the life of more than two million people in the town of Pro, and the murder of 21,368 The blood debt of refugees!

At the time, when I heard the statistics reported by the base, few people could believe it. As members of this world, pilots have never imagined that someone with the same birth and experience as them could be able to kill such innocent civilians. On the statistical map sent by the base, it was a red dot on a large piece of land.

But now, those red dots are gone. Instead, it was blood drenched in the earth.

That's more than 20,000 lives! From birth to growth ... Each of them owns a world! They just hide on one side, they do not pose a threat to anyone! How can these scumbags from the Northern League fight? !

The free world can really only always be a dark place with weak meat and strong food, isolated by the mainstream human society?

The young mech soldiers listened to the trembling ground explosion and looked back at the vast ground behind them ... they ran from there all the way and fought all the way.

The armored regiment sent by the Sousse Empire fell in front of the first three regiments of SM. Now, it is the turn of this blood shadow mecha group known as the soul of Northern Alliance!

The enemy is the strongest unit of the North Alliance, and has received secret training for many years. Before the outbreak of genre wars, no one even knew the existence of this army! However, in just one month, they made a name for themselves in dozens of battles in the ASEAN sweeping the free world!

Without the energy weapon system, the red [gust] they drive, the most elite main force of the three major schools, and with the energy weapon system, they do not even look at the regular elite troops of Suss!

The town of Provo is facing the six-way encirclement of the North Alliance. There are also five ways to remove the Sousse armored regiment that was defeated last night. For the genre mutual aid alliance in the cradle, this is almost a desperate situation!

The fat man, pointed out a road that is not a road. If you want to survive, you must fight the 226 kilometers of the Third Ring Road in Pro Town in the siege of the enemy! After thirty-six hours!

Looking west, the sky in the town of Provence was already white. The enemy has begun to attack the Provincial defense line. There is not much time left for the three regiments!

All eyes and all hopes are on this team!

"Go!" The platoon leader who ended the call waved, and the mech fighters jumped up. More than forty mechs scattered and rushed down the hillside, across the flat ground, and rushed towards the enemy's defense line.

A round of shells exploded beside them. On the opposite ridge, the enemy's artillery fire violently again.



. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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