Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 453: Venting journey

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Fang Xiang's fleet began to change.

The fleet of ships in the virtual star sky, like the clouds in the wind, is changing and changing.

A few seconds later, the conical attack cluster of the battleship has been compressed and recovered into an oval defensive formation like an egg. The two-wing cruisers and destroyers also shifted their assault lines. The ships were joined head to tail. While holding their positions with side artillery, they traversed the left and right two 270 degree arcs in the starry sky, moving forward. The main formation of the fleet is close.

When the main array was completed, without warning, the fleet suddenly accelerated collectively, just like the foraging fish in the deep sea, swinging its tail at the same time, deflecting sixty degrees, rushing to the target airport assigned to the fat man in the system.

Fang Xiang's hand suddenly made the fat man busy.

"Don't be so desperate?" The fat man shouted back, "Friendship first match second!"

"Then you let me win." Fang Xiang raised his eyebrows with his mouth, not looking at him.

"Want to get rid of me ..." The fat man directed the fleet to chase and intercept, trying to entangle Fang Xiang's fleet. He hummed twice, but when he was about to boast Haikou, the voice came to a halt.

Dumbfounded, I saw that on the virtual screen, four aircraft carriers were thrown out of Fang Xiang's fleet turning at high speed.

At the moment of leaving the fleet, the four aircraft carriers are like four honeycombs that have blown out of the nest. Countless space fighters leap from the catapult runway at different angles. The tail ion thruster traverses countless tracks in the air. The gyroscopic streamer, turned the nose, and shot straight at the red interception fleet.

The enclosed Red Army fleet inevitably collided with the fighter group.

In the dense light of energy, one of the Blue Army's fighter planes turned into a fireball. On the hull of the four aircraft carriers, the energy shield shone desperately, and the rays of the explosion followed. A dozen Red Army high-speed destroyers also exploded and disintegrated under the deadly attack of the Blue Army fighters.

And Fang Xiang's fleet cluster has taken the opportunity to get out of the struggle!

The staff behind him were in an uproar. In order to win the fat man's target airport, Fang Xiang actually sacrificed the most expensive and most important combat power in the fleet!

All four aircraft carriers, at this moment, became a deadly blocking position! Their mission is to block the Red Army fleet before they are destroyed!

If in reality, this represents the core soul of the four A-class fleets, hundreds of billions of fiat dollars and nearly 100,000 soldiers' annihilation!

"Are you crazy ?!" The fat man looked at Fang Xiang dumbfounded.

"I want to stop you from winning, this is the only way." Fang Xiang turned his face away. The fat man's shocked look was like the look she had when she looked at Tolstoy. When Tolstoy taught himself this class, he was equally shocked and confused.

"But ..." Fatty is totally unacceptable: "Losing these four aircraft carriers, your fleet will also be destroyed under my attack! The value of the strategic goals given by the system is not worth it! "

"This is war! I am playing now, it is your enemy!" Fang Xiang bit his lips: "In reality, I will not do this, it does not mean that other people will not do it! War is not a sensible interest. Measure. In this world, lunatics are far more than you think! If it is on a real battlefield, our strategic goal is probably a key location that is related to the entire battle situation, although it is small! Do n’t say sacrifice one The fleet, even if it sacrifices ten fleets, as long as it can delay you for a second, someone will do it without hesitation! "

"If my fleet occupies the airport, before you destroy my fleet, your army is a lone army. There is a systematic army in the front and my army in the back. If you lose, you have to give up supporting Carl's battle plan. If you want to win, you must pay the same sacrifice. "Fang Xiang turned his head and looked at the fat man quietly:" How would you choose? "

There was silence in the deduction room. Fang Xiang's words were like a hammer in his heart.

This is not a game!

Looking at the deduction program on the virtual screen, the fat man suddenly felt that the instructions that were not issued were so heavy. Recalling the battles I have experienced since I stepped on the battlefield four years ago, I felt a trace of extreme fear in my heart.

The previous self was just a little **** who was charged. In Galileo, in Millock, in Gacharin, none of them is in control of fate. Bernadotte, Russell, Mihailovich, Fisichella! It was these people who were instructing Jiang Shan to scold Fang Qi, and it was these people who calmly chatted and used troops on the war board.

Reminiscent of the Pierce signal under the Russell cloth at the time of the Miloc Battle. When thinking of Gacharin, Fisichella lured the entire Mozic army, the fat man shuddered.

When did you stand in this position? !

In the past, it seems that this moment passed ... The days of a person struggling to survive are gone forever. Now, what you are holding is the life of one hundred thousand bandits, the future of 300,000 logistics personnel, scientific research personnel and ordinary people at the two bases! In the future, this burden will be even heavier!

The faces on the leaderboard appeared in front of the fat man again.

No one knows how many lunatics there are among these people. No one knows what they will do with the army in their hands.

If you want to stop these people, you must defeat them!

However, if they were like Fang Xiang at this time, what would they use to defeat them and what would they use to defend everything they wanted to defend? Use your sacrifice?

