Inside the Pure Land,

Ye Cang saw Naruto, who was fighting for his unjust death, and the grievances in his heart were somewhat comforted.

Although I don’t know each other,

Although not a ninja from the same village,

But this Naruto really touched her.

It seems,

Ninjas aren’t all dark either.

After reading Naruto’s speech,

Bofeng Shuimen nodded in satisfaction and said to Jiu Xinnai on the side: “It seems that our little guy still knows right and wrong!” There should be a good teacher! ”

Jiu Xinnai: “Like you, he is kind, warm-hearted, has a strong sense of empathy, and dares to speak up for injustice. What a good boy! ”

At this time,

Videos about Ye Cang continue to be exposed.

[In the forest,


Dirt Hakura appeared in front of the Masaki squad.

“Ye Cang-sensei?”

“Are you… Real trees? I didn’t expect us to meet again in this situation, and your appearance is still the same as before. Ye Cang said in surprise.

At this time,

A girl dressed in mist next to Maki asked worriedly, “Maki, you call her teacher?” ”

“This ninja is a former hero of the village of Sunahide and the master who taught me to become a ninja.” Maki explained, and then asked seriously, “Sensei, why are you fighting?” Now you should be able to act according to your own will, right? ”

Ye Cang replied indifferently: “This still needs to be asked, of course, it is for revenge!” ”


Ye Cang couldn’t help but clench his fists and said angrily: “First he praised me as the hero of the village and blew me into the sky, but finally used me as cannon fodder for the benefit of the village, and the anger and anger in my heart have long been unbearable.” ”

“Although those high-ranking members of the village who used me have long passed away, those guys who killed me in the Wuyin Village are still a thorn in the side!”

“That’s right, I’m fighting to kill the guys in Mist Hidden Village!”

Maki was even more confused, and asked puzzled: “Teacher, didn’t you die in the battle with Iwahide Village?” ”

Ye Cang sneered, “Those are all lies fabricated by the high-level using my death, and I only realized it before I knew that I was about to die.” That day, Lord Kazekage ordered me to go to the village of Mist Hidden as an emissary, and because it was a secret mission, I quietly left the village. ”

The screen turns,

Ye Cang came to the valley surrounded by thick fog.


A misty ninja appeared in front of him and greeted, “Your Excellency Ye Cang, I have come to greet you!” It’s foggy and you need a guide. ”

Ye Cang was defenseless and said, “It’s hard for you, but it’s just a flash, it’s impossible to get lost.” ”

The Mist Ninja scratched his head and said with a smile: “This is also true, please.” ”


As soon as Ye Cang took a step, the Mist Ninja directly stabbed Ye Cang’s back with a bitter stab, and said with a grim face: “Let you also taste the pain experienced by those companions who were mutilated by the Sand Hidden Village!” ”

Ye Cang couldn’t believe it, but his body no longer had the strength to resist.

Immediately after,

Several Mist Ninjas appeared on both sides of the valley, directly throwing out hundreds of rounds of kunai, and severely damaged Ye Cang to the ground.

The Mist Ninja said indifferently: “Don’t misunderstand, the resentment of our village cannot be eliminated at all, and your death is just a little comfort to us!” Those guys who handed you over to Shayin Village must have thought the same way. ”


Ye Cang died with a thick unwilling hatred. 】

After watching this video, the ninja audience had some sympathy for Ye Cang’s death.

As the hero of Shayin Village, he was betrayed and died by the village high-level, and the death was so unclear that he couldn’t stand it on anyone.

And this,

It also allowed everyone to see the true face of Shayin Village and Wuyin Village.


This video shocked everyone not only about Ye Cang’s past

And why did Ye Cang appear in front of apprentice Mashu in the state of rebirth of dirt?

Why do Maki and the girl dressed as the Mist Ninja wear the word “Shinobi” on their heads?

I’m afraid,

Someone took advantage of Leaf Cang’s anger at the Mist Hidden Village and the Sand Hidden High-level to make them start killing the Mist Ninja.

As you can imagine,

The person who can do this kind of thing is most likely Uchiha Obito.


Everyone was once again shocked by the new features of the screen, it turned out that the video it could expose was not just in the past.

[Barrage group group].

[Temari: Father… Did you really do such a thing? It’s too much! 】

[Kankuro: This is so unfair to Senior Ye Cang, even if you tell her the truth and let her choose to die for Sha, it is better than being betrayed by the village! ] 】

【Maki: Hakura sensei!!! 】

[Sand Hidden Audience: Four generations of Wind Shadow adults, tell us that this is not true! ] 】

[Luo Sha: Sorry, that’s the truth of this matter. At that point in time, in order to concentrate on dealing with Yanyin Village, I had to use Ye Cang’s death to calm the anger of Wuyin Village. 】

[Onoki: Four generations of wind shadows, you really do anything for the sake of Shahide! ] I admit that you are a qualified shadow, but not a “perfect” shadow! 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Hmph, Wuyin Village and Sand Hidden Village are not good things! ] In our Yunyin Village, even if we die, it is impossible to betray our companions! 】

[Darui: The boss is mighty! ] 】

[Xi: The boss is domineering! ] 】

[Kirabi: Those who betray others will not end well! Luo Sha, your life is coming to an end! Because Hakura mentioned that the high-level of Sand Hidden has passed away, her target is the Mist Ninja, you should understand the meaning of this sentence, right? Eight grid tooth road, cry a deer! 】

[Samuy: He deserves it! 】

[Kurotsuchi: I said sacrifice, but I didn’t expect to directly lose Ye Cang’s life, which simply doesn’t put the life of our female ninja in my eyes. ] 】


PS: Kneel for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you for your support!!!

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