Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 503: Fatty shot!

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The main hall of the SEG Convention and Exhibition Center is a square box. On all sides, are stands. On the top of the stand, close to the fighting field, connected by dozens of channels and retractable mechanical arms is the box.

When the fat man leaped from the box, at least one hundred thousand spectators saw it.

Jump from the box to the grandstand, and then jump from the grandstand to the playing field. The drop of more than ten meters was regarded by him as nothing, and the audience opened their mouths one by one, stunned.

Is this fat ball made of meat or rubber? !

The fat figure, under the eyes of everyone, rushed into the huge waiting area like a lightning star. During the incredible high-speed sprint that completely deviated from the aerodynamics, a sound was heard throughout the main building.

The fat man jumped and jumped with joy: "Catch the live, grab the live!"

"Grab it ?!" An Meng's pupil contracted suddenly when he heard this voice, his eyes like needles, sharp and fierce ...

Two years ago, Utrecht Ammon was a sergeant in the Royal Army of the Binalt Empire. A mecha has a hand speed of more than thirty-eight movements per second, and the promising armor is long.

An Meng had never attended a military academy, nor had a distinguished family background. In the small town where he was born, his parents and grandparents lived so plain and tasteless-guarding the automated farm, he also went down to inspect soil crops, raised some livestock, usually had some wine, played cards East and west short talk. The waves are not alarming for a lifetime.

In this interstellar age, not everyone lives in the starry sky. Not everyone can live in the city, live in a space city soaring into the sky, drive the latest flying cars and mechas, go into high-end restaurants, nightclubs, or go hunting, racing, or travel in the stars .

Since childhood, Anmeng has longed for the starry sky and the mecha. He always believed that that was the dream he should pursue.

Although there are farming mechas on the farm, compared with the beautiful mechas in the picture album, the old mechas in the warehouse painted with green paint and old and slow in rusting are simply rubbish. All it can do is work. It can neither complete a 270 degree swing leg swing nor perform three-stage acceleration.

An Meng didn't want to spend his life in that twilight town like his parents. Not only did he not want it, almost every child in the town did not want to.

However, few people can really walk out of the town and live a life they dream of.

The residents of the town are all Axes. In the Binalt empire, the Axe tribe, although it has a higher status than the lower Ken nationalities, is also limited. In the eyes of the higher ethnic groups such as the Weibo, the Kentai people should stay in the dilapidated ghetto, and the Aksai people should also stay in their rural farm towns and live a civilian life.

Except for a small number of geniuses, the children who are educated in the Axe school, few people can cross the national high-voltage line and stand out. The Binalt Empire has a fairly strict racial policy. Whether it is law or social tradition, they will not allow a lower class to enter the mainstream society, nor will they allow a nation like Axe to become an upper class society. A member.

The only way out for the Aksai who want to be an exception to enter the upper class is to be a soldier. Promoted to be an officer above the school level in the army. Based on this, climb up step by step!

An Meng is undoubtedly lucky. His excellent talent in mecha control has enabled him to break away from the ranks of ordinary soldiers and become a grassroots officer during his first year in the army. Six months later, he was promoted from squad leader to platoon leader.

In Binalt ’s military system, Anmeng ’s promotion rate can be described as amazing.

This is due to his talent. When he knew that the Aksai recruit had been in contact with the mech for only one year, his hand speed exceeded 35 movements per second, and when he was promoted to the sixth-level mech warrior, the military special The training department has already approached him. His training will be put on the schedule of the special training department. It can be seen by the special training department, which is equivalent to flying yellow Tengda! In the army where An Meng is, he is the darling in the eyes of his boss and the genius in the eyes of his companions.

Originally, everything was so beautiful, but when January 5, 2063 arrived, everything was ruined. In a training accident that day, An Meng lost his three fingers of his right hand.

For a fighter, this is a fatal blow! For an Axe who has seen the beautiful and clear picture of the future, it is even more like a crack. When An Meng was still lying on the hospital bed and had already received an indifferent decision from the Special Training Department, he was desperate about his life.

If it were n’t for the secret research institute directly under Sauber and with more terrifying rights than the Royal Guard, a colonel with a serious look was sent to An Meng with a blank form. I ’m afraid that in his life, he would only I can spend the rest of my life in that remote town.

An Meng did not waste opportunities.

He firmly believed that this was God, and after closing a bright door, he opened a window for him. He will not let this opportunity pass, regardless of the tens of thousands of choices, he will make the same decision without hesitation.