What is the difference between yourself and them?

Mercy does not lead soldiers ... These four words have been circulating for thousands of years, and now echoed in the fat man's ears, still so harsh.

"You have no extra time to consider." Fang Xiang's voice sounded cold: "My fleet is about to attack the airport. Do you want to stop me?"

Ma Le approves! Who said I did n’t want to, I thought terribly!

The fat man sits upright again before playing the computer, and he doesn't believe it. There will be only one way to play this battle!

On the virtual keyboard, the fat man's fingers are flying.

Fang Xiang felt the pressure almost immediately. After all, the fat man did not choose to sacrifice part of the fleet. His fleet, while evading, seized and created all opportunities, frantically biting the defense line of four aircraft carriers. The base's defense system was also mobilized, desperately resisting the attack of the Fangxiang fleet.

Fang Xiang saw the fat man's choice.

She didn't understand her mood at the moment, whether she was disappointed or fortunate that Salgar Longbow Fleet followed him.

The commander who can't be brave enough to abandon the child without killing decisively. How far can he go in this war?

Two minutes later, one aircraft carrier was destroyed, followed by another one. The Red Army fleet is desperately attacking.

Five minutes later, the Blue Fleet finally broke through the air defense line and sent the army. Fang Xiang saw the face of Fat Tieqing.

Eight minutes later, when the Blues landed on the ground, Fang Xiang suddenly discovered that the fierce battle between the Red Army and the defenders with the system deployed in the ground city had come to an end.

Why is he so fast?

In shock, Fang Xiang immediately launched an attack on the Red Army without hesitation.

Fifteen minutes later, the Blue Army Space Fleet was annihilated by the Red Army Fleet, and the airport fell into the hands of the Red Army again.

Twenty minutes later, an armored regiment of the Red Army occupied the target area. At the end of the deduction confrontation, the Red Army and the Blue Army's contention in the city is in a state of fierce heat. The Blue Army's deadly attack, and the Red Army will use all means to delay the battle to save strength ...

The deduction program stopped abruptly after a white light of the virtual screen flashed. Immediately after that, the data on both sides appeared on the screen.

In the deduction room, there was no sound. Everyone is in a daze.

Cecilia rubbed her eyes desperately, the staff looked at each other and straightened their eyes, no one expected that deducing Fang Xiang, who had a seven-star rating, would be defeated so completely.

"Residual strength of the Blue Army, 15%. Remnant strength of the Red Army, 73%. The Red Army's goal was achieved. The Red side wins."

This concise result flashes continuously on the virtual screen. Below the results are dense data.

If the result is just dazed, then these data are enough to make people crazy.

The first is the time it takes for this simulation to develop the confrontation, from start to finish, totaling 45 minutes. This time was actually five minutes ahead of the minimum time set by the system.

If someone still does not understand what the problem is explained by this time, then, as long as the combat effectiveness of the two sides is compared, even the idiot understands what happened.

The system shows the Red Army's combat power of 770 and the Blue Army's combat power of 320.

The meaning of this data is simple. This means that Fang Xiang, who can control sixty-nine combat conditions at the same time, has integrated combat effectiveness from the aspects of troop configuration, combat command, and tactical use, which is only half of the fat!

How many stars is that fat guy's deduction level?

No one thinks that the strange symbols of fat people are just graffiti.

Deducing the data displayed on the computer and the meaning behind these data shocked everyone in the scalp.

If you directly show the results to other uninformed people, everyone will think that this is the result of a confrontation between a rookie and a master.

The data can't fool people, but the seven-star deductions are all rookies, so what are the Samsung four-star staff present?

"Is this fat man really a human?" Cecilia's eyes were rubbed red, and the data on the screen was not changed. She was straight-hearted and spoke the voice of everyone.

However, when everyone looked at the fat man in surprise and awe, they found that the fat man who won the confrontation victory sat quietly in front of the computer and stared at the virtual screen. It seemed that the victory of this confrontation had nothing to do with him.

"I believe the results of your deduction." Fang Xiang gently pushed the table, slid the chair, stood up, and walked to the fat man. The slim body leaned lightly on the back of the fat man's chair: "This is my first time, and I have lost so much persuasion."

The fat man stared at her staring blankly.

"I have to admit that I never dreamed that you could use 23% of the troops to resolve the attack that I had died together." Fang Xiang brushed his hair and stared at the fat man's eyes: "How did you do it?" Arrived? "

"Does it make sense?" The fat man's eyes are still indifferent and muttered: "This is just a personal simulation confrontation. You alone can make me lose 27% of the troops. If it is in reality, How much will I lose when encountering an enemy with a complete staff system? "

"You think too much." Fang Xiang put his hand on the fat man's shoulder and said softly: "This is war, isn't it? There is always sacrifice in war. The means of war is killing. If someone wants Desperate with you, the only thing you can do is defeat him. There will always be losses, as long as it can be controlled within acceptable limits, it is victory. There is no undead war in the world. "

"I lost 27% in one battle!" The fat man shuddered with flesh on his face. "In the second battle, I can only fight with three-quarters of the troops. Fifty. In the third battle, I will wipe out the whole army! "

"Although there are a lot of lunatics." Fang Xiang said: "But, you may not be able to meet it. If it is in reality, I can't fight you like this. After finding that you can't destroy your fleet, I retreated. . "

"What if it hits me?" The fat man desperately drilled the tip of the horn.

