Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 722: Sickness and death

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Quietly in the room.

A nurse carefully closed the bedroom door and hurried to the doctors in the living room with the medical tray, whispering something. The generals sitting at the other end of the living room stood up and stared anxiously at the nurse who had walked out of the bedroom. He didn't look at each other until he saw the nurse turn around and walked into the bedroom again.

At the temporary desk, several gray-haired experts were whispering. Several light films passed back and forth between them. Judging from their frowning frowns and the speed of their speeches, the situation is clearly not optimistic.

The door was opened by the guards, and President Chuckner Hill hurried into the room and went straight to Li Cunxin standing in front of the window. The bodyguards behind him, assistants, and senior consultants all left the door automatically. The aisle was already overcrowded. Dozens of senior Chakner officers and senior government officials whispered in twos and threes, worried.

This is Hastings' residence in Hanking. The old man over seventy years later suddenly faced with sweat on his face like white paper, and after a severe cough and spitting out a small amount of blood, he briefly fainted.

This scene suddenly terrified the people next to it. Fortunately, Hastings was working with Li Cunxin and others in his office to study confidential matters. Not many people witnessed his illness. Li Cunxin and Hill immediately issued a password to control the news. Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire Fiji League will fall into turmoil.

Although many people know Hastings's condition, they also know that that day will eventually come. However, as long as it is not that day, everyone is reluctant to think about it. For everyone in the Fiji League, Hastings is the pillar of the Fiji League building, and even those politicians who try to oust him and let others replace him cannot deny this.

No one dares to imagine what the Fiji League will become after Hastings leaves.

If possible, everyone in Fei Meng hopes that he will live and live to the end of the world. Even if he can't talk in bed, his breathing sound will also make people feel at ease.

"How's the situation?" Hill waved his hands to the saluting generals, walked to Li Cunxin, and asked softly.

Old Field Marshal Li Cunxin shook his head, and some turbid eyes stared out the window, white hair, deep wrinkles, and a languorous spirit, which made him seem to be much older at once.

Hill sighed and turned his eyes to the still closed bedroom door.

Since Hastings arrived in Chuckner, the Presidential Palace has designated more than a dozen of Chuckner ’s top medical, nutrition, health care, rehabilitation and other experts, and together with Feiyang ’s medical team, constantly monitor Hastings' condition.

Hastings' disease has no hope of recovery. All you can do is to extend his life as much as possible. Get a little more time.

However, after all, manpower is hard to beat the sky, and Hastings' physical condition continues to weaken. Up to now, the symptoms of coma and vomiting blood have appeared, which means that his condition has entered an irreversible and uncontrollable stage. All the treatment is just talking about the personnel, how long you can live, just destiny!

Hill stood beside Li Cunxin, looked at the dark clouds outside the window, and gave a long sigh.

The Southeastern Battlefield is the most critical moment, and the Fiji League, which is struggling both internally and externally, is also at the initial stage of change.

Although with the support of Hastings, a bandit-centric alliance has taken shape. However, if he falls at this moment, everything will fail.

Inside, those who have been eyeing the bandits for a long time will pounce on without hesitation, use all means to divide and tear this new alliance. The Fiji League will return to the previous track, or it will fall apart and become worse. Outside, there was a threat of attack by West Covenant, which nailed the defeated tombstone of the Fei Meng, who was already in the disadvantage.

Hastings's purpose was never to split the Fiji League.

He just wanted this huge beast, with a new skeleton, to stand up and fight on his own. A split Filipino alliance is absolutely impossible to be a rival of the West Atlantic Treaty Organization. This huge and old rigid alliance must be reborn in the flames of war. And the most blazing flame is burning in the southeast star field!

However, there was not much time left for him.

The city outside the window was still full of joy. The celebrating fireworks bloom one by one in the air. The entire Chuckner was caught in a carnival of victory.

This is the happiest moment for Hanjing in the two years since the war.

The bitter hatred of the invaders at this moment has turned into full pride and pride. Countless Chuckner fighters are running on their own land, firing, charging, lying down, climbing up and running forward. Mechas flew past them, and the dark green metallic light was overwhelming!

In front of them, the enemy is falling. One by one, one by one.

The battle report ahead is still coming.

The Chakner government and the military have stubbornly tried to let the power of the bomb sweep the universe. In the past few days, media reports on the war situation of the Resk Galaxy have occupied all the news time. The emotions of the people have already reached a peak. Every planet, every city, every street, there are excited people marching.

But where do they know that Fiji is experiencing an unprecedented crisis.

"His President, Marshal," a doctor walked quickly to Hill and Li Cunxin, and said softly, "You can go in."