After filling in the form and signing, An Meng was sent to the secret experiment base.

The base located in the mountains on the southern outskirts of Sidon, the capital of Binalt Empire, is very large, hundreds of meters deep underground, and this base cannot be found on the list of military bases in Binalt Empire. Even the military department and the royal family, few people know the existence of this base. Here is also the cradle of the ruling legion.

Binart ’s experiments on human transformation have been conducted in secret for many years. Now, it is time to produce results. Although it is not perfect yet, in the current war situation, the formation of combat power one day earlier will give the Fiji League an advantage. Therefore, the base is almost continuously rotating around the clock.

Here, An Meng saw countless pilots from different places with different accents being sent in. They, like themselves, have lost control ability and are here undergoing transformation experiments.

There are great risks in the transformation. Until the transformation was completed, An Meng did not know that he was circling in the ghost gate while lying on the operating bed. The selection rate of 1 in 100,000, and the elimination rate of up to 75% means that if he is not lucky enough, he will be like a countless number of experimenters, becoming a cold and not in the morgue The complete body!

Only a few people crossed the gate. Without exception, they all became a monster with a metal head.

In An Meng's view, this metal head is the greatest masterpiece of human history. It combines the human brain and mechanical electronics. All commands issued by the brain will be translated into special signals and connected to the mecha computer through the microcomputer in the metal head. All actions of Mech are directly directed by the brain!

The damage of the previous brain-controlled command system to the brain has been eliminated due to changes in the brain. In a sense, this metal head is a biological computer.

When An Meng got on the mecha control training device for the first time, he found out that what he ran through was not a ghost gate, but a dragon gate! The weathering dragon, the thirty-five moving hand speed, is no longer something to be proud of. What he needs to do now is like a child who has begun to learn to master his body-a mecha that weighs tens of tons, has already Became a part of his body!

From the initial discomfort, to gradually being able to control, and then to lightning-like improvement, two weeks later, according to the previous hand speed control standard to measure, the actions that Anmeng can drive the mecha can already exceed 70 per second Actions that can be done with hands-on speed! He still remembers that when he saw the data on the simulation training machine, he was almost crazy at the time!

The power returned to him again. His life was finally far away from that town, the muddy farm, the smelly pasture, the deserted town, the dead people.

Except that the skull is made of metal, An Meng doesn't feel any different from others.

When he put on a hat that covered the metal part of his head tightly, wearing a black and white uniform with a stand collar, as a newly formed adjudication legionnaire, he enjoyed all the privileges and enjoys the rank of an officer with a higher rank than him. In obedience and awe, he felt that his appearance was so insignificant compared to the power he gained.

Coming to Mars is part of the ultimate test of the adjudicating legion.

As the first batch of successful pilots to complete the transformation, An Meng's mission is to complete various tests as a test product in actual combat. It is not a **** to transform a pilot. As a product of science and technology, there must be one or another weakness. This needs to be discovered in actual combat, and actual combat effectiveness also needs to be assessed in actual combat. The five free ports known as the mecca for fighting mech are the best places to test.

The original task of An Meng was to come here, and under the arrangement of Tai Liu, challenge the leaders here, God of War, one by one. However, when he was still sailing in the stars, the situation in the entire Mars had already changed dramatically. The arrival of the Feiyang people completely defeated Anmeng's original plan.

After receiving new orders from the Legion, An Meng was not nervous or frightened at all.

Killed the leadership of the Martial Front of the Fiji Alliance to cooperate with the attack of the Sousse Fleet. Such instructions are exciting for An Meng. This means that after the success of the operation, he won not only test results, but also military achievements!

He didn't take those so-called civil fighters into consideration ... defeating Nakagawa Dahui, he only spent two or three minutes. Originally, there was such a good opportunity in the ring game, he also wanted to do the test by the way, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of playing with the top masters of Mars. Unexpectedly, several famous top masters on the list were killed by several unknown fighters. Killed in one fell swoop. As one of the target characters, the Feiyang female general, so prepared to leave early!

He can only attack in advance.

Now, the generation [hidden] that he hides under the shell of [Dynamo] has stepped on the destroyed Feiyang military mecha, and has risen into the sky. Box No. 1 is close at hand!

The purple figure pulled out a phantom in the air, the hard and heavy mecha iron fist, with the might of Taishan pressing the top, went straight to the box terrace.

Under the fist is Carolina, who is behind him and is about to leave ...