Fang Xiang smiled and said, "You can run."

"What if you can't run away, or you have to fight?" The fat man bored his horns tirelessly.

"Okay ..." Fang Xiang was asked by the fat man with big head and stretched out two fingers: "First, you have to be strong enough. This time is a one-to-one battle, you can turn it into two-to-one , Three to one or even ten to one! Second ... "

"What is the second?" The fat man asked eagerly.

"You need to have a superb command art that overrides all opponents. Use tactics and tactics to make up for the lack of strength." Fang Xiang said: "This is not impossible, although I don't know how you do it. At least, from In terms of your deduction ability, you already have the foundation to become a great military strategist. I believe that in terms of personal deduction ability, even Sauber and Hastings are not necessarily stronger than you. Although In real wars, deductions are only part of military decision-making, and are usually collectively completed by the General Staff. However, having superior deduction capabilities also means more accurate judgment and more comprehensive command. "

"Hastings ... Sauber ..." The fat man murmured the two names gently.

The war is far from over, and no one knows what kind of enemies he will meet on the road to revive Lerei.

Fang Xiang is right, the most important thing now is to enhance the strength and ability of the bandits! Otherwise, in front of the powerful Siyo and those madmen, the bandit army would be easily crushed.

"How is it?" Fang Xiang looked at the time: "Is the implementation plan?"

The fat man came back, looked at Fang Xiang, and said seriously: "Although you agreed to the combat plan ... However, I still understand your good intentions. I know that you are reminding me that the bandit army can not stand Any loss. In case the commander of that convoy is a lunatic, we will suffer. So, I decided ...

Fang Xiang looked at the fat man with relief. The fat man's words made her feel that this time the confrontation, although she lost, but her gain was far more abundant than winning the confrontation.

"..... Let's go and have a look." The fat man with confusion and logical preface blinked. It seems to be surprised at Fang Xiang's expression.

"The location of the attack is very close to the Mars Freeway, but we can fight, we can run! Bandit, we need to grow." The fat man came to the final conclusion. Then, watching Fang Xiangchao leave the studio with a stunned face, and smacked his mouth.

Gee, this sister is very swaying as she walks on high heels.

Ten minutes later, when the fat man walked through the long metal corridor of the port hall and appeared on the pier, Fang Xiang, Karl, and Markwich were already waiting at the entrance pedal of the battleship [Holy Sword].

The fat man raised his head, outside the port ’s transparent opening and closing dome portholes, another black and magnificent battleship [Holy Light], cruiser [Magic Cube], [Magic], [Magic Scorpion], [Magic King], [Magic], [Magic The Dao, as well as the bandit fleet including 22 armed soldiers of the [Bugman] class and four electronic ships, have been suspended high in the outer space of the port.

The earthy yellow planet surrounded by the satellite on the base obscures most of the sky. The stellar light makes this planet like a mottled jade disk, plus a white misty meteorite belt, it is dreamlike. Twenty-nine battleships, waiting quietly in this yellowish sphere of light, the ship turned to the propeller and sprayed a faint blue streamer, like the numerous blue floating tadpoles gathered.

The fat man entered the battleship. The heavy door closed slowly. The tattered external armor was expanded through the tracks all over the battleship shell to wrap up the entire battleship.

As the battleship slowly drifted into space, the fat man's voice rang in the broadcast of all battleships.

"I'll tell everyone what we're going to do." The fat man twitched Erlang leisurely and took an apple while nibbling to announce the pre-war mobilization: "This time, our task is to find the Sus fleet. Follow up and beat them. , Just grab something and run. How to make them depressed, how do we do it. It's time to let these hybrids pay the price. "

The fat man's words drew laughter. Especially the crew members who were pirates and mercenaries were even more excited. The words of this fat sergeant who would rather take advantage of the fat and try to take advantage of it are really popular.

"I don't like to classify our actions as revenge." Fatty said: "Revenge is always passive. We should take a right attitude and take the initiative to bully our enemies in the most vicious way we can imagine. Time and time again, tossing and turning, until they die and live in a mental breakdown. "

"I specifically allow you to release every dark and vicious part of your soul. You can spit on your enemy's face and blow your nose ... Nothing to worry about, this is an endless war. I'm not a moral model, too. "The fat man whistled," Follow me, this is a vent. "

In the cheers and strange calls of the bandits and soldiers, the fleet began to accelerate.



. Amitabha, the poor monk has been practicing 5,000 Dafa for three days. It ’s not easy to listen to the monthly tickets that change patterns every day.


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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