"How is His Excellency Hastings?" Hill asked in a low voice.

"Temporarily stabilized, but ..." The doctor was worried, "Hesterin Hastings' condition is in advanced stages. We can't make any changes to the condition except for some conservative treatment. How long can we persist , It ’s up to Lord Hastings himself. "

Although the doctor's words were already expected, Hill and Li Cunxin couldn't help feeling a melancholy.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the bedroom.

Pushing the door open, Hastings lay quietly on the large, soft bed. Several monitoring instruments cast a sensor light spot on his hand, recording data such as his breathing and heartbeat. An oxygen generator worked silently, and oxygen was sent into his body through the nasal tube.

After leaving the wheelchair and not wearing a uniform, the old man's body appeared so thin on the wide bed. His legs shrank a little, and he looked like a child.

Only by looking at his face, his eyes, knows that this is the **** of war of the Feimeng.

Neither war nor disease can defeat him before he dies. His eyes were still deep and bright when he looked at Hill and Li Cunxin.

"I think it's time for our next plan," watching the medical staff leave the bedroom and carefully close the door, Hastings smirked at Hill and Li Cunxin: "That guy did a good job, I thought We need to wait for a while, but he did n’t expect him to make such a big noise in Lei Fengxing with two divisions! "

Hill and Li Cunxin walked to the bed and sat down on the velvet cushioned high chair.

After a few words, Hastings breathed a little. He closed his eyes, rested for a while, then said lightly: "Send Lei Fengxing a message, let him and Margaret come back."

Quiet bedroom with soft and quiet lighting



"Illness?" The fat man just felt his brain bang, blank. In the communicator, Margaret's trembling voice made him suddenly confused.

He stopped the mech. The broken logic is like a rock in the flood in the mighty queue of mechas. The black, cyan, and dark green mechas separated from behind him and merged again in front of him.

The artillery fire in front of it sounded a bit unreal.

"Bonnie." The fat man screamed indifferently.

"I'm here!" In the command channel, Bonnie's soft voice seemed worried.

"I'll leave it to you here! Then hit them, and they will be exhausted!" The fat man pulled the joystick and turned around, clenching his teeth, and the logic rose like a rocket.



"Slap!" A folded newspaper was thrown on the smooth work of Limu Office with a crunch. Barbara's face was as thick as water, turning a large leather swivel chair, looking back out the window.

The sunset in the distance of the city is gradually hiding behind the row of tall buildings, the light is gradually dimmed, and only a touch of golden light is still attached to the window sill.

Barbara's eyes narrowed.

For a long time, her face turned upside down and became faint as the afterglow of the windowsill faded away. The shadow, slowly stroking her elegant neck, delicate collarbone, and tall rounded breasts, all the way down, gradually enveloping her.

In the extravagantly decorated room, the light is already uncomfortably dark, but none of the few people standing in front of the desk dare to turn on the light.

Six men and three women, including two twin sisters, are the most central members of Barbara's forces. They have been following Barbara for a long time, and they understand what it would be like to make a noise at this time and wait for their own. The rigorous training they have received has made them accustomed to this kind of waiting.

Everyone is like a stone sculpture in a secret room.

Perhaps the only thing that can move is their eyes. At this moment, everyone is looking at the desk in front of him. Under the striking headline of the first headline of the folded "Sunshine News", a fat man in a blue uniform with pure eyes is careless. Laughing.

"Lei Feng Star Victory! ! ! 》

This is a simple title. However, for the people of this era, the word "Dai Jie" plus the three exclamation marks at the back is enough for them to rush to the vending machine and **** the newspaper inside.

The whole city ... No, the whole universe is talking about Lei Fengxing and the bandits. As long as you listen to your ears, you can hear the cheers that never end.

This cheering sounded like a crisp slap in the face of everyone in this office, crackling!

Just over twenty hours ago, Barbara blocked the news that the bandit army killed O'Brien.

She understands what public opinion means to the Li Fo Legion in such a critical period. This news is too shocking. If you let it spread in Feiyang, no one knows what will happen. Until the plan she personally leads is completed, she will never allow her advantage to become the enemy's advantage.

More importantly, she did n’t want to see the impeachment of Hastings ’motion on the Supreme Council of the Union without a rash, one after another!

It must be that this is a successful blockade. At the same time, Feiyang ’s chairman and editor-in-chief of thousands of major media boards accepted the appointments of the most prominent local people.

There are parliamentarians, leaders of chambers of commerce, chairmen of chaebols, high-ranking government officials, military leaders.... Among these affable giants, media bosses or employees get what they want or do not want, and some receive When it comes to friendship, some have received checks, and some have received threats or a bullet.