"Catch it alive!" ............ An Meng sneered, he wanted the fat man to pay for his words. No one can stop him in this stadium.

All the audience have been shocked. The sudden change made them even unable to recover. Seeing the wind stirred up by this punch, Zhang Pengcheng's hair had been turbulent, and suddenly, a cyan light and shadow flashed. Just listen to "Boom!" The nearest Kozmo hit the purple mecha on the occasion of a desperate attack.

The fist of the purple mech deviated from the track and hit the other end of the box terrace. The first box lifted by the telescopic mechanical arm suddenly shaken violently. A large hole has been broken in the car wall, and only half of the terrace is left. Various debris residues rain down on the grandstand. People in the box turned their horses upside down and jumped in the stands.

An Meng didn't expect the cyan mecha to come so fast, and he was bound to get a blow.

Floating in the control cabin inside the mech with a standing posture, An Meng was covered with warm nutrient solution all over his body, and the eyes covered by the black holographic glasses of the controller suddenly widened. The breathing tube covering the mouth and nose made a violent gasp. The crooked purple mech stood up in the air, a five-level stagnation turned, flashed to the side of [Ranger], and his legs were kicked out.

If you did n’t know that this mech was trying to attack General Feiyang, it was too horrifying. If you did n’t cover your mouth, there were a few people in the stands who knew how to do it.

Level 5 moves are nothing in Mars Freeport. It is difficult for ordinary people, and it is simply commonplace for fighters above Mecha Knights. On the ground, they can make thousands of samples without weight! Moreover, the same mecha movements are controlled by the techniques of various genres, which can make thousands of different flavors. If the posture is beautiful and the movement is accurate, this "stagnation" of the purple mech is not very beautiful.

However, there is a difference between the two.

Generally, a five-level fixed-aircraft fighter makes a stagnation turn, no matter which genre technique is used, the mecha is ejected and jumped. After reaching the apex, it is made without interference, and the purple mecha The stagnation and turning, after being vacated to the highest point and hit by the shoulder of [Ranger], was made in the falling stage!

Just like a figure skater, he is ready to take off, do a two-week jump, and be knocked away in the air, not waiting to land, and still forcibly stand up for a two-week jump. The difficulty is quite different! The former is just an ordinary difficulty action in figure skating, while the latter is almost unbelievable!

And from being hit by [Ranger] to standing up in the air and turning around in the air, the five-level difficulty set, the purple mech has no slight jerky, and the whole movement is as smooth and natural as the clouds of the peers. Only this one action has made everyone present hold their breath ......... Mars has so many commanding God of War, how many can do this? !

Where did this Tailiu craftsman come from? !

This idea was just crossed from the brain, and I saw the chubby body driven by Kozmo's chubby body. In the air, it turned into a swallow like a swallow, turning around in a flash, completely violating the traverse of physics. , Avoiding the attack of the purple [Qingdian], and immediately flicking his legs in a chain, showing his teeth in return.

At this moment, everyone could not hold back anymore. In the Mecha Room, there was a burst of loud applause.

what? !

Unexpectedly, An Meng, who was able to make the same action with his opponent, was horrified, and the mecha hurriedly blocked Kozmo's attack, falling back to the ground. After staggering a few steps, he finally stood firm.

He hadn't waited for him to come back. In the first cry, the cyan [Ranger] landed on the ground, and it had been shot in front of him. An Meng gritted his teeth to meet, and in the blink of an eye, the two sides had fought and fought, huddled together. Immediately afterwards, two blue shadows flashed, and Baz and Longtai also joined the battle group one after another.

In the box, generals such as Zhang Pengcheng and Carolina climbed up from the ground. Under the box, four mechas with three greens and one purple are fighting in desperate fights. In addition to the swaying shadows, the audience can only hear the stormy fighting sound. More than a dozen Feiyang nine generations of military forces swarming around [Sky Penalty] couldn't even insert their hands.

"Dang!" The forearms of the two mechs collided, and a sharp gold-iron symphony sounded. [Qindian] turned the arms down and pushed the body in a tumbling motion in the air, kicking the right leg silently, straight The mecha cockpit of Ben Baz. An Meng is full of killing heart. He wants to kill these three cyan mechas at the fastest speed. This leg is fast and poisonous.

Buzz flicked his hands together in a hurry, and kicked off the lightning-struck legs of [Dynamo]. After the armor stepped back a few steps in a row, he suddenly fell short and hurriedly, with a hook, a monkey stole the peach .

Baz was naturally cunning, and he learned the shameless tricks of the fat man. Among the bandit students, his performance has always been the top. At this moment, he is playing well, and one move is shot, which immediately scared An Meng.

It was completely unexpected that the opponent's pilot would take this kind of move and was forced to jump up. Just after evading Baz's attack, I heard a scream behind me ...

[Qindian] Flipped over in the air, shot like a power, grabbed one of the more than ten phantoms that Kozmo pulled behind him, and only listened to a harsh metal friction, Kozmo ’s phantom flashed twice Being forced out of shape.

As soon as An Meng's body was shown, he wanted to take advantage of the victory, but Kozmo had already been prepared. When the body was exposed, An Meng kicked and fled to avoid his body. In a blink of an eye, it was far away. Before An Meng landed, he heard another shriek behind him .........

An Meng, who was extremely depressed, gave up the attack on Kozmo, who was extremely fast, and turned to meet the unmatched offensive Longtai.

Long Tai's tough and fierce play is a stormy attack. The almost desperate trick forced An Meng to face his existence. The two mechs beat fast, the audience can only see the figure shaking, they can only hear the metal impact of the mech fighting, exploding like firecrackers, and for a time, it was dizzying. No one knows how many punches the two sides made at this moment!

Before the gold-iron symphony disappeared in the ears, the audience saw that Buzz had sneaked around behind [Qindian], and not far away, Kozmo was attracting [Qindian] in front of him. Attention, fake attacks from time to time, always let [Qindian] be cautiously guarded against Longtai.

The audience in the stands was shocked. I didn't notice it at all. On the other side of the waiting area, a fat figure had scrambled into the mech that the infantry let out.

"Catch it!" The fat man hurriedly drilled into the mech cockpit while rushing to the communicator pinned to the neckline. "Baz, what the **** are you doing, don't kill me!"

At the moment when I saw the mech bent on the ground and was about to attack Box No. 1, an aura of light crossed my mind, and the fat man suddenly remembered why the mech would feel familiar!

That's the twelfth-generation Meynart mecha from the video I saw in the Supreme Command!

Although the outer shell was changed, the details of the mecha, especially when it bent its knees, the calf had a slightly curved characteristic. The fat man was particularly impressed. At this time, he immediately recognized it!

This kind of mech has extremely important meanings for Le Lei, Fiji League, and the whole war. He must not let this mech hurt Zhang Pengcheng at this time, let alone leave him!

Catch him alive and throw it into the laboratory for anatomical analysis ... This idea filled the fat man's entire mind. The flesh on his fat face was twitching, and his eyes were green.

Mech, started quickly.

An Meng found that he was a little bit overwhelmed.

If it is one-on-one, he believes that he can easily defeat any of these three mechas. If he was surrounded by the military [the punishment] of the Republic of Feiyang, he could also kill a way, and even take advantage of the chaos to kill the target and leave calmly. As soon as he left the main hall, he could disappear into the cobweb-filled streets of the city.

However, it was these three **** fat mechas that surrounded him.

The play of these three guys is getting more and more profane ..... one by one, they are all retreat at the touch of a touch, they are sloppy and sloppy. Especially the sergeant named Buzz, the tricks were all yin and poisonous, slippery than loach. The seemingly fierce and fierce Long Tai is actually a bastard. He seized the opportunity and rushed up desperately. Once he suppressed him, he immediately ran away.

An minute and a second passed, and An Meng was irritated and became more and more anxious.

When four mechs were twisted into a group, suddenly, the [Ranger] driven by the fat man, like a rhino, rushed directly into the battle group.

The audience, their eyes widened. I was afraid to miss this once-in-a-lifetime splendid scene. The leader of the bandit army, the Lelei fat man who once picked nine major schools, finally shot himself!

Seeing the straight line of this [Ranger] progressing so fast, many audiences couldn't help but admire it.


The voice has not fallen, only a loud noise ...

Time, frozen.

I saw the blue [Ranger] in the middle of the waiting area, and was punched through the belly by [Qingdian] .... The flash of the electric flower, the mech, crashed down in an extremely tragic posture.

Margaret, Carolina, Zhang Pengcheng, Officer Feiyang, Officer Chuckner, countless ancestors, hundreds of thousands of spectators, all opened their mouths, and their minds were blank.

"Great ..."

This voice echoed in the Mecha Room.




. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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