Whatever they received, most of them chose silence.

The few media reports were also drowned in the wonderful speech of the presidential candidate when he visited the University of Heidfield and the victory news of the Li Fo Legion.

It is conceivable that when other countries were shocked and cheered for the killing of O'Brien by bandits, how confused and embarrassed they were to raise the public. Even though they obtained relevant information from the Internet, the collective loss of voice in the media gave them a feeling that the climax had just appeared but was swallowed by the suffocating air.

This is a war. From the beginning of the war to the completion of the blockade, Barbara took less than four hours. This moment is too critical. She would rather be in danger of being targeted by the president ’s office than to threaten her plan in any way. She knows better than everyone, the news of Lei Fengxing's victory, the focus is not the bandits, but Hastings!

This warlord who has controlled the Fiji League for thirty years has too much power. Even if you suppress him with only one breath, perhaps only one message is needed, and the people who believe in him and worship him for decades will make him stand up. And those swaying politicians, military generals or interest groups will instinctively choose to wait and see or even take refuge instead of risking him.

Moreover, Hastings has never been defeated. The victory of the Lifo Legion is only a superficial phenomenon. How dangerous the choppy waves in the dark are, only Barbara in it knows!

She doesn't want to give her opponent a chance!

Unfortunately, just when she thought everything was under control, things were out of control.

Less than a day before the news of the Chakner Military Forces annihilating the Dragon Rider Fleet and killing O'Brien, they released the war situation report again and detonated a larger nuclear bomb.

"Beliff's northern cluster collapsed across the board, Lei Fengxing's army was chasing after the victory, the southeast victory, and three hundred judges were slaughtered!"

This horrible news quickly spread to the entire Fiji League, and its shock waves swept across the Quartet, exploding her elaborate blockade.

Barbara was stunned. From the moment she got the news, she knew that no one could control the news.

The fact is as she expected. The Propaganda Office of the President ’s Office, which was already aware of the O'Brien incident, chose to announce the news as soon as possible. Several media outlets with close ties to the government have exhausted reports that quickly ignited the entire Feiyan Republic.

The media that quoted the classics and questioned the record of the bandits annihilating the dragon cavalry fleet was dumb. Those media who had heard the greetings regretted it, and even the people who came out to greet them also dived into the water and kept their words!

At this time, everyone understands that continuing to block the news will not only be against the president's office, but will even set fire to the body.

"This is something you can't control, don't blame us!"

Based on this most realistic idea, the media quickly joined the report, which Barbara couldn't even say a harsh word about.

This is the power of Hastings! This old man in a wheelchair does not need to intimidate or lure, and does not even need to defend himself, he can let the sky fall to him!

Moreover, this time, the record of the bandits annihilating the three hundred adjudicators is really dazzling! In the contrast of the ten arbiters in the battlefield of the Republic of Laine leading the entire battle and even almost making the Republic of Laine unable to turn over, this record is a miracle. The information contained therein is even more complicated!

Anyone with a normal IQ should understand how cautious it is against the bandits!

The sunset has completely fallen into the horizon.

The night came.

In the office, there was still a deathly silence.

Six men and three women stood quietly, rock-solid. However, if you look closely, you will find that these people who have been trained to face the gun with their heads on their faces will not change anymore.

Their eyes, tiny sweat beads on their foreheads, or a slight twitch in the cheek muscles made them look as terribly calm as outside rumors.

The only one who is really calm is the woman sitting in the leather swivel chair.

She was shrouded in darkness, looking like a black widow calmly guarding the cobweb.

"Turn on the TV." Barbara turned her head, staring at the photo in the newspaper, quietly and authentically.

One of the twins launched a giant light-screen TV. The picture formed by the fusion of multicolored light groups is exactly the short message that the presidential candidate interacted with the voters in Drapea. After the short message, it is the current approval rating of several presidential candidates who withdrew from various parties.

It is the middle-aged man who has returned to Feiyang since Chuckner and Barbara. The second one is a candidate for President Francis ’political party. The support rate of these two people accounted for 75% of the total. The remaining three candidates are divided among three, four and five candidates.

No matter from the perspective of external image, academic accomplishment, the degree of support received by the ruling phalanx or personal life, the candidates launched by Barbara have a great advantage.

The light curtain picture is flashing and changing. The three-dimensional virtual image looks so real in the void.

Suddenly, a rapid phone call interrupted the quietness of the office.

Everyone stared at the phone violently. The tense atmosphere made them swallow.

Barbara casually picked up the phone while watching TV.

A moment later, a smile full of black temptation bloomed in the corner of her mouth.

he died!

President Feiyang, Francis.



. